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+<div class="CHAPTER">
+<h1><a id="SYSTEM-CONFIGURATION" name="SYSTEM-CONFIGURATION"></a>Chapter 4 System
+<div class="TOC">
+<dt><b>Table of Contents</b></dt>
+<dt>4.1 <a href="system-configuration.html#SYSTEM-CONFIGURATION-OVERVIEW">System
+<dt>4.2 <a href="system-configuration-kernel.html">Selecting a Kernel</a></dt>
+<p>Before you can configure the more advanced parts of your system, it's a good idea to
+learn how the system is organized and what commands can be used to search for files and
+programs. It's also good to know if you need to compile a custom kernel and what the
+steps for doing that are. This chapter will familiarize you with system organization and
+configuration files. Then, you can move on to configuring the more advanced parts of the
+<div class="SECT1">
+name="SYSTEM-CONFIGURATION-OVERVIEW">4.1 System Overview</a></h1>
+<p>It's important to understand how a Linux system is put together before diving into the
+various configuration aspects. A Linux system is significantly different from a DOS,
+Windows, or Macintosh system (with the exception of the Unix-based Mac OS X), but these
+sections will help you get acquainted with the layout so that you can easily configure
+your system to meet your needs.</p>
+<div class="SECT2">
+name="SYSTEM-CONFIGURATION-LAYOUT">4.1.1 File System Layout</a></h2>
+<p>The first noticeable difference between Slackware Linux and a DOS or Windows system is
+the filesystem. For starters, we do not use drive letters to denote different partitions.
+Under Linux, there is one main directory. You can relate this to the <tt
+class="DEVICENAME">C:</tt> drive under DOS. Each partition on your system is mounted to a
+directory on the main directory. It's kind of like an ever-expanding hard disk.</p>
+<p>We call the main directory the root directory, and it's denoted with a single slash
+(<tt class="FILENAME">/</tt>). This concept may seem strange, but it actually makes life
+easy for you when you want to add more space. For example, let's say you run out of space
+on the drive that has <tt class="FILENAME">/home</tt> on it. Most people install
+Slackware and make one big root drive. Well, since a partition can be mounted to any
+directory, you can simply go to the store and pick up a new hard drive and mount it to
+<tt class="FILENAME">/home</tt>. You've now grafted on some more space to your system.
+And all without having to move many things around.</p>
+<p>Below, you will find descriptions of the major top level directories under
+<div class="VARIABLELIST">
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">bin</tt></dt>
+<p>Essential user programs are stored here. These represent the bare minimum set of
+programs required for a user to use the system. Things like the shell and the filesystem
+commands (<tt class="COMMAND">ls</tt>, <tt class="COMMAND">cp</tt>, and so on) are stored
+here. The <tt class="FILENAME">/bin</tt> directory usually doesn't receive modification
+after installation. If it does, it's usually in the form of package upgrades that we
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">boot</tt></dt>
+<p>Files that are used by the Linux Loader (LILO). This directory also receives little
+modification after an installation. The kernel is stored here as of Slackware 8.1. In
+earlier releases of Slackware, the kernel was simply stored under <tt
+class="FILENAME">/</tt> , but common practice is to put the kernel and related files here
+to facilitate dual-booting.</p>
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">dev</tt></dt>
+<p>Everything in Linux is treated as a file, even hardware devices like serial ports,
+hard disks, and scanners. In order to access these devices, a special file called a
+device node has to be present. All device nodes are stored in the <tt
+class="FILENAME">/dev</tt> directory. You will find this to be true across many Unix-like
+operating systems.</p>
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">etc</tt></dt>
+<p>This directory holds system configuration files. Everything from the X Window
+configuration file, the user database, to the system startup scripts. The system
+administrator will become quite familiar with this directory over time.</p>
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">home</tt></dt>
+<p>Linux is a multiuser operating system. Each user on the system is given an account and
+a unique directory for personal files. This directory is called the user's home
+directory. The <tt class="FILENAME">/home</tt> directory is provided as the default
+location for user home directories.</p>
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">lib</tt></dt>
+<p>System libraries that are required for basic operation are stored here. The C library,
+the dynamic loader, the ncurses library, and kernel modules are among the things stored
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">mnt</tt></dt>
+<p>This directory contains temporary mount points for working on hard disks or removable
+drives. Here you'll find mount points for your CD-ROM and floppy drives.</p>
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">opt</tt></dt>
+<p>Optional software packages. The idea behind <tt class="FILENAME">/opt</tt> is that
+each software package installs to <tt class="FILENAME">/opt/<var
+class="REPLACEABLE">software-package</var></tt>, which makes it easy to remove later.
+Slackware distributes some things in <tt class="FILENAME">/opt</tt> (such as KDE in <tt
+class="FILENAME">/opt/kde</tt>), but you are free to add anything you want to <tt
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">proc</tt></dt>
+<p>This is a unique directory. It's not really part of the filesystem, but a virtual
+filesystem that provides access to kernel information. Various pieces of information that
+the kernel wants you to know are conveyed to you through files in the <tt
+class="FILENAME">/proc</tt> directory. You can also send information to the kernel
+through some of these files. Try doing <tt class="COMMAND">cat /proc/cpuinfo</tt>.</p>
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">root</tt></dt>
+<p>The system administrator is known as <tt class="USERNAME">root</tt> on the system. <tt
+class="USERNAME">root</tt>'s home directory is kept in <tt class="FILENAME">/root</tt>
+instead of <tt class="FILENAME">/home/root</tt>. The reason is simple. What if <tt
+class="FILENAME">/home</tt> was a different partition from <tt class="FILENAME">/</tt>
+and it could not be mounted? <tt class="USERNAME">root</tt> would naturally want to log
+in and repair the problem. If his home directory was on the damaged filesystem, it would
+make it difficult for him to log in.</p>
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">sbin</tt></dt>
+<p>Essential programs that are run by <tt class="USERNAME">root</tt> and during the
+system bootup process are kept here. Normal users will not run programs in this
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">tmp</tt></dt>
+<p>The temporary storage location. All users have read and write access to this
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">usr</tt></dt>
+<p>This is the big directory on a Linux system. Everything else pretty much goes here,
+programs, documentation, the kernel source code, and the X Window system. This is the
+directory to which you will most likely be installing programs.</p>
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">var</tt></dt>
+<p>System log files, cache data, and program lock files are stored here. This is the
+directory for frequently-changing data.</p>
+<p>You should now have a good feel for which directories contain what on the filesystem.
+More detailed information about the filesystem layout is available in the hier(7) man
+page. The next section will help you find specific files easily, so you don't have to do
+it by hand.</p>
+<div class="SECT2">
+name="SYSTEM-CONFIGURATION-FINDING">4.1.2 Finding Files</a></h2>
+<p>You now know what each major directory holds, but it still doesn't really help you
+find things. I mean, you could go looking through directories, but there are quicker
+ways. There are four main file search commands available in Slackware.</p>
+<div class="SECT3">
+<h3 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN1329" name="AEN1329"> <tt
+<p>The first is the <tt class="COMMAND">which</tt>(1) command. <tt
+class="COMMAND">which</tt> is usually used to locate a program quickly. It just searches
+your <tt class="ENVAR">PATH</tt> and returns the first instance it finds and the
+directory path to it. Take this example:</p>
+<table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+<pre class="SCREEN">
+<samp class="PROMPT">%</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">which bash</kbd>
+<p>From that you see that <tt class="COMMAND">bash</tt> is in the <tt
+class="FILENAME">/bin</tt> directory. This is a very limited command for searching, since
+it only searches your <tt class="ENVAR">PATH</tt>.</p>
+<div class="SECT3">
+<h3 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN1347" name="AEN1347"> <tt
+<p>The <tt class="COMMAND">whereis</tt>(1) command works similar to <tt
+class="COMMAND">which</tt>, but can also search for man pages and source files. A <tt
+class="COMMAND">whereis</tt> search for <tt class="COMMAND">bash</tt> should return
+<table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+<pre class="SCREEN">
+<samp class="PROMPT">%</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">whereis bash</kbd>
+bash: /bin/bash /usr/bin/bash /usr/man/man1/bash.1.gz
+<p>This command not only told us where the actual program is located, but also where the
+online documentation is stored. Still, this command is limited. What if you wanted to
+search for a specific configuration file? You can't use <tt class="COMMAND">which</tt> or
+<tt class="COMMAND">whereis</tt> for that.</p>
+<div class="SECT3">
+<h3 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN1363" name="AEN1363"> <tt
+<p>The <tt class="COMMAND">find</tt>(1) command allows the user to search the filesystem
+with a rich collection of search predicates. Users may specify a search with filename
+wildcards, ranges of modification or creation times, or other advanced properties. For
+example, to search for the default <tt class="FILENAME">xinitrc</tt> file on the system,
+the following command could be used.</p>
+<table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+<pre class="SCREEN">
+<samp class="PROMPT">%</samp> <kbd class="USERINPUT">find / -name xinitrc</kbd>
+<p><tt class="COMMAND">find</tt> will take a while to run, since it has to traverse the
+entire root directory tree. And if this command is run as a normal user, there will be
+permission denied error messages for directories that only <tt class="USERNAME">root</tt>
+can see. But <tt class="COMMAND">find</tt> found our file, so that's good. If only it
+could be a bit faster...</p>
+<div class="SECT3">
+<h3 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN1378" name="AEN1378"> <tt
+<p>The <tt class="COMMAND">slocate</tt>(1) command searches the entire filesystem, just
+like the find command can do, but it searches a database instead of the actual
+filesystem. The database is set to automatically update every morning, so you have a
+somewhat fresh listing of files on your system. You can manually run <tt
+class="COMMAND">updatedb</tt>(1) to update the slocate database (before running <tt
+class="COMMAND">updatedb</tt> by hand, you must first <tt class="COMMAND">su</tt> to the
+<tt class="USERNAME">root</tt> user). Here's an example of <tt
+class="COMMAND">slocate</tt> in action:</p>
+<table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0" width="100%">
+<pre class="SCREEN">
+<samp class="PROMPT">%</samp> <kbd
+class="USERINPUT">slocate xinitrc</kbd> # we don't have to go to the root
+<p>We got more than what we were looking for, and quickly too. With these commands, you
+should be able to find whatever you're looking for on your Linux system.</p>
+<div class="SECT2">
+The <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.d</tt> Directory</a></h2>
+<p>The system initialization files are stored in the <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.d</tt>
+directory. Slackware uses the BSD-style layout for its initialization files as opposed to
+System V init scripts, which tend to make configuration changes much more difficult
+without using a program specifically designed for that purpose. In BSD-init scripts, each
+runlevel is given a single rc file. In System V, each runlevel is given its own
+directory, each containing numerous init scripts. This provides an organized structure
+that is easy to maintain.</p>
+<p>There are several categories of initialization files. These are system startup,
+runlevels, network initialization, and System V compatibility. As per tradition, we'll
+lump everything else into another category.</p>
+<div class="SECT3">
+<h3 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN1406" name="AEN1406"> System Startup</a></h3>
+<p>The first program to run under Slackware besides the Linux kernel is <tt
+class="COMMAND">init</tt>(8). This program reads the <tt
+class="FILENAME">/etc/inittab</tt>(5) file to see how to run the system. It runs the <tt
+class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.d/rc.S</tt> script to prepare the system before going into your
+desired runlevel. The <tt class="FILENAME">rc.S</tt> file enables your virtual memory,
+mounts your filesystems, cleans up certain log directories, initializes Plug and Play
+devices, loads kernel modules, configures PCMCIA devices, sets up serial ports, and runs
+System V init scripts (if found). Obviously <tt class="FILENAME">rc.S</tt> has a lot on
+its plate, but here are some scripts in <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.d</tt> that <tt
+class="FILENAME">rc.S</tt> will call on to complete its work:</p>
+<div class="VARIABLELIST">
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">rc.S</tt></dt>
+<p>This is the actual system initialization script.</p>
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">rc.modules</tt></dt>
+<p>Loads kernel modules. Things like your network card, PPP support, and other things are
+loaded here. If this script finds <tt class="FILENAME">rc.netdevice</tt>, it will run
+that as well.</p>
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">rc.pcmcia</tt></dt>
+<p>Probes for and configures any PCMCIA devices that you might have on your system. This
+is most useful for laptop users, who probably have a PCMCIA modem or network card.</p>
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">rc.serial</tt></dt>
+<p>Configures your serial ports by running the appropriate <tt
+class="COMMAND">setserial</tt> commands.</p>
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">rc.sysvinit</tt></dt>
+<p>Looks for System V init scripts for the desired runlevel and runs them. This is
+discussed in more detail below.</p>
+<div class="SECT3">
+<h3 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN1454" name="AEN1454"> Runlevel Initialization
+<p>After system initialization is complete, <tt class="COMMAND">init</tt> moves on to
+runlevel initialization. A runlevel describes the state that your machine will be running
+in. Sound redundant? Well, the runlevel tells <tt class="COMMAND">init</tt> if you will
+be accepting multiuser logins or just a single user, whether or not you want network
+services, and if you will be using the X Window System or <tt
+class="COMMAND">agetty</tt>(8) to handle logins. The files below define the different
+runlevels in Slackware Linux.</p>
+<div class="VARIABLELIST">
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">rc.0</tt></dt>
+<p>Halt the system (runlevel 0). By default, this is symlinked to <tt
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">rc.4</tt></dt>
+<p>Multiuser startup (runlevel 4), but in X11 with KDM, GDM, or XDM as the login
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">rc.6</tt></dt>
+<p>Reboot the system (runlevel 6).</p>
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">rc.K</tt></dt>
+<p>Startup in single user mode (runlevel 1).</p>
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">rc.M</tt></dt>
+<p>Multiuser mode (runlevels 2 and 3), but with the standard text-based login. This is
+the default runlevel in Slackware.</p>
+<div class="SECT3">
+<h3 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN1493" name="AEN1493"> Network Initialization</a></h3>
+<p>Runlevels 2, 3, and 4 will start up the network services. The following files are
+responsible for the network initialization:</p>
+<div class="VARIABLELIST">
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">rc.inet1</tt></dt>
+<p>Created by <tt class="COMMAND">netconfig</tt>, this file is responsible for
+configuring the actual network interface.</p>
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">rc.inet2</tt></dt>
+<p>Runs after <tt class="FILENAME">rc.inet1</tt> and starts up basic network
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">rc.atalk</tt></dt>
+<p>Starts up AppleTalk services.</p>
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">rc.httpd</tt></dt>
+<p>Starts up the Apache web server. Like a few other rc scripts, this one can also be
+used to stop and restart a service. <tt class="FILENAME">rc.httpd</tt> takes arguments of
+stop, start, or restart. &#13;</p>
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME"></tt></dt>
+<p>Starts up the news server.</p>
+<div class="SECT3">
+<h3 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN1534" name="AEN1534"> System V Compatibility</a></h3>
+<p>System V init compatibility was introduced in Slackware 7.0. Many other Linux
+distributions make use of this style instead of the BSD style. Basically each runlevel is
+given a subdirectory for init scripts, whereas BSD style gives one init script to each
+<p>The <tt class="FILENAME">rc.sysvinit</tt> script will search for any System V init
+scripts you have in <tt class="FILENAME">/etc/rc.d</tt> and run them, if the runlevel is
+appropriate. This is useful for certain commercial software packages that install System
+V init scripts</p>
+<div class="SECT3">
+<h3 class="SECT3"><a id="AEN1546" name="AEN1546"> Other Files</a></h3>
+<p>The scripts described below are the other system initialization scripts. They are
+typically run from one of the major scripts above, so all you need to do is edit the
+<div class="VARIABLELIST">
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">rc.gpm</tt></dt>
+<p>Starts up general purpose mouse services. Allows you to copy and paste at the Linux
+console. Occasionally, gpm will cause problems with the mouse when it is used under X
+windows. If you experience problems with the mouse under X, try taking away the
+executable permission from this file and stopping the gpm server.</p>
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">rc.font</tt></dt>
+<p>Loads the custom screen font for the console.</p>
+<dt><tt class="FILENAME">rc.local</tt></dt>
+<p>Contains any specific startup commands for your system. This is empty after a fresh
+install, as it is reserved for local administrators. This script is run after all other
+initialization has taken place.</p>
+<p>To enable a script, all you need to do is add the execute permissions to it with the
+<tt class="COMMAND">chmod</tt> command. To disable a script, remove the execute
+permissions from it. For more information about <tt class="COMMAND">chmod</tt>, see <a
+href="filesystem-structure-permissions.html">Section 9.2</a>.</p>
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+<td width="33%" align="left" valign="top"><a href="installation-setup.html"
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+<td width="33%" align="right" valign="top"><a href="system-configuration-kernel.html"
+<td width="33%" align="left" valign="top">The <tt class="COMMAND">setup</tt> Program</td>
+<td width="34%" align="center" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
+<td width="33%" align="right" valign="top">Selecting a Kernel</td>