// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 by Martin Stubenschrott // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 by Doug Kearns // Copyright (c) 2008-2009 by Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. /** @scope modules */ /** * @instance browser */ const Browser = Module("browser", { }, { // TODO: support 'nrformats'? -> probably not worth it --mst incrementURL: function (count) { let matches = buffer.URL.match(/(.*?)(\d+)(\D*)$/); liberator.assert(matches); let [, pre, number, post] = matches; let newNumber = parseInt(number, 10) + count; let newNumberStr = String(newNumber > 0 ? newNumber : 0); if (number.match(/^0/)) { // add 0009 should become 0010 while (newNumberStr.length < number.length) newNumberStr = "0" + newNumberStr; } liberator.open(pre + newNumberStr + post); } }, { options: function () { options.add(["encoding", "enc"], "Sets the current buffer's character encoding", "string", "UTF-8", { scope: Option.SCOPE_LOCAL, getter: function () config.browser.docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocCharset).charset, setter: function (val) { if (options["encoding"] == val) return val; // Stolen from browser.jar/content/browser/browser.js, more or less. try { config.browser.docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocCharset).charset = val; PlacesUtils.history.setCharsetForURI(getWebNavigation().currentURI, val); getWebNavigation().reload(Ci.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_CHARSET_CHANGE); } catch (e) { liberator.reportError(e); } return null; }, completer: function (context) completion.charset(context) }); // only available in FF 3.5 services.add("privateBrowsing", "@mozilla.org/privatebrowsing;1", Ci.nsIPrivateBrowsingService); if (services.get("privateBrowsing")) { options.add(["private", "pornmode"], "Set the 'private browsing' option", "boolean", false, { setter: function (value) services.get("privateBrowsing").privateBrowsingEnabled = value, getter: function () services.get("privateBrowsing").privateBrowsingEnabled }); let services = modules.services; // Storage objects are global to all windows, 'modules' isn't. storage.newObject("private-mode", function () { ({ init: function () { services.get("observer").addObserver(this, "private-browsing", false); services.get("observer").addObserver(this, "quit-application", false); this.private = services.get("privateBrowsing").privateBrowsingEnabled; }, observe: function (subject, topic, data) { if (topic == "private-browsing") { if (data == "enter") storage.privateMode = true; else if (data == "exit") storage.privateMode = false; storage.fireEvent("private-mode", "change", storage.privateMode); } else if (topic == "quit-application") { services.get("observer").removeObserver(this, "quit-application"); services.get("observer").removeObserver(this, "private-browsing"); } } }).init(); }, { store: false }); storage.addObserver("private-mode", function (key, event, value) { autocommands.trigger("PrivateMode", { state: value }); }, window); } options.add(["urlseparator"], "Set the separator regex used to separate multiple URL args", "string", ",\\s"); }, mappings: function () { mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["y"], "Yank current location to the clipboard", function () { util.copyToClipboard(buffer.URL, true); }); // opening websites mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["o"], "Open one or more URLs", function () { commandline.open(":", "open ", modes.EX); }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["O"], "Open one or more URLs, based on current location", function () { commandline.open(":", "open " + buffer.URL, modes.EX); }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["t"], "Open one or more URLs in a new tab", function () { commandline.open(":", "tabopen ", modes.EX); }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["T"], "Open one or more URLs in a new tab, based on current location", function () { commandline.open(":", "tabopen " + buffer.URL, modes.EX); }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["w"], "Open one or more URLs in a new window", function () { commandline.open(":", "winopen ", modes.EX); }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["W"], "Open one or more URLs in a new window, based on current location", function () { commandline.open(":", "winopen " + buffer.URL, modes.EX); }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], [""], "Increment last number in URL", function (count) { Browser.incrementURL(Math.max(count, 1)); }, { count: true }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], [""], "Decrement last number in URL", function (count) { Browser.incrementURL(-Math.max(count, 1)); }, { count: true }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["~"], "Open home directory", function () { liberator.open("~"); }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["gh"], "Open homepage", function () { BrowserHome(); }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["gH"], "Open homepage in a new tab", function () { let homepages = gHomeButton.getHomePage(); liberator.open(homepages, { from: "homepage", where: liberator.NEW_TAB }); }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["gu"], "Go to parent directory", function (count) { function isDirectory(url) { if (/^file:\/|^\//.test(url)) { let file = io.File(url); return file.exists() && file.isDirectory(); } else { // for all other locations just check if the URL ends with / return /\/$/.test(url); } } if (count < 1) count = 1; // XXX let url = buffer.URL; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (isDirectory(url)) url = url.replace(/^(.*?:)(.*?)([^\/]+\/*)$/, "$1$2/"); else url = url.replace(/^(.*?:)(.*?)(\/+[^\/]+)$/, "$1$2/"); } url = url.replace(/^(.*:\/+.*?)\/+$/, "$1/"); // get rid of more than 1 / at the end if (url == buffer.URL) liberator.beep(); else liberator.open(url); }, { count: true }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["gU"], "Go to the root of the website", function () { let uri = content.document.location; liberator.assert(!/(about|mailto):/.test(uri.protocol)); // exclude these special protocols for now liberator.open(uri.protocol + "//" + (uri.host || "") + "/"); }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], [""], "Redraw the screen", function () { commands.get("redraw").execute("", false); }); }, commands: function () { commands.add(["downl[oads]", "dl"], "Show progress of current downloads", function () { liberator.open("chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/downloads.xul", { from: "downloads"}); }, { argCount: "0" }); commands.add(["o[pen]"], "Open one or more URLs in the current tab", function (args) { args = args.string; if (args) liberator.open(args); else liberator.open("about:blank"); }, { completer: function (context) completion.url(context), literal: 0, privateData: true }); commands.add(["redr[aw]"], "Redraw the screen", function () { let wu = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils); wu.redraw(); modes.show(); }, { argCount: "0" }); } }); // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 ts=4 et: