// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 by Martin Stubenschrott // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 by Doug Kearns // Copyright (c) 2008-2010 by Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. "use strict"; var DEFAULT_FAVICON = "chrome://mozapps/skin/places/defaultFavicon.png"; // also includes methods for dealing with keywords and search engines var Bookmarks = Module("bookmarks", { init: function () { storage.addObserver("bookmark-cache", function (key, event, arg) { if (["add", "change", "remove"].indexOf(event) >= 0) autocommands.trigger("Bookmark" + event[0].toUpperCase() + event.substr(1), iter({ bookmark: { toString: function () "bookmarkcache.bookmarks[" + arg.id + "]", valueOf: function () arg } }, arg)); statusline.updateUrl(); }, window); }, get format() ({ anchored: false, title: ["URL", "Info"], keys: { text: "url", description: "title", icon: "icon", extra: "extra", tags: "tags" }, process: [template.icon, template.bookmarkDescription] }), // TODO: why is this a filter? --djk get: function get(filter, tags, maxItems, extra) { return completion.runCompleter("bookmark", filter, maxItems, tags, extra); }, /** * Adds a new bookmark. The first parameter should be an object with * any of the following properties: * * @param {boolean} unfiled If true, the bookmark is added to the * Unfiled Bookmarks Folder. * @param {string} title The title of the new bookmark. * @param {string} url The URL of the new bookmark. * @param {string} keyword The keyword of the new bookmark. * @optional * @param {[string]} tags The tags for the new bookmark. * @optional * @param {boolean} force If true, a new bookmark is always added. * Otherwise, if a bookmark for the given URL exists it is * updated instead. * @optional * @returns {boolean} True if the bookmark was added or updated * successfully. */ add: function add(unfiled, title, url, keyword, tags, force) { // FIXME if (isObject(unfiled)) var { unfiled, title, url, keyword, tags, post, charset, force } = unfiled; try { let uri = util.createURI(url); if (!force && this.isBookmarked(uri)) for (var bmark in bookmarkcache) if (bmark.url == uri.spec) { if (title) bmark.title = title; break; } if (tags) { PlacesUtils.tagging.untagURI(uri, null); PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(uri, tags); } if (bmark == undefined) bmark = bookmarkcache.bookmarks[ services.bookmarks.insertBookmark( services.bookmarks[unfiled ? "unfiledBookmarksFolder" : "bookmarksMenuFolder"], uri, -1, title || url)]; if (!bmark) return false; if (charset !== undefined) bmark.charset = charset; if (post !== undefined) bmark.post = post; if (keyword) bmark.keyword = keyword; } catch (e) { util.reportError(e); return false; } return true; }, /** * Opens the command line in Ex mode pre-filled with a :bmark * command to add a new search keyword for the given form element. * * @param {Element} elem A form element for which to add a keyword. */ addSearchKeyword: function (elem) { let [url, post, charset] = util.parseForm(elem); let options = { "-title": "Search " + elem.ownerDocument.title }; if (post != null) options["-post"] = post; if (charset != null && charset !== "UTF-8") options["-charset"] = charset; commandline.open(":", commands.commandToString({ command: "bmark", options: options, arguments: [url] }) + " -keyword ", modes.EX); }, /** * Toggles the bookmarked state of the given URL. If the URL is * bookmarked, all bookmarks for said URL are removed. * If it is not, a new bookmark is added to the Unfiled Bookmarks * Folder. The new bookmark has the title of the current buffer if * its URL is identical to *url*, otherwise its title will be the * value of *url*. * * @param {string} url The URL of the bookmark to toggle. */ toggle: function toggle(url) { if (!url) return; let count = this.remove(url); if (count > 0) dactyl.echomsg({ domains: [util.getHost(url)], message: "Removed bookmark: " + url }); else { let title = buffer.URL.spec == url && buffer.title || url; let extra = ""; if (title != url) extra = " (" + title + ")"; this.add({ unfiled: true, title: title, url: url }); dactyl.echomsg({ domains: [util.getHost(url)], message: "Added bookmark: " + url + extra }); } }, /** * Returns true if the given URL is bookmarked and that bookmark is * not a Live Bookmark. * * @param {nsIURI|string} url The URL of which to check the bookmarked * state. * @returns {boolean} */ isBookmarked: function isBookmarked(uri) { if (isString(uri)) uri = util.newURI(uri); try { return services.bookmarks .getBookmarkIdsForURI(uri, {}) .some(bookmarkcache.closure.isRegularBookmark); } catch (e) { return false; } }, /** * Remove a bookmark or bookmarks. If *ids* is an array, removes the * bookmarks with those IDs. If it is a string, removes all * bookmarks whose URLs match that string. * * @param {string|[number]} ids The IDs or URL of the bookmarks to * remove. * @returns {number} The number of bookmarks removed. */ remove: function remove(ids) { try { if (!isArray(ids)) { let uri = util.newURI(ids); ids = services.bookmarks .getBookmarkIdsForURI(uri, {}) .filter(bookmarkcache.closure.isRegularBookmark); } ids.forEach(function (id) { let bmark = bookmarkcache.bookmarks[id]; if (bmark) { PlacesUtils.tagging.untagURI(bmark.uri, null); bmark.charset = null; } services.bookmarks.removeItem(id); }); return ids.length; } catch (e) { dactyl.reportError(e, true); return 0; } }, getSearchEngines: deprecated("bookmarks.searchEngines", function getSearchEngines() this.searchEngines), /** * Returns a list of all visible search engines in the search * services, augmented with keyword, title, and icon properties for * use in completion functions. */ get searchEngines() { let searchEngines = []; let aliases = {}; return array(services.browserSearch.getVisibleEngines({})).map(function (engine) { let alias = engine.alias; if (!alias || !/^[a-z_-]+$/.test(alias)) alias = engine.name.replace(/^\W*([a-zA-Z\s_-]+).*/, "$1").replace(/\s+/g, "-").toLowerCase(); if (!alias) alias = "search"; // for search engines which we can't find a suitable alias if (set.has(aliases, alias)) alias += ++aliases[alias]; else aliases[alias] = 0; return [alias, { keyword: alias, __proto__: engine, title: engine.description, icon: engine.iconURI && engine.iconURI.spec }]; }).toObject(); }, /** * Retrieves a list of search suggestions from the named search * engine based on the given *query*. The results are always in the * form of an array of strings. If *callback* is provided, the * request is executed asynchronously and *callback* is called on * completion. Otherwise, the request is executed synchronously and * the results are returned. * * @param {string} engineName The name of the search engine from * which to request suggestions. * @param {string} query The query string for which to request * suggestions. * @param {function([string])} callback The function to call when * results are returned. * @returns {[string] | null} */ getSuggestions: function getSuggestions(engineName, query, callback) { const responseType = "application/x-suggestions+json"; let engine = this.searchEngines[engineName]; if (engine && engine.supportsResponseType(responseType)) var queryURI = engine.getSubmission(query, responseType).uri.spec; if (!queryURI) return []; function process(resp) { let results = []; try { results = JSON.parse(resp.responseText)[1].filter(isString); } catch (e) {} if (callback) return callback(results); return results; } let resp = util.httpGet(queryURI, callback && process); if (callback) return null; return process(resp); }, /** * Returns an array of bookmark keyword objects. * @deprecated */ getKeywords: function getKeywords() bookmarkcache.keywords, /** * Returns an array containing a search URL and POST data for the * given search string. If *useDefsearch* is true, the string is * always passed to the default search engine. If it is not, the * search engine name is retrieved from the first space-separated * token of the given string. * * Returns null if no search engine is found for the passed string. * * @param {string} text The text for which to retrieve a search URL. * @param {boolean} useDefsearch Whether to use the default search * engine. * @returns {[string, string | null] | null} */ getSearchURL: function getSearchURL(text, useDefsearch) { let searchString = (useDefsearch ? options["defsearch"] + " " : "") + text; // ripped from Firefox function getShortcutOrURI(url) { var keyword = url; var param = ""; var offset = url.indexOf(" "); if (offset > 0) { keyword = url.substr(0, offset); param = url.substr(offset + 1); } var engine = bookmarks.searchEngines[keyword]; if (engine) { if (engine.searchForm && !param) return [engine.searchForm, null]; let submission = engine.getSubmission(param, null); return [submission.uri.spec, submission.postData]; } let [shortcutURL, postData] = PlacesUtils.getURLAndPostDataForKeyword(keyword); if (!shortcutURL) return [url, null]; let bmark = bookmarkcache.keywords[keyword]; let data = window.unescape(postData || ""); if (/%s/i.test(shortcutURL) || /%s/i.test(data)) { var charset = ""; var matches = shortcutURL.match(/^(.*)\&mozcharset=([a-zA-Z][_\-a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s*$/); if (matches) [, shortcutURL, charset] = matches; else try { charset = services.history.getCharsetForURI(util.newURI(shortcutURL)); } catch (e) {} if (charset) var encodedParam = escape(window.convertFromUnicode(charset, param)); else encodedParam = bmark.encodeURIComponent(param); shortcutURL = shortcutURL.replace(/%s/g, encodedParam).replace(/%S/g, param); if (/%s/i.test(data)) postData = window.getPostDataStream(data, param, encodedParam, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); } else if (param) return [shortcutURL, null]; return [shortcutURL, postData]; } let [url, postData] = getShortcutOrURI(searchString); if (url == searchString) return null; if (postData) return [url, postData]; return url; // can be null }, /** * Lists all bookmarks whose URLs match *filter*, tags match *tags*, * and other properties match the properties of *extra*. If * *openItems* is true, the items are opened in tabs rather than * listed. * * @param {string} filter A URL filter string which the URLs of all * matched items must contain. * @param {[string]} tags An array of tags each of which all matched * items must contain. * @param {boolean} openItems If true, items are opened rather than * listed. * @param {object} extra Extra properties which must be matched. */ list: function list(filter, tags, openItems, maxItems, extra) { // FIXME: returning here doesn't make sense // Why the hell doesn't it make sense? --Kris // Because it unconditionally bypasses the final error message // block and does so only when listing items, not opening them. In // short it breaks the :bmarks command which doesn't make much // sense to me but I'm old-fashioned. --djk if (!openItems) return completion.listCompleter("bookmark", filter, maxItems, tags, extra); let items = completion.runCompleter("bookmark", filter, maxItems, tags, extra); if (items.length) return dactyl.open(items.map(function (i) i.url), dactyl.NEW_TAB); if (filter.length > 0 && tags.length > 0) dactyl.echoerr("E283: No bookmarks matching tags: " + tags.map(String.quote) + " and string: " + filter.quote()); else if (filter.length > 0) dactyl.echoerr("E283: No bookmarks matching string: " + filter.quote()); else if (tags.length > 0) dactyl.echoerr("E283: No bookmarks matching tags: " + tags.map(String.quote)); else dactyl.echoerr("No bookmarks set"); return null; } }, { }, { commands: function () { commands.add(["ju[mps]"], "Show jumplist", function () { let sh = history.session; commandline.commandOutput(template.jumps(sh.index, sh)); }, { argCount: "0" }); // TODO: Clean this up. const tags = { names: ["-tags", "-T"], description: "A comma-separated list of tags", completer: function tags(context, args) { context.generate = function () array(b.tags for (b in bookmarkcache) if (b.tags)).flatten().uniq().array; context.keys = { text: util.identity, description: util.identity }; }, type: CommandOption.LIST }; const title = { names: ["-title", "-t"], description: "Bookmark page title or description", completer: function title(context, args) { let frames = buffer.allFrames(); if (!args.bang) return [ [win.document.title, frames.length == 1 ? "Current Location" : "Frame: " + win.location.href] for ([, win] in Iterator(frames))]; context.keys.text = "title"; context.keys.description = "url"; return bookmarks.get(args.join(" "), args["-tags"], null, { keyword: args["-keyword"], title: context.filter }); }, type: CommandOption.STRING }; const post = { names: ["-post", "-p"], description: "Bookmark POST data", completer: function post(context, args) { context.keys.text = "post"; context.keys.description = "url"; return bookmarks.get(args.join(" "), args["-tags"], null, { keyword: args["-keyword"], post: context.filter }); }, type: CommandOption.STRING }; const keyword = { names: ["-keyword", "-k"], description: "Keyword by which this bookmark may be opened (:open {keyword})", completer: function keyword(context, args) { context.keys.text = "keyword"; return bookmarks.get(args.join(" "), args["-tags"], null, { keyword: context.filter, title: args["-title"] }); }, type: CommandOption.STRING, validator: function (arg) /^\S+$/.test(arg) }; commands.add(["bma[rk]"], "Add a bookmark", function (args) { let opts = { force: args.bang, unfiled: false, keyword: args["-keyword"] || null, charset: args["-charset"], post: args["-post"], tags: args["-tags"] || [], title: args["-title"] || (args.length === 0 ? buffer.title : null), url: args.length === 0 ? buffer.URL.spec : args[0] }; if (bookmarks.add(opts)) { let extra = (opts.title == opts.url) ? "" : " (" + opts.title + ")"; dactyl.echomsg({ domains: [util.getHost(opts.url)], message: "Added bookmark: " + opts.url + extra }, 1, commandline.FORCE_SINGLELINE); } else dactyl.echoerr("Exxx: Could not add bookmark " + opts.title.quote(), commandline.FORCE_SINGLELINE); }, { argCount: "?", bang: true, completer: function (context, args) { if (!args.bang) { context.title = ["Page URL"]; let frames = buffer.allFrames(); context.completions = [ [win.document.documentURI, frames.length == 1 ? "Current Location" : "Frame: " + win.document.title] for ([, win] in Iterator(frames))]; return; } completion.bookmark(context, args["-tags"], { keyword: args["-keyword"], title: args["-title"] }); }, options: [keyword, title, tags, post, { names: ["-charset", "-c"], description: "The character encoding of the bookmark", type: CommandOption.STRING, completer: function (context) completion.charset(context), validator: Option.validateCompleter } ] }); commands.add(["bmarks"], "List or open multiple bookmarks", function (args) { bookmarks.list(args.join(" "), args["-tags"] || [], args.bang, args["-max"], { keyword: args["-keyword"], title: args["-title"] }); }, { bang: true, completer: function completer(context, args) { context.filter = args.join(" "); completion.bookmark(context, args["-tags"], { keyword: args["-keyword"], title: args["-title"] }); }, options: [tags, keyword, title, { names: ["-max", "-m"], description: "The maximum number of items to list or open", type: CommandOption.INT } ] // Not privateData, since we don't treat bookmarks as private }); commands.add(["delbm[arks]"], "Delete a bookmark", function (args) { if (args.bang) commandline.input("This will delete all bookmarks. Would you like to continue? (yes/[no]) ", function (resp) { if (resp && resp.match(/^y(es)?$/i)) { Object.keys(bookmarkcache.bookmarks).forEach(function (id) { services.bookmarks.removeItem(id); }); dactyl.echomsg("All bookmarks deleted", 1, commandline.FORCE_SINGLELINE); } }); else { if (!(args.length || args["-tags"] || args["-keyword"] || args["-title"])) var deletedCount = bookmarks.remove(buffer.URL.spec); else { let context = CompletionContext(args.join(" ")); context.fork("bookmark", 0, completion, "bookmark", args["-tags"], { keyword: args["-keyword"], title: args["-title"] }); var deletedCount = bookmarks.remove(context.allItems.items.map(function (item) item.item.id)); } dactyl.echomsg({ message: deletedCount + " bookmark(s) deleted" }, 1, commandline.FORCE_SINGLELINE); } }, { argCount: "?", bang: true, completer: function completer(context, args) completion.bookmark(context, args["-tags"], { keyword: args["-keyword"], title: args["-title"] }), domains: function (args) array.compact(args.map(util.getHost)), literal: 0, options: [tags, title, keyword], privateData: true }); }, mappings: function () { var myModes = config.browserModes; mappings.add(myModes, ["a"], "Open a prompt to bookmark the current URL", function () { let options = {}; let url = buffer.URL.spec; let bmarks = bookmarks.get(url).filter(function (bmark) bmark.url == url); if (bmarks.length == 1) { let bmark = bmarks[0]; options["-title"] = bmark.title; if (bmark.charset) options["-charset"] = bmark.charset; if (bmark.keyword) options["-keyword"] = bmark.keyword; if (bmark.post) options["-post"] = bmark.post; if (bmark.tags.length > 0) options["-tags"] = bmark.tags.join(", "); } else { if (buffer.title != buffer.URL.spec) options["-title"] = buffer.title; if (content.document.characterSet !== "UTF-8") options["-charset"] = content.document.characterSet; } commandline.open(":", commands.commandToString({ command: "bmark", options: options, arguments: [buffer.URL.spec] }), modes.EX); }); mappings.add(myModes, ["A"], "Toggle bookmarked state of current URL", function () { bookmarks.toggle(buffer.URL.spec); }); }, options: function () { options.add(["defsearch", "ds"], "The default search engine", "string", "google", { completer: function completer(context) { completion.search(context, true); context.completions = [{ keyword: "", title: "Don't perform searches by default" }].concat(context.completions); } }); options.add(["suggestengines"], "Search engines used for search suggestions", "stringlist", "google", { completer: function completer(context) completion.searchEngine(context, true), }); }, completion: function () { completion.bookmark = function bookmark(context, tags, extra) { context.title = ["Bookmark", "Title"]; context.format = bookmarks.format; iter(extra || {}).forEach(function ([k, v]) { if (v != null) context.filters.push(function (item) item.item[k] != null && this.matchString(v, item.item[k])); }); context.generate = function () values(bookmarkcache.bookmarks); completion.urls(context, tags); }; completion.search = function search(context, noSuggest) { let [, keyword, space, args] = context.filter.match(/^\s*(\S*)(\s*)(.*)$/); let keywords = bookmarks.getKeywords(); let engines = bookmarks.searchEngines; context.title = ["Search Keywords"]; context.completions = iter(values(keywords), values(engines)); context.keys = { text: "keyword", description: "title", icon: "icon" }; if (!space || noSuggest) return; context.fork("suggest", keyword.length + space.length, this, "searchEngineSuggest", keyword, true); let item = keywords[keyword]; if (item && item.url.indexOf("%s") > -1) context.fork("keyword/" + keyword, keyword.length + space.length, null, function (context) { context.format = history.format; context.title = [keyword + " Quick Search"]; // context.background = true; context.compare = CompletionContext.Sort.unsorted; context.generate = function () { let [begin, end] = item.url.split("%s"); return history.get({ uri: util.newURI(begin), uriIsPrefix: true }).map(function (item) { let rest = item.url.length - end.length; let query = item.url.substring(begin.length, rest); if (item.url.substr(rest) == end && query.indexOf("&") == -1) try { item.url = decodeURIComponent(query.replace(/#.*/, "").replace(/\+/g, " ")); return item; } catch (e) {} return null; }).filter(util.identity); }; }); }; completion.searchEngine = function searchEngine(context, suggest) { let engines = services.browserSearch.getEngines({}); if (suggest) engines = engines.filter(function (e) e.supportsResponseType("application/x-suggestions+json")); context.title = ["Suggest Engine", "Description"]; context.completions = engines.map(function (e) [e.alias, e.description]); }; completion.searchEngineSuggest = function searchEngineSuggest(context, engineAliases, kludge) { if (!context.filter) return; let engineList = (engineAliases || options["suggestengines"].join(",") || "google").split(","); engineList.forEach(function (name) { let engine = bookmarks.searchEngines[name]; if (!engine) return; let [, word] = /^\s*(\S+)/.exec(context.filter) || []; if (!kludge && word == name) // FIXME: Check for matching keywords return; let ctxt = context.fork(name, 0); ctxt.title = [engine.description + " Suggestions"]; ctxt.keys = { text: util.identity, description: function () "" }; ctxt.compare = CompletionContext.Sort.unsorted; ctxt.incomplete = true; bookmarks.getSuggestions(name, ctxt.filter, function (compl) { ctxt.incomplete = false; ctxt.completions = compl; }); }); }; completion.addUrlCompleter("S", "Suggest engines", completion.searchEngineSuggest); completion.addUrlCompleter("b", "Bookmarks", completion.bookmark); completion.addUrlCompleter("s", "Search engines and keyword URLs", completion.search); } }); // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 ts=4 et: