/***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** {{{ Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. Copyright (c) 2006-2009 by Martin Stubenschrott Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. }}} ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/ /** @scope modules */ const Point = new Struct("x", "y"); /** * A class to manage the primary web content buffer. The name comes * from Vim's term, 'buffer', which signifies instances of open * files. * @instance buffer */ function Buffer() //{{{ { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////// PRIVATE SECTION ///////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ // FIXME: This doesn't belong here. let fontSize = util.computedStyle(document.getElementById(config.mainWindowId)).fontSize; styles.registerSheet("chrome://liberator/skin/liberator.css"); let error = styles.addSheet(true, "font-size", "chrome://liberator/content/buffer.xhtml", "body { font-size: " + fontSize + "; }"); if ("ZoomManager" in window) { const ZOOM_MIN = Math.round(ZoomManager.MIN * 100); const ZOOM_MAX = Math.round(ZoomManager.MAX * 100); } function setZoom(value, fullZoom) { if (value < ZOOM_MIN || value > ZOOM_MAX) return void liberator.echoerr("Zoom value out of range (" + ZOOM_MIN + " - " + ZOOM_MAX + "%)"); ZoomManager.useFullZoom = fullZoom; ZoomManager.zoom = value / 100; if ("FullZoom" in window) FullZoom._applySettingToPref(); liberator.echomsg((fullZoom ? "Full" : "Text") + " zoom: " + value + "%"); } function bumpZoomLevel(steps, fullZoom) { let values = ZoomManager.zoomValues; let cur = values.indexOf(ZoomManager.snap(ZoomManager.zoom)); let i = util.Math.constrain(cur + steps, 0, values.length - 1); if (i == cur && fullZoom == ZoomManager.useFullZoom) liberator.beep(); setZoom(Math.round(values[i] * 100), fullZoom); } function checkScrollYBounds(win, direction) { // NOTE: it's possible to have scrollY > scrollMaxY - FF bug? if (direction > 0 && win.scrollY >= win.scrollMaxY || direction < 0 && win.scrollY == 0) liberator.beep(); } function findScrollableWindow() { let win = window.document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow; if (win && (win.scrollMaxX > 0 || win.scrollMaxY > 0)) return win; win = window.content; if (win.scrollMaxX > 0 || win.scrollMaxY > 0) return win; for (let frame in util.Array.itervalues(win.frames)) if (frame.scrollMaxX > 0 || frame.scrollMaxY > 0) return frame; return win; } // both values are given in percent, -1 means no change function scrollToPercentiles(horizontal, vertical) { let win = findScrollableWindow(); let h, v; if (horizontal < 0) h = win.scrollX; else h = win.scrollMaxX / 100 * horizontal; if (vertical < 0) v = win.scrollY; else v = win.scrollMaxY / 100 * vertical; marks.add("'", true); win.scrollTo(h, v); } // Holds option: [function, title] to generate :pageinfo sections var pageInfo = {}; function addPageInfoSection(option, title, func) { pageInfo[option] = [func, title]; } function openUploadPrompt(elem) { commandline.input("Upload file: ", function (path) { let file = io.getFile(path); if (!file.exists()) return liberator.beep(); elem.value = file.path; }, { completer: completion.file, default: elem.value }); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// OPTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ options.add(["nextpattern"], // \u00BB is » (>> in a single char) "Patterns to use when guessing the 'next' page in a document sequence", "stringlist", "\\bnext\\b,^>$,^(>>|\u00BB)$,^(>|\u00BB),(>|\u00BB)$,\\bmore\\b"); options.add(["previouspattern"], // \u00AB is « (<< in a single char) "Patterns to use when guessing the 'previous' page in a document sequence", "stringlist", "\\bprev|previous\\b,^<$,^(<<|\u00AB)$,^(<|\u00AB),(<|\u00AB)$"); options.add(["pageinfo", "pa"], "Desired info in the :pageinfo output", "charlist", "gfm", { completer: function (context) [[k, v[1]] for ([k, v] in Iterator(pageInfo))], validator: Option.validateCompleter }); options.add(["scroll", "scr"], "Number of lines to scroll with and commands", "number", 0, { validator: function (value) value >= 0 }); options.add(["showstatuslinks", "ssli"], "Show the destination of the link under the cursor in the status bar", "number", 1, { completer: function (context) [ ["0", "Don't show link destination"], ["1", "Show the link in the status line"], ["2", "Show the link in the command line"] ], validator: Option.validateCompleter }); options.add(["usermode", "um"], "Show current website with a minimal style sheet to make it easily accessible", "boolean", false, { setter: function (value) getBrowser().markupDocumentViewer.authorStyleDisabled = value, getter: function () getBrowser().markupDocumentViewer.authorStyleDisabled }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// MAPPINGS //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ var myModes = config.browserModes; mappings.add(myModes, ["."], "Repeat the last key event", function (count) { if (mappings.repeat) { for (let i in util.interruptibleRange(0, Math.max(count, 1), 100)) mappings.repeat(); } }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["i", ""], "Start caret mode", function () { // setting this option notifies an observer which takes care of the // mode setting options.setPref("accessibility.browsewithcaret", true); }); mappings.add(myModes, [""], "Stop loading the current web page", function () { tabs.stop(getBrowser().mCurrentTab); }); // scrolling mappings.add(myModes, ["j", "", ""], "Scroll document down", function (count) { buffer.scrollLines(Math.max(count, 1)); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["k", "", ""], "Scroll document up", function (count) { buffer.scrollLines(-Math.max(count, 1)); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, liberator.has("mail") ? ["h"] : ["h", ""], "Scroll document to the left", function (count) { buffer.scrollColumns(-Math.max(count, 1)); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, liberator.has("mail") ? ["l"] : ["l", ""], "Scroll document to the right", function (count) { buffer.scrollColumns(Math.max(count, 1)); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["0", "^"], "Scroll to the absolute left of the document", function () { buffer.scrollStart(); }); mappings.add(myModes, ["$"], "Scroll to the absolute right of the document", function () { buffer.scrollEnd(); }); mappings.add(myModes, ["gg", ""], "Go to the top of the document", function (count) { buffer.scrollToPercentiles(buffer.scrollXPercent, Math.max(count, 0)); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["G", ""], "Go to the end of the document", function (count) { buffer.scrollToPercentiles(buffer.scrollXPercent, count >= 0 ? count : 100); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["%"], "Scroll to {count} percent of the document", function (count) { if (count > 0 && count <= 100) buffer.scrollToPercentiles(buffer.scrollXPercent, count); else liberator.beep(); }, { count: true }); function scrollByScrollSize(count, direction) { if (count > 0) options["scroll"] = count; buffer.scrollByScrollSize(direction); } mappings.add(myModes, [""], "Scroll window downwards in the buffer", function (count) { scrollByScrollSize(count, true); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, [""], "Scroll window upwards in the buffer", function (count) { scrollByScrollSize(count, false); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["", "", ""], "Scroll up a full page", function (count) { buffer.scrollPages(-Math.max(count, 1)); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["", "", ""], "Scroll down a full page", function (count) { buffer.scrollPages(Math.max(count, 1)); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["]f"], "Focus next frame", function (count) { buffer.shiftFrameFocus(Math.max(count, 1), true); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["[f"], "Focus previous frame", function (count) { buffer.shiftFrameFocus(Math.max(count, 1), false); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["]]"], "Follow the link labeled 'next' or '>' if it exists", function (count) { buffer.followDocumentRelationship("next"); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["[["], "Follow the link labeled 'prev', 'previous' or '<' if it exists", function (count) { buffer.followDocumentRelationship("previous"); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["gf"], "View source", function () { buffer.viewSource(null, false); }); mappings.add(myModes, ["gF"], "View source with an external editor", function () { buffer.viewSource(null, true); }); mappings.add(myModes, ["\\"], "Toggle between rendered and source view", function () { buffer.viewSource(null, false); }); mappings.add(myModes, ["gi"], "Focus last used input field", function (count) { if (count < 1 && buffer.lastInputField) buffer.focusElement(buffer.lastInputField); else { let elements = []; let matches = buffer.evaluateXPath( "//input[not(@type) or @type='text' or @type='password' or @type='file'] | //textarea[not(@disabled) and not(@readonly)] |" + "//xhtml:input[not(@type) or @type='text' or @type='password' or @type='file'] | //xhtml:textarea[not(@disabled) and not(@readonly)]" ); for (let match in matches) { let computedStyle = util.computedStyle(match); if (computedStyle.visibility != "hidden" && computedStyle.display != "none") elements.push(match); } if (elements.length > 0) { count = util.Math.constrain(count, 1, elements.length); buffer.focusElement(elements[count - 1]); } else liberator.beep(); } }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["gP"], "Open (put) a URL based on the current clipboard contents in a new buffer", function () { liberator.open(util.readFromClipboard(), liberator[options.get("activate").has("paste") ? "NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB" : "NEW_TAB"]); }); mappings.add(myModes, ["p", ""], "Open (put) a URL based on the current clipboard contents in the current buffer", function () { let url = util.readFromClipboard(); if (url) liberator.open(url); else liberator.beep(); }); mappings.add(myModes, ["P"], "Open (put) a URL based on the current clipboard contents in a new buffer", function () { let url = util.readFromClipboard(); if (url) liberator.open(url, options.get("activate").has("paste") ? liberator.NEW_TAB : liberator.NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB); else liberator.beep(); }); // reloading mappings.add(myModes, ["r"], "Reload the current web page", function () { tabs.reload(getBrowser().mCurrentTab, false); }); mappings.add(myModes, ["R"], "Reload while skipping the cache", function () { tabs.reload(getBrowser().mCurrentTab, true); }); // yanking mappings.add(myModes, ["Y"], "Copy selected text or current word", function () { let sel = buffer.getCurrentWord(); if (sel) util.copyToClipboard(sel, true); else liberator.beep(); }); // zooming mappings.add(myModes, ["zi", "+"], "Enlarge text zoom of current web page", function (count) { buffer.zoomIn(Math.max(count, 1), false); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["zm"], "Enlarge text zoom of current web page by a larger amount", function (count) { buffer.zoomIn(Math.max(count, 1) * 3, false); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["zo", "-"], "Reduce text zoom of current web page", function (count) { buffer.zoomOut(Math.max(count, 1), false); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["zr"], "Reduce text zoom of current web page by a larger amount", function (count) { buffer.zoomOut(Math.max(count, 1) * 3, false); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["zz"], "Set text zoom value of current web page", function (count) { buffer.textZoom = count > 1 ? count : 100; }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["zI"], "Enlarge full zoom of current web page", function (count) { buffer.zoomIn(Math.max(count, 1), true); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["zM"], "Enlarge full zoom of current web page by a larger amount", function (count) { buffer.zoomIn(Math.max(count, 1) * 3, true); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["zO"], "Reduce full zoom of current web page", function (count) { buffer.zoomOut(Math.max(count, 1), true); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["zR"], "Reduce full zoom of current web page by a larger amount", function (count) { buffer.zoomOut(Math.max(count, 1) * 3, true); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["zZ"], "Set full zoom value of current web page", function (count) { buffer.fullZoom = count > 1 ? count : 100; }, { count: true }); // page info mappings.add(myModes, [""], "Print the current file name", function (count) { buffer.showPageInfo(false); }, { count: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["g"], "Print file information", function () { buffer.showPageInfo(true); }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// COMMANDS //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ commands.add(["frameo[nly]"], "Show only the current frame's page", function (args) { liberator.open(tabs.localStore.focusedFrame.document.documentURI); }, { argCount: "0" }); commands.add(["ha[rdcopy]"], "Print current document", function (args) { let arg = args[0]; // FIXME: arg handling is a bit of a mess, check for filename if (arg && (liberator.has("Win32") || arg[0] != ">")) return void liberator.echoerr("E488: Trailing characters"); options.withContext(function () { if (arg) { options.setPref("print.print_to_file", "true"); options.setPref("print.print_to_filename", io.getFile(arg.substr(1)).path); liberator.echomsg("Printing to file: " + arg.substr(1)); } else liberator.echomsg("Sending to printer..."); options.setPref("print.always_print_silent", args.bang); options.setPref("print.show_print_progress", !args.bang); getBrowser().contentWindow.print(); }); if (arg) liberator.echomsg("Printed: " + arg.substr(1)); else liberator.echomsg("Print job sent."); }, { argCount: "?", literal: 0, bang: true }); commands.add(["pa[geinfo]"], "Show various page information", function (args) { buffer.showPageInfo(true, args[0]); }, { argCount: "?", completer: function (context) { completion.optionValue(context, "pageinfo", "+", ""); context.title = ["Page Info"]; } }); commands.add(["pagest[yle]", "pas"], "Select the author style sheet to apply", function (args) { let arg = args.literalArg; let titles = buffer.alternateStyleSheets.map(function (stylesheet) stylesheet.title); if (arg && titles.indexOf(arg) == -1) return void liberator.echoerr("E475: Invalid argument: " + arg); if (options["usermode"]) options["usermode"] = false; window.stylesheetSwitchAll(window.content, arg); }, { argCount: "?", completer: function (context) completion.alternateStyleSheet(context), literal: 0 }); commands.add(["re[load]"], "Reload the current web page", function (args) { tabs.reload(getBrowser().mCurrentTab, args.bang); }, { bang: true, argCount: "0" }); // TODO: we're prompted if download.useDownloadDir isn't set and no arg specified - intentional? commands.add(["sav[eas]", "w[rite]"], "Save current document to disk", function (args) { let doc = window.content.document; let chosenData = null; let filename = args[0]; if (filename) { let file = io.getFile(filename); if (file.exists() && !args.bang) return void liberator.echoerr("E13: File exists (add ! to override)"); chosenData = { file: file, uri: window.makeURI(doc.location.href, doc.characterSet) }; } // if browser.download.useDownloadDir = false then the "Save As" // dialog is used with this as the default directory // TODO: if we're going to do this shouldn't it be done in setCWD or the value restored? options.setPref("browser.download.lastDir", io.getCurrentDirectory().path); try { var contentDisposition = window.content .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils) .getDocumentMetadata("content-disposition"); } catch (e) {} window.internalSave(doc.location.href, doc, null, contentDisposition, doc.contentType, false, null, chosenData, doc.referrer ? window.makeURI(doc.referrer) : null, true); }, { argCount: "?", bang: true, completer: function (context) completion.file(context) }); commands.add(["st[op]"], "Stop loading the current web page", function () { tabs.stop(getBrowser().mCurrentTab); }, { argCount: "0" }); commands.add(["vie[wsource]"], "View source code of current document", function (args) { buffer.viewSource(args[0], args.bang); }, { argCount: "?", bang: true, completer: function (context) completion.url(context, "bhf") }); commands.add(["zo[om]"], "Set zoom value of current web page", function (args) { let arg = args[0]; let level; if (!arg) level = 100; else if (/^\d+$/.test(arg)) level = parseInt(arg, 10); else if (/^[+-]\d+$/.test(arg)) { if (args.bang) level = buffer.fullZoom + parseInt(arg, 10); else level = buffer.textZoom + parseInt(arg, 10); // relative args shouldn't take us out of range level = util.Math.constrain(level, ZOOM_MIN, ZOOM_MAX); } else return void liberator.echoerr("E488: Trailing characters"); if (args.bang) buffer.fullZoom = level; else buffer.textZoom = level; }, { argCount: "?", bang: true }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// COMPLETIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ liberator.registerObserver("load_completion", function () { completion.alternateStyleSheet = function alternateStylesheet(context) { context.title = ["Stylesheet", "Location"]; // unify split style sheets let styles = {}; buffer.alternateStyleSheets.forEach(function (style) { if (!(style.title in styles)) styles[style.title] = []; styles[style.title].push(style.href || "inline"); }); context.completions = [[s, styles[s].join(", ")] for (s in styles)]; }; completion.buffer = function buffer(context) { filter = context.filter.toLowerCase(); context.anchored = false; context.title = ["Buffer", "URL"]; context.keys = { text: "text", description: "url", icon: "icon" }; context.compare = CompletionContext.Sort.number; let process = context.process[0]; context.process = [function (item, text) <> {item.item.indicator} { process.call(this, item, text) } ]; context.completions = util.map(tabs.browsers, function ([i, browser]) { let indicator = " "; if (i == tabs.index()) indicator = "%" else if (i == tabs.index(tabs.alternate)) indicator = "#"; let tab = tabs.getTab(i); let url = browser.contentDocument.location.href; i = i + 1; return { text: [i + ": " + (tab.label || "(Untitled)"), i + ": " + url], url: template.highlightURL(url), indicator: indicator, icon: tab.image || DEFAULT_FAVICON }; }); }; }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// PAGE INFO /////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ addPageInfoSection("f", "Feeds", function (verbose) { let doc = window.content.document; const feedTypes = { "application/rss+xml": "RSS", "application/atom+xml": "Atom", "text/xml": "XML", "application/xml": "XML", "application/rdf+xml": "XML" }; function isValidFeed(data, principal, isFeed) { if (!data || !principal) return false; if (!isFeed) { var type = data.type && data.type.toLowerCase(); type = type.replace(/^\s+|\s*(?:;.*)?$/g, ""); isFeed = (type == "application/rss+xml" || type == "application/atom+xml"); if (!isFeed) { // really slimy: general XML types with magic letters in the title const titleRegex = /(^|\s)rss($|\s)/i; isFeed = ((type == "text/xml" || type == "application/rdf+xml" || type == "application/xml") && titleRegex.test(data.title)); } } if (isFeed) { try { window.urlSecurityCheck(data.href, principal, Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager.DISALLOW_INHERIT_PRINCIPAL); } catch (e) { isFeed = false; } } if (type) data.type = type; return isFeed; } // put feeds rss into pageFeeds[] let nFeed = 0; for (let [, link] in Iterator(doc.getElementsByTagName("link"))) { if (!link.href) return; let rel = link.rel && link.rel.toLowerCase(); if (rel == "feed" || (link.type && rel == "alternate")) { let feed = { title: link.title, href: link.href, type: link.type || "" }; if (isValidFeed(feed, doc.nodePrincipal, rel == "feed")) { nFeed++; let type = feedTypes[feed.type] || feedTypes["application/rss+xml"]; if (verbose) yield [feed.title, template.highlightURL(feed.href, true) +  ({type})]; } } } if (!verbose && nFeed) yield nFeed + " feed" + (nFeed > 1 ? "s" : ""); }); addPageInfoSection("g", "General Info", function (verbose) { let doc = window.content.document; // get file size const ACCESS_READ = Ci.nsICache.ACCESS_READ; let cacheKey = doc.location.toString().replace(/#.*$/, ""); for (let proto in util.Array.itervalues(["HTTP", "FTP"])) { try { var cacheEntryDescriptor = services.get("cache").createSession(proto, 0, true) .openCacheEntry(cacheKey, ACCESS_READ, false); break; } catch (e) {} } let pageSize = []; // [0] bytes; [1] kbytes if (cacheEntryDescriptor) { pageSize[0] = util.formatBytes(cacheEntryDescriptor.dataSize, 0, false); pageSize[1] = util.formatBytes(cacheEntryDescriptor.dataSize, 2, true); if (pageSize[1] == pageSize[0]) pageSize.length = 1; // don't output "xx Bytes" twice } let lastModVerbose = new Date(doc.lastModified).toLocaleString(); let lastMod = new Date(doc.lastModified).toLocaleFormat("%x %X"); if (lastModVerbose == "Invalid Date" || new Date(doc.lastModified).getFullYear() == 1970) lastModVerbose = lastMod = null; if (!verbose) { if (pageSize[0]) yield (pageSize[1] || pageSize[0]) + " bytes"; yield lastMod; return; } yield ["Title", doc.title]; yield ["URL", template.highlightURL(doc.location.toString(), true)]; let ref = "referrer" in doc && doc.referrer; if (ref) yield ["Referrer", template.highlightURL(ref, true)]; if (pageSize[0]) yield ["File Size", pageSize[1] ? pageSize[1] + " (" + pageSize[0] + ")" : pageSize[0]]; yield ["Mime-Type", doc.contentType]; yield ["Encoding", doc.characterSet]; yield ["Compatibility", doc.compatMode == "BackCompat" ? "Quirks Mode" : "Full/Almost Standards Mode"]; if (lastModVerbose) yield ["Last Modified", lastModVerbose]; }); addPageInfoSection("m", "Meta Tags", function (verbose) { // get meta tag data, sort and put into pageMeta[] let metaNodes = window.content.document.getElementsByTagName("meta"); return Array.map(metaNodes, function (node) [(node.name || node.httpEquiv), template.highlightURL(node.content)]) .sort(function (a, b) util.compareIgnoreCase(a[0], b[0])); }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// PUBLIC SECTION ////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ return { /** * @property {Array} The alternative style sheets for the current * buffer. Only returns style sheets for the 'screen' media type. */ get alternateStyleSheets() { let stylesheets = window.getAllStyleSheets(window.content); return stylesheets.filter( function (stylesheet) /^(screen|all|)$/i.test(stylesheet.media.mediaText) && !/^\s*$/.test(stylesheet.title) ); }, /** * @property {Object} A map of page info sections to their * content generating functions. */ get pageInfo() pageInfo, /** * @property {number} A value indicating whether the buffer is loaded. * Values may be: * 0 - Loading. * 1 - Fully loaded. * 2 - Load failed. */ get loaded() { if (window.content.document.pageIsFullyLoaded !== undefined) return window.content.document.pageIsFullyLoaded; else return 0; // in doubt return "loading" }, set loaded(value) { window.content.document.pageIsFullyLoaded = value; }, /** * @property {Node} The last focused input field in the buffer. Used * by the "gi" key binding. */ get lastInputField() { if (window.content.document.lastInputField) return window.content.document.lastInputField; else return null; }, set lastInputField(value) { window.content.document.lastInputField = value; }, /** * @property {string} The current top-level document's URL. */ get URL() window.content.location.href, /** * @property {string} The current top-level document's URL, sans any * fragment identifier. */ get URI() { let loc = window.content.location; return loc.href.substr(0, loc.href.length - loc.hash.length); }, /** * @property {number} The buffer's height in pixels. */ get pageHeight() { return window.content.innerHeight; }, /** * @property {number} The current browser's text zoom level, as a * percentage with 100 as 'normal'. Only affects text size. */ get textZoom() { return getBrowser().markupDocumentViewer.textZoom * 100; }, set textZoom(value) { setZoom(value, false); }, /** * @property {number} The current browser's text zoom level, as a * percentage with 100 as 'normal'. Affects text size, as well as * image size and block size. */ get fullZoom() { return getBrowser().markupDocumentViewer.fullZoom * 100; }, set fullZoom(value) { setZoom(value, true); }, /** * @property {string} The current document's title. */ get title() { return window.content.document.title; }, /** * @property {number} The buffer's horizontal scroll percentile. */ get scrollXPercent() { let win = findScrollableWindow(); if (win.scrollMaxX > 0) return Math.round(win.scrollX / win.scrollMaxX * 100); else return 0; }, /** * @property {number} The buffer's vertical scroll percentile. */ get scrollYPercent() { let win = findScrollableWindow(); if (win.scrollMaxY > 0) return Math.round(win.scrollY / win.scrollMaxY * 100); else return 0; }, /** * Adds a new section to the page information output. * * @param {string} option The section's value in 'pageinfo'. * @param {string} title The heading for this section's * output. * @param {function} func The function to generate this * section's output. */ addPageInfoSection: addPageInfoSection, /** * Evaluates an XPath expression in the current or provided * document. It provides the xhtml and liberator XML namespaces. The * result may be used as an iterator. * * @param {string} expression The XPath expression to evaluate. * @param {Document} doc The document to evaluate the expression in. * @default The current document. * @param {Node} elem The context element. * @default doc * @param {boolean} asIterator Whether to return the results as an * XPath iterator. */ evaluateXPath: function (expression, doc, elem, asIterator) { if (!doc) doc = window.content.document; if (!elem) elem = doc; let result = doc.evaluate(expression, elem, function lookupNamespaceURI(prefix) { return { xhtml: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", liberator: NS.uri }[prefix] || null; }, asIterator ? XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE : XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null ); result.__iterator__ = asIterator ? function () { let elem; while ((elem = this.iterateNext())) yield elem; } : function () { for (let i = 0; i < this.snapshotLength; i++) yield this.snapshotItem(i); }; return result; }, /** * Returns the currently selected word. If the selection is * null, it tries to guess the word that the caret is * positioned in. * * NOTE: might change the selection * * @returns {string} */ // FIXME: getSelection() doesn't always preserve line endings, see: // https://www.mozdev.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=19303 getCurrentWord: function () { let selection = window.content.getSelection(); let range = selection.getRangeAt(0); if (selection.isCollapsed) { let selController = this.selectionController; let caretmode = selController.getCaretEnabled(); selController.setCaretEnabled(true); // Only move backwards if the previous character is not a space. if (range.startOffset > 0 && !/\s/.test(range.startContainer.textContent[range.startOffset - 1])) selController.wordMove(false, false); selController.wordMove(true, true); selController.setCaretEnabled(caretmode); return String.match(selection, /\w*/)[0]; } if (util.computedStyle(range.startContainer).whiteSpace == "pre" && util.computedStyle(range.endContainer).whiteSpace == "pre") return String(range); return String(selection); }, /** * Focuses the given element. In contrast to a simple * elem.focus() call, this function works for iframes and * image maps. * * @param {Node} elem The element to focus. */ focusElement: function (elem) { let doc = window.content.document; if (elem instanceof HTMLFrameElement || elem instanceof HTMLIFrameElement) return void elem.contentWindow.focus(); else if (elem instanceof HTMLInputElement && elem.type == "file") { openUploadPrompt(elem); buffer.lastInputField = elem; return; } elem.focus(); // for imagemap if (elem instanceof HTMLAreaElement) { try { let [x, y] = elem.getAttribute("coords").split(",").map(parseFloat); elem.dispatchEvent(events.create(doc, "mouseover", { screenX: x, screenY: y })); } catch (e) {} } }, /** * Tries to guess links the like of "next" and "prev". Though it has a * singularly horrendous name, it turns out to be quite useful. * * @param {string} rel The relationship to look for. Looks for * links with matching @rel or @rev attributes, and, * failing that, looks for an option named rel + * "pattern", and finds the last link matching that * RegExp. */ followDocumentRelationship: function (rel) { let regexes = options.get(rel + "pattern").values .map(function (re) RegExp(re, "i")); function followFrame(frame) { function iter(elems) { for (let i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) if (elems[i].rel.toLowerCase() == rel || elems[i].rev.toLowerCase() == rel) yield elems[i]; } // s have higher priority than normal hrefs let elems = frame.document.getElementsByTagName("link"); for (let elem in iter(elems)) { liberator.open(elem.href); return true; } // no links? ok, look for hrefs elems = frame.document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (let elem in iter(elems)) { buffer.followLink(elem, liberator.CURRENT_TAB); return true; } let res = buffer.evaluateXPath(options.get("hinttags").defaultValue, frame.document); for (let [, regex] in Iterator(regexes)) { for (let i in util.range(res.snapshotLength, 0, -1)) { let elem = res.snapshotItem(i); if (regex.test(elem.textContent) || regex.test(elem.title) || Array.some(elem.childNodes, function (child) regex.test(child.alt))) { buffer.followLink(elem, liberator.CURRENT_TAB); return true; } } } return false; } let ret = followFrame(window.content); if (!ret) // only loop through frames if the main content didn't match ret = Array.some(window.content.frames, followFrame); if (!ret) liberator.beep(); }, /** * Fakes a click on a link. * * @param {Node} elem The element to click. * @param {number} where Where to open the link. See * {@link liberator.open}. */ followLink: function (elem, where) { let doc = elem.ownerDocument; let view = doc.defaultView; let offsetX = 1; let offsetY = 1; if (elem instanceof HTMLFrameElement || elem instanceof HTMLIFrameElement) { elem.contentWindow.focus(); return; } else if (elem instanceof HTMLAreaElement) // for imagemap { let coords = elem.getAttribute("coords").split(","); offsetX = Number(coords[0]) + 1; offsetY = Number(coords[1]) + 1; } else if (elem instanceof HTMLInputElement && elem.type == "file") { openUploadPrompt(elem); return; } let ctrlKey = false, shiftKey = false; switch (where) { case liberator.NEW_TAB: case liberator.NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB: ctrlKey = true; shiftKey = (where != liberator.NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB); break; case liberator.NEW_WINDOW: shiftKey = true; break; case liberator.CURRENT_TAB: break; default: liberator.log("Invalid where argument for followLink()", 0); } elem.focus(); options.withContext(function () { options.setPref("browser.tabs.loadInBackground", true); ["mousedown", "mouseup", "click"].forEach(function (event) { elem.dispatchEvent(events.create(doc, event, { screenX: offsetX, screenY: offsetY, ctrlKey: ctrlKey, shiftKey: shiftKey, metaKey: ctrlKey })); }); }); }, /** * @property {nsISelectionController} The current document's selection * controller. */ get selectionController() getBrowser().docShell .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsISelectionDisplay) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsISelectionController), /** * Opens the appropriate context menu for elem. * * @param {Node} elem The context element. */ openContextMenu: function (elem) { document.popupNode = elem; let menu = document.getElementById("contentAreaContextMenu"); menu.showPopup(elem, -1, -1, "context", "bottomleft", "topleft"); }, /** * Saves a page link to disk. * * @param {HTMLAnchorElement} elem The page link to save. * @param {boolean} skipPrompt Whether to open the "Save Link As..." * dialog. */ saveLink: function (elem, skipPrompt) { let doc = elem.ownerDocument; let url = window.makeURLAbsolute(elem.baseURI, elem.href); let text = elem.textContent; try { window.urlSecurityCheck(url, doc.nodePrincipal); // we always want to save that link relative to the current working directory options.setPref("browser.download.lastDir", io.getCurrentDirectory().path); window.saveURL(url, text, null, true, skipPrompt, makeURI(url, doc.characterSet)); } catch (e) { liberator.echoerr(e); } }, /** * Scrolls to the bottom of the current buffer. */ scrollBottom: function () { scrollToPercentiles(-1, 100); }, /** * Scrolls the buffer laterally cols columns. * * @param {number} cols The number of columns to scroll. A positive * value scrolls right and a negative value left. */ scrollColumns: function (cols) { let win = findScrollableWindow(); const COL_WIDTH = 20; if (cols > 0 && win.scrollX >= win.scrollMaxX || cols < 0 && win.scrollX == 0) liberator.beep(); win.scrollBy(COL_WIDTH * cols, 0); }, /** * Scrolls to the top of the current buffer. */ scrollEnd: function () { scrollToPercentiles(100, -1); }, /** * Scrolls the buffer vertically lines rows. * * @param {number} lines The number of lines to scroll. A positive * value scrolls down and a negative value up. */ scrollLines: function (lines) { let win = findScrollableWindow(); checkScrollYBounds(win, lines); win.scrollByLines(lines); }, /** * Scrolls the buffer vertically pages pages. * * @param {number} pages The number of pages to scroll. A positive * value scrolls down and a negative value up. */ scrollPages: function (pages) { let win = findScrollableWindow(); checkScrollYBounds(win, pages); win.scrollByPages(pages); }, /** * Scrolls the buffer vertically 'scroll' lines. * * @param {boolean} direction The direction to scroll. If true then * scroll up and if false scroll down. * @param {number} count The multiple of 'scroll' lines to scroll. * @optional */ scrollByScrollSize: function (direction, count) { direction = direction ? 1 : -1; count = count || 1; let win = findScrollableWindow(); checkScrollYBounds(win, direction); if (options["scroll"] > 0) this.scrollLines(options["scroll"] * direction); else // scroll half a page down in pixels win.scrollBy(0, win.innerHeight / 2 * direction); }, /** * Scrolls the buffer to the specified screen percentiles. * * @param {number} x The horizontal page percentile. * @param {number} y The vertical page percentile. */ scrollToPercentiles: function (x, y) { scrollToPercentiles(x, y); }, /** * Scrolls the buffer to the specified screen pixels. * * @param {number} x The horizontal pixel. * @param {number} y The vertical pixel. */ scrollTo: function (x, y) { marks.add("'", true); content.scrollTo(x, y); }, /** * Scrolls the current buffer laterally to its leftmost. */ scrollStart: function () { scrollToPercentiles(0, -1); }, /** * Scrolls the current buffer vertically to the top. */ scrollTop: function () { scrollToPercentiles(-1, 0); }, // TODO: allow callback for filtering out unwanted frames? User defined? /** * Shifts the focus to another frame within the buffer. Each buffer * contains at least one frame. * * @param {number} count The number of frames to skip through. * @param {boolean} forward The direction of motion. */ shiftFrameFocus: function (count, forward) { if (!(window.content.document instanceof HTMLDocument)) return; count = Math.max(count, 1); let frames = []; // find all frames - depth-first search (function (frame) { if (frame.document.body instanceof HTMLBodyElement) frames.push(frame); Array.forEach(frame.frames, arguments.callee); })(window.content); if (frames.length == 0) // currently top is always included return; // remove all unfocusable frames // TODO: find a better way to do this - walking the tree is too slow let start = document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow; frames = frames.filter(function (frame) { frame.focus(); return document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow == frame; }); start.focus(); // find the currently focused frame index // TODO: If the window is a frameset then the first _frame_ should be // focused. Since this is not the current FF behaviour, // we initalize current to -1 so the first call takes us to the // first frame. let current = frames.indexOf(document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow); // calculate the next frame to focus let next = current; if (forward) { next = current + count; if (next > frames.length - 1) { if (current == frames.length - 1) liberator.beep(); next = frames.length - 1; // still allow the frame indicator to be activated } } else { next = current - count; if (next < 0) { if (current == 0) liberator.beep(); next = 0; // still allow the frame indicator to be activated } } // focus next frame and scroll into view frames[next].focus(); if (frames[next] != window.content) frames[next].frameElement.scrollIntoView(false); // add the frame indicator let doc = frames[next].document; let indicator = util.xmlToDom(
, doc); doc.body.appendChild(indicator); setTimeout(function () { doc.body.removeChild(indicator); }, 500); // Doesn't unattach //doc.body.setAttributeNS(NS.uri, "activeframe", "true"); //setTimeout(function () { doc.body.removeAttributeNS(NS.uri, "activeframe"); }, 500); }, // similar to pageInfo // TODO: print more useful information, just like the DOM inspector /** * Displays information about the specified element. * * @param {Node} elem The element to query. */ showElementInfo: function (elem) { liberator.echo(<>Element:
{util.objectToString(elem, true)}, commandline.FORCE_MULTILINE); }, /** * Displays information about the current buffer. * * @param {boolean} verbose Display more verbose information. * @param {string} sections A string limiting the displayed sections. * @default The value of 'pageinfo'. */ showPageInfo: function (verbose, sections) { // Ctrl-g single line output if (!verbose) { let file = content.document.location.pathname.split("/").pop() || "[No Name]"; let title = content.document.title || "[No Title]"; let info = template.map("gf", function (opt) template.map(pageInfo[opt][0](), util.identity, ", "), ", "); if (bookmarks.isBookmarked(this.URL)) info += ", bookmarked"; let pageInfoText = <>"{file}" [{info}] {title}; liberator.echo(pageInfoText, commandline.FORCE_SINGLELINE); return; } let option = sections || options["pageinfo"]; let list = template.map(option, function (option) { let opt = pageInfo[option]; if (opt) return template.table(opt[1], opt[0](true)); },
); liberator.echo(list, commandline.FORCE_MULTILINE); }, /** * Opens a viewer to inspect the source of the currently selected * range. */ viewSelectionSource: function () { // copied (and tuned somebit) from browser.jar -> nsContextMenu.js let focusedWindow = document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow; if (focusedWindow == window) focusedWindow = content; let docCharset = null; if (focusedWindow) docCharset = "charset=" + focusedWindow.document.characterSet; let reference = null; reference = focusedWindow.getSelection(); let docUrl = null; window.openDialog("chrome://global/content/viewPartialSource.xul", "_blank", "scrollbars,resizable,chrome,dialog=no", docUrl, docCharset, reference, "selection"); }, /** * Opens a viewer to inspect the source of the current buffer or the * specified url. Either the default viewer or the configured * external editor is used. * * @param {string} url The URL of the source. * @default The current buffer. * @param {boolean} useExternalEditor View the source in the external editor. */ viewSource: function (url, useExternalEditor) { url = url || buffer.URI; if (useExternalEditor) editor.editFileExternally(url); else { const PREFIX = "view-source:"; if (url.indexOf(PREFIX) == 0) url = url.substr(PREFIX.length); else url = PREFIX + url; liberator.open(url, { hide: true }); } }, /** * Increases the zoom level of the current buffer. * * @param {number} steps The number of zoom levels to jump. * @param {boolean} fullZoom Whether to use full zoom or text zoom. */ zoomIn: function (steps, fullZoom) { bumpZoomLevel(steps, fullZoom); }, /** * Decreases the zoom level of the current buffer. * * @param {number} steps The number of zoom levels to jump. * @param {boolean} fullZoom Whether to use full zoom or text zoom. */ zoomOut: function (steps, fullZoom) { bumpZoomLevel(-steps, fullZoom); } }; //}}} } //}}} /** * @instance marks */ function Marks() //{{{ { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////// PRIVATE SECTION ///////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ var localMarks = storage.newMap("local-marks", true, { privateData: true }); var urlMarks = storage.newMap("url-marks", true, { privateData: true }); var pendingJumps = []; var appContent = document.getElementById("appcontent"); if (appContent) appContent.addEventListener("load", onPageLoad, true); function onPageLoad(event) { let win = event.originalTarget.defaultView; for (let [i, mark] in Iterator(pendingJumps)) { if (win && win.location.href == mark.location) { buffer.scrollToPercentiles(mark.position.x * 100, mark.position.y * 100); pendingJumps.splice(i, 1); return; } } } function markToString(name, mark) { return name + ", " + mark.location + ", (" + Math.round(mark.position.x * 100) + "%, " + Math.round(mark.position.y * 100) + "%)" + (("tab" in mark) ? ", tab: " + tabs.index(mark.tab) : ""); } function removeLocalMark(mark) { let localmark = localMarks.get(mark); if (localmark) { let win = window.content; for (let [i, ] in Iterator(localmark)) { if (localmark[i].location == win.location.href) { liberator.log("Deleting local mark: " + markToString(mark, localmark[i]), 5); localmark.splice(i, 1); if (localmark.length == 0) localMarks.remove(mark); break; } } } } function removeURLMark(mark) { let urlmark = urlMarks.get(mark); if (urlmark) { liberator.log("Deleting URL mark: " + markToString(mark, urlmark), 5); urlMarks.remove(mark); } } function isLocalMark(mark) /^['`a-z]$/.test(mark); function isURLMark(mark) /^[A-Z0-9]$/.test(mark); function localMarkIter() { for (let [mark, value] in localMarks) for (let [, val] in Iterator(value)) yield [mark, val]; } function getSortedMarks() { // local marks let location = window.content.location.href; let lmarks = [i for (i in localMarkIter()) if (i[1].location == location)]; lmarks.sort(); // URL marks // FIXME: why does umarks.sort() cause a "Component is not available = // NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE" exception when used here? let umarks = [i for (i in urlMarks)]; umarks.sort(function (a, b) a[0].localeCompare(b[0])); return lmarks.concat(umarks); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// MAPPINGS //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ var myModes = config.browserModes; mappings.add(myModes, ["m"], "Set mark at the cursor position", function (arg) { if (/[^a-zA-Z]/.test(arg)) return void liberator.beep(); marks.add(arg); }, { arg: true }); mappings.add(myModes, ["'", "`"], "Jump to the mark in the current buffer", function (arg) { marks.jumpTo(arg); }, { arg: true }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// COMMANDS //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ commands.add(["delm[arks]"], "Delete the specified marks", function (args) { let special = args.bang; args = args.string; if (!special && !args) return void liberator.echoerr("E471: Argument required"); if (special && args) return void liberator.echoerr("E474: Invalid argument"); let matches; if (matches = args.match(/(?:(?:^|[^a-zA-Z0-9])-|-(?:$|[^a-zA-Z0-9])|[^a-zA-Z0-9 -]).*/)) { // NOTE: this currently differs from Vim's behavior which // deletes any valid marks in the arg list, up to the first // invalid arg, as well as giving the error message. liberator.echoerr("E475: Invalid argument: " + matches[0]); return; } // check for illegal ranges - only allow a-z A-Z 0-9 if (matches = args.match(/[a-zA-Z0-9]-[a-zA-Z0-9]/g)) { for (let i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) { let start = matches[i][0]; let end = matches[i][2]; if (/[a-z]/.test(start) != /[a-z]/.test(end) || /[A-Z]/.test(start) != /[A-Z]/.test(end) || /[0-9]/.test(start) != /[0-9]/.test(end) || start > end) { liberator.echoerr("E475: Invalid argument: " + args.match(matches[i] + ".*")[0]); return; } } } marks.remove(args, special); }, { bang: true, completer: function (context) completion.mark(context) }); commands.add(["ma[rk]"], "Mark current location within the web page", function (args) { let mark = args[0]; if (mark.length > 1) return void liberator.echoerr("E488: Trailing characters"); if (!/[a-zA-Z]/.test(mark)) return void liberator.echoerr("E191: Argument must be a letter or forward/backward quote"); marks.add(mark); }, { argCount: "1" }); commands.add(["marks"], "Show all location marks of current web page", function (args) { args = args.string; // ignore invalid mark characters unless there are no valid mark chars if (args && !/[a-zA-Z]/.test(args)) return void liberator.echoerr("E283: No marks matching " + args.quote()); let filter = args.replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g, ""); marks.list(filter); }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// COMPLETIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ completion.mark = function mark(context) { function percent(i) Math.round(i * 100); // FIXME: Line/Column doesn't make sense with % context.title = ["Mark", "Line Column File"]; context.keys.description = function ([, m]) percent(m.position.y) + "% " + percent(m.position.x) + "% " + m.location; context.completions = marks.all; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// PUBLIC SECTION ////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ return { /** * @property {Array} Returns all marks, both local and URL, in a sorted * array. */ get all() getSortedMarks(), /** * Add a named mark for the current buffer, at its current position. * If mark matches [A-Z], it's considered a URL mark, and will jump to * the same position at the same URL no matter what buffer it's * selected from. If it matches [a-z'"], it's a local mark, and can * only be recalled from a buffer with a matching URL. * * @param {string} mark The mark name. * @param {boolean} silent Whether to output error messages. */ // TODO: add support for frameset pages add: function (mark, silent) { let win = window.content; let doc = win.document; if (!doc.body) return; if (doc.body instanceof HTMLFrameSetElement) { if (!silent) liberator.echoerr("Marks support for frameset pages not implemented yet"); return; } let x = win.scrollMaxX ? win.pageXOffset / win.scrollMaxX : 0; let y = win.scrollMaxY ? win.pageYOffset / win.scrollMaxY : 0; let position = { x: x, y: y }; if (isURLMark(mark)) { urlMarks.set(mark, { location: win.location.href, position: position, tab: tabs.getTab() }); if (!silent) liberator.log("Adding URL mark: " + markToString(mark, urlMarks.get(mark)), 5); } else if (isLocalMark(mark)) { // remove any previous mark of the same name for this location removeLocalMark(mark); if (!localMarks.get(mark)) localMarks.set(mark, []); let vals = { location: win.location.href, position: position }; localMarks.get(mark).push(vals); if (!silent) liberator.log("Adding local mark: " + markToString(mark, vals), 5); } }, /** * Remove all marks matching filter. If special is * given, removes all local marks. * * @param {string} filter A string containing one character for each * mark to be removed. * @param {boolean} special Whether to delete all local marks. */ // FIXME: Shouldn't special be replaced with a null filter? remove: function (filter, special) { if (special) { // :delmarks! only deletes a-z marks for (let [mark, ] in localMarks) removeLocalMark(mark); } else { for (let [mark, ] in urlMarks) { if (filter.indexOf(mark) >= 0) removeURLMark(mark); } for (let [mark, ] in localMarks) { if (filter.indexOf(mark) >= 0) removeLocalMark(mark); } } }, /** * Jumps to the named mark. See {@link #add} * * @param {string} mark The mark to jump to. */ jumpTo: function (mark) { let ok = false; if (isURLMark(mark)) { let slice = urlMarks.get(mark); if (slice && slice.tab && slice.tab.linkedBrowser) { if (slice.tab.parentNode != getBrowser().tabContainer) { pendingJumps.push(slice); // NOTE: this obviously won't work on generated pages using // non-unique URLs :( liberator.open(slice.location, liberator.NEW_TAB); return; } let index = tabs.index(slice.tab); if (index != -1) { tabs.select(index); let win = slice.tab.linkedBrowser.contentWindow; if (win.location.href != slice.location) { pendingJumps.push(slice); win.location.href = slice.location; return; } liberator.log("Jumping to URL mark: " + markToString(mark, slice), 5); buffer.scrollToPercentiles(slice.position.x * 100, slice.position.y * 100); ok = true; } } } else if (isLocalMark(mark)) { let win = window.content; let slice = localMarks.get(mark) || []; for (let [, lmark] in Iterator(slice)) { if (win.location.href == lmark.location) { liberator.log("Jumping to local mark: " + markToString(mark, lmark), 5); buffer.scrollToPercentiles(lmark.position.x * 100, lmark.position.y * 100); ok = true; break; } } } if (!ok) liberator.echoerr("E20: Mark not set"); }, /** * List all marks matching filter. * * @param {string} filter */ list: function (filter) { let marks = getSortedMarks(); if (marks.length == 0) return void liberator.echoerr("No marks set"); if (filter.length > 0) { marks = marks.filter(function (mark) filter.indexOf(mark[0]) >= 0); if (marks.length == 0) return void liberator.echoerr("E283: No marks matching " + filter.quote()); } let list = template.tabular(["mark", "line", "col", "file"], ["", "text-align: right", "text-align: right", "color: green"], ([mark[0], Math.round(mark[1].position.x * 100) + "%", Math.round(mark[1].position.y * 100) + "%", mark[1].location] for ([, mark] in Iterator(marks)))); commandline.echo(list, commandline.HL_NORMAL, commandline.FORCE_MULTILINE); } }; //}}} } //}}} // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 ts=4 et: