// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 by Martin Stubenschrott // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 by Doug Kearns // Copyright (c) 2008-2009 by Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. /** @scope modules */ /** * Creates a new completion context. * * @class A class to provide contexts for command completion. * Manages the filtering and formatting of completions, and keeps * track of the positions and quoting of replacement text. Allows for * the creation of sub-contexts with different headers and quoting * rules. * * @param {nsIEditor} editor The editor for which completion is * intended. May be a {CompletionContext} when forking a context, * or a {string} when creating a new one. * @param {string} name The name of this context. Used when the * context is forked. * @param {number} offset The offset from the parent context. * @author Kris Maglione * @constructor */ const CompletionContext = Class("CompletionContext", { init: function (editor, name, offset) { if (!name) name = ""; let self = this; if (editor instanceof this.constructor) { let parent = editor; name = parent.name + "/" + name; this.autoComplete = options.get("autocomplete").getKey(name); this.sortResults = options.get("wildsort").getKey(name); this.wildcase = options.get("wildcase").getKey(name); this.contexts = parent.contexts; if (name in this.contexts) self = this.contexts[name]; else self.contexts[name] = this; /** * @property {CompletionContext} This context's parent. {null} when * this is a top-level context. */ self.parent = parent; ["filters", "keys", "title", "quote"].forEach(function (key) self[key] = parent[key] && util.cloneObject(parent[key])); ["anchored", "compare", "editor", "_filter", "filterFunc", "keys", "_process", "top"].forEach(function (key) self[key] = parent[key]); self.__defineGetter__("value", function () this.top.value); self.offset = parent.offset; self.advance(offset); /** * @property {boolean} Specifies that this context is not finished * generating results. * @default false */ self.incomplete = false; self.message = null; /** * @property {boolean} Specifies that this context is waiting for the * user to press . Useful when fetching completions could be * dangerous or slow, and the user has enabled autocomplete. */ self.waitingForTab = false; delete self._generate; delete self._ignoreCase; if (self != this) return self; ["_caret", "contextList", "maxItems", "onUpdate", "selectionTypes", "tabPressed", "updateAsync", "value"].forEach(function (key) { self.__defineGetter__(key, function () this.top[key]); self.__defineSetter__(key, function (val) this.top[key] = val); }); } else { if (typeof editor == "string") this._value = editor; else this.editor = editor; this.compare = function (a, b) String.localeCompare(a.text, b.text); /** * @property {function} This function is called when we close * a completion window with Esc or Ctrl-c. Usually this callback * is only needed for long, asynchronous completions */ this.cancel = null; /** * @property {function} The function used to filter the results. * @default Selects all results which match every predicate in the * {@link #filters} array. */ this.filterFunc = function (items) { let self = this; return this.filters. reduce(function (res, filter) res.filter(function (item) filter.call(self, item)), items); }; /** * @property {Array} An array of predicates on which to filter the * results. */ this.filters = [CompletionContext.Filter.text]; /** * @property {boolean} Specifies whether this context results must * match the filter at the beginning of the string. * @default true */ this.anchored = true; /** * @property {Object} A map of all contexts, keyed on their names. * Names are assigned when a context is forked, with its specified * name appended, after a '/', to its parent's name. May * contain inactive contexts. For active contexts, see * {@link #contextList}. */ this.contexts = { "": this }; /** * @property {Object} A mapping of keys, for {@link #getKey}. Given * { key: value }, getKey(item, key) will return values as such: * if value is a string, it will return item.item[value]. If it's a * function, it will return value(item.item). */ this.keys = { text: 0, description: 1, icon: "icon" }; /** * @property {number} This context's offset from the beginning of * {@link #editor}'s value. */ this.offset = offset || 0; /** * @property {function} A function which is called when any subcontext * changes its completion list. Only called when * {@link #updateAsync} is true. */ this.onUpdate = function () true; /** * @property {CompletionContext} The top-level completion context. */ this.top = this; this.__defineGetter__("incomplete", function () this.contextList.some(function (c) c.parent && c.incomplete)); this.__defineGetter__("waitingForTab", function () this.contextList.some(function (c) c.parent && c.waitingForTab)); this.__defineSetter__("incomplete", function (val) {}); this.__defineSetter__("waitingForTab", function (val) {}); this.reset(); } /** * @property {Object} A general-purpose store for functions which need to * cache data between calls. */ this.cache = {}; /** * @private * @property {Object} A cache for return values of {@link #generate}. */ this.itemCache = {}; /** * @property {string} A key detailing when the cached value of * {@link #generate} may be used. Every call to * {@link #generate} stores its result in {@link #itemCache}. * When itemCache[key] exists, its value is returned, and * {@link #generate} is not called again. */ this.key = ""; /** * @property {string} A message to be shown before any results. */ this.message = null; this.name = name || ""; /** @private */ this._completions = []; // FIXME /** * Returns a key, as detailed in {@link #keys}. * @function */ this.getKey = function (item, key) (typeof self.keys[key] == "function") ? self.keys[key].call(this, item.item) : key in self.keys ? item.item[self.keys[key]] : item.item[key]; return this; }, // Temporary /** * @property {Object} * * An object describing the results from all sub-contexts. Results are * adjusted so that all have the same starting offset. * * @deprecated */ get allItems() { try { let self = this; let minStart = Math.min.apply(Math, [context.offset for ([k, context] in Iterator(this.contexts)) if (context.items.length && context.hasItems)]); if (minStart == Infinity) minStart = 0; let items = this.contextList.map(function (context) { if (!context.hasItems) return []; let prefix = self.value.substring(minStart, context.offset); return context.items.map(function (item) ({ text: prefix + item.text, __proto__: item })); }); return { start: minStart, items: util.Array.flatten(items), longestSubstring: this.longestAllSubstring }; } catch (e) { liberator.reportError(e); return { start: 0, items: [], longestAllSubstring: "" }; } }, // Temporary get allSubstrings() { let contexts = this.contextList.filter(function (c) c.hasItems && c.items.length); let minStart = Math.min.apply(Math, contexts.map(function (c) c.offset)); let lists = contexts.map(function (context) { let prefix = context.value.substring(minStart, context.offset); return context.substrings.map(function (s) prefix + s); }); let substrings = lists.reduce( function (res, list) res.filter(function (str) list.some(function (s) s.substr(0, str.length) == str)), lists.pop()); if (!substrings) // FIXME: How is this undefined? return []; return util.Array.uniq(Array.slice(substrings)); }, // Temporary get longestAllSubstring() { return this.allSubstrings.reduce(function (a, b) a.length > b.length ? a : b, ""); }, get caret() this._caret - this.offset, set caret(val) this._caret = val + this.offset, get compare() this._compare || function () 0, set compare(val) this._compare = val, get completions() this._completions || [], set completions(items) { // Accept a generator if ({}.toString.call(items) != '[object Array]') items = [x for (x in Iterator(items))]; delete this.cache.filtered; delete this.cache.filter; this.cache.rows = []; this.hasItems = items.length > 0; this._completions = items; let self = this; if (this.updateAsync && !this.noUpdate) liberator.callInMainThread(function () { self.onUpdate.call(self); }); }, get createRow() this._createRow || template.completionRow, // XXX set createRow(createRow) this._createRow = createRow, get filterFunc() this._filterFunc || util.identity, set filterFunc(val) this._filterFunc = val, get filter() this._filter != null ? this._filter : this.value.substr(this.offset, this.caret), set filter(val) { delete this._ignoreCase; return this._filter = val; }, get format() ({ anchored: this.anchored, title: this.title, keys: this.keys, process: this.process }), set format(format) { this.anchored = format.anchored, this.title = format.title || this.title; this.keys = format.keys || this.keys; this.process = format.process || this.process; }, get message() this._message || (this.waitingForTab ? "Waiting for " : null), set message(val) this._message = val, get proto() { let res = {}; for (let i in Iterator(this.keys)) { let [k, v] = i; let _k = "_" + k; if (typeof v == "string" && /^[.[]/.test(v)) v = eval("(function (i) i" + v + ")"); if (typeof v == "function") res.__defineGetter__(k, function () _k in this ? this[_k] : (this[_k] = v(this.item))); else res.__defineGetter__(k, function () _k in this ? this[_k] : (this[_k] = this.item[v])); res.__defineSetter__(k, function (val) this[_k] = val); } return res; }, get regenerate() this._generate && (!this.completions || !this.itemCache[this.key] || this.cache.offset != this.offset), set regenerate(val) { if (val) delete this.itemCache[this.key]; }, get generate() !this._generate ? null : function () { if (this.offset != this.cache.offset) this.itemCache = {}; this.cache.offset = this.offset; if (!this.itemCache[this.key]) this.itemCache[this.key] = this._generate.call(this) || []; return this.itemCache[this.key]; }, set generate(arg) { this.hasItems = true; this._generate = arg; if (this.background && this.regenerate) { let lock = {}; this.cache.backgroundLock = lock; this.incomplete = true; let thread = this.getCache("backgroundThread", liberator.newThread); liberator.callAsync(thread, this, function () { if (this.cache.backgroundLock != lock) return; let items = this.generate(); if (this.cache.backgroundLock != lock) return; this.incomplete = false; this.completions = items; }); } }, get ignoreCase() { if ("_ignoreCase" in this) return this._ignoreCase; let mode = this.wildcase; if (mode == "match") return this._ignoreCase = false; if (mode == "ignore") return this._ignoreCase = true; return this._ignoreCase = !/[A-Z]/.test(this.filter); }, set ignoreCase(val) this._ignoreCase = val, get items() { if (!this.hasItems || this.backgroundLock) return []; if (this.cache.filtered && this.cache.filter == this.filter) return this.cache.filtered; this.cache.rows = []; let items = this.completions; if (this.generate && !this.background) { // XXX this.noUpdate = true; this.completions = items = this.generate(); this.noUpdate = false; } this.cache.filter = this.filter; if (items == null) return items; let self = this; delete this._substrings; let proto = this.proto; let filtered = this.filterFunc(items.map(function (item) ({ __proto__: proto, item: item }))); if (this.maxItems) filtered = filtered.slice(0, this.maxItems); if (this.sortResults && this.compare) filtered.sort(this.compare); let quote = this.quote; if (quote) filtered.forEach(function (item) { item.unquoted = item.text; item.text = quote[0] + quote[1](item.text) + quote[2]; }); return this.cache.filtered = filtered; }, get process() { // FIXME let self = this; let process = this._process; process = [process[0] || template.icon, process[1] || function (item, k) k]; let first = process[0]; let filter = this.filter; if (!this.anchored) process[0] = function (item, text) first.call(self, item, template.highlightFilter(item.text, filter)); return process; }, set process(process) { this._process = process; }, get substrings() { let items = this.items; if (items.length == 0 || !this.hasItems) return []; if (this._substrings) return this._substrings; let fixCase = this.ignoreCase ? String.toLowerCase : util.identity; let text = fixCase(items[0].unquoted || items[0].text); let filter = fixCase(this.filter); if (this.anchored) { var compare = function compare(text, s) text.substr(0, s.length) == s; substrings = util.map(util.range(filter.length, text.length + 1), function (end) text.substring(0, end)); } else { var compare = function compare(text, s) text.indexOf(s) >= 0; substrings = []; let start = 0; let idx; let length = filter.length; while ((idx = text.indexOf(filter, start)) > -1 && idx < text.length) { for (let end in util.range(idx + length, text.length + 1)) substrings.push(text.substring(idx, end)); start = idx + 1; } } substrings = items.reduce( function (res, item) res.filter(function (str) compare(fixCase(item.unquoted || item.text), str)), substrings); let quote = this.quote; if (quote) substrings = substrings.map(function (str) quote[0] + quote[1](str)); return this._substrings = substrings; }, /** * Advances the context count characters. {@link #filter} is * advanced to match. If {@link #quote} is non-null, its prefix and suffix * are set to the null-string. * * This function is still imperfect for quoted strings. When * {@link #quote} is non-null, it adjusts the count based on the quoted * size of the count-character substring of the filter, which is * accurate so long as unquoting and quoting a string will always map to * the original quoted string, which is often not the case. * * @param {number} count The number of characters to advance the context. */ advance: function advance(count) { delete this._ignoreCase; if (this.quote) { count = this.quote[0].length + this.quote[1](this.filter.substr(0, count)).length; this.quote[0] = ""; this.quote[2] = ""; } this.offset += count; if (this._filter) this._filter = this._filter.substr(count); }, cancelAll: function () { for (let [, context] in Iterator(this.contextList)) { if (context.cancel) context.cancel(); } }, /** * Gets a key from {@link #cache}, setting it to defVal if it * doesn't already exists. * * @param {string} key * @param defVal */ getCache: function (key, defVal) { if (!(key in this.cache)) this.cache[key] = defVal(); return this.cache[key]; }, getItems: function getItems(start, end) { let self = this; let items = this.items; let step = start > end ? -1 : 1; start = Math.max(0, start || 0); end = Math.min(items.length, end ? end : items.length); return util.map(util.range(start, end, step), function (i) items[i]); }, getRows: function getRows(start, end, doc) { let self = this; let items = this.items; let cache = this.cache.rows; let step = start > end ? -1 : 1; start = Math.max(0, start || 0); end = Math.min(items.length, end != null ? end : items.length); for (let i in util.range(start, end, step)) yield [i, cache[i] = cache[i] || util.xmlToDom(self.createRow(items[i]), doc)]; }, fork: function fork(name, offset, self, completer) { if (typeof completer == "string") completer = self[completer]; let context = CompletionContext(this, name, offset); this.contextList.push(context); if (!context.autoComplete && !context.tabPressed && context.editor) context.waitingForTab = true; else if (completer) return completer.apply(self || this, [context].concat(Array.slice(arguments, arguments.callee.length))); if (completer) return null; return context; }, getText: function getText(item) { let text = item[self.keys["text"]]; if (self.quote) return self.quote(text); return text; }, highlight: function highlight(start, length, type) { try { // Gecko < 1.9.1 doesn't have repaintSelection this.selectionTypes[type] = null; const selType = Ci.nsISelectionController["SELECTION_" + type]; const editor = this.editor; let sel = editor.selectionController.getSelection(selType); if (length == 0) sel.removeAllRanges(); else { let range = editor.selection.getRangeAt(0).cloneRange(); range.setStart(range.startContainer, this.offset + start); range.setEnd(range.startContainer, this.offset + start + length); sel.addRange(range); } editor.selectionController.repaintSelection(selType); } catch (e) {} }, // FIXME _match: function _match(filter, str) { if (this.ignoreCase) { filter = filter.toLowerCase(); str = str.toLowerCase(); } if (this.anchored) return str.substr(0, filter.length) == filter; return str.indexOf(filter) > -1; }, match: function match(str) { return this._match(this.filter, str); }, reset: function reset() { let self = this; if (this.parent) throw Error(); // Not ideal. for (let type in this.selectionTypes) this.highlight(0, 0, type); /** * @property {[CompletionContext]} A list of active * completion contexts, in the order in which they were * instantiated. */ this.contextList = []; this.offset = 0; this.process = []; this.selectionTypes = {}; this.tabPressed = false; this.title = ["Completions"]; this.updateAsync = false; this.cancelAll(); if (this.editor) { this.value = this.editor.selection.focusNode.textContent; this._caret = this.editor.selection.focusOffset; } else { this.value = this._value; this._caret = this.value.length; } //for (let key in (k for ([k, v] in Iterator(self.contexts)) if (v.offset > this.caret))) // delete this.contexts[key]; for each (let context in this.contexts) { context.hasItems = false; if (context != context.top) context.incomplete = false; } }, /** * Wait for all subcontexts to complete. * * @param {boolean} interruptible When true, the call may be interrupted * via , in which case, "Interrupted" may be thrown. * @param {number} timeout The maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait. * If 0 or null, wait indefinately. */ wait: function wait(interruptable, timeout) { let end = Date.now() + timeout; while (this.incomplete && (!timeout || Date.now() > end)) liberator.threadYield(false, interruptable); return this.incomplete; } }, { Sort: { number: function (a, b) parseInt(b) - parseInt(a) || String.localeCompare(a, b), unsorted: null }, Filter: { text: function (item) { let text = Array.concat(item.text); for (let [i, str] in Iterator(text)) { if (this.match(String(str))) { item.text = String(text[i]); return true; } } return false; }, textDescription: function (item) { return CompletionContext.Filter.text.call(this, item) || this.match(item.description); } } }); /** * @instance completion */ const Completion = Module("completion", { init: function () { }, get setFunctionCompleter() JavaScript.setCompleter, // Backward compatibility // FIXME _runCompleter: function _runCompleter(name, filter, maxItems) { let context = CompletionContext(filter); context.maxItems = maxItems; let res = context.fork.apply(context, ["run", 0, this, name].concat(Array.slice(arguments, 3))); if (res) // FIXME return { items: res.map(function (i) ({ item: i })) }; context.wait(true); return context.allItems; }, runCompleter: function runCompleter(name, filter, maxItems) { return this._runCompleter.apply(this, Array.slice(arguments)) .items.map(function (i) i.item); }, listCompleter: function listCompleter(name, filter, maxItems) { let context = CompletionContext(filter || ""); context.maxItems = maxItems; context.fork.apply(context, ["list", 0, completion, name].concat(Array.slice(arguments, 3))); context = context.contexts["/list"]; context.wait(); let list = template.commandOutput(
{ template.completionRow(context.title, "CompTitle") } { template.map(context.items, function (item) context.createRow(item), null, 100) }
); commandline.echo(list, commandline.HL_NORMAL, commandline.FORCE_MULTILINE); }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////// COMPLETION TYPES //////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ // filter a list of urls // // may consist of search engines, filenames, bookmarks and history, // depending on the 'complete' option // if the 'complete' argument is passed like "h", it temporarily overrides the complete option url: function url(context, complete) { let numLocationCompletions = 0; // how many async completions did we already return to the caller? let start = 0; let skip = 0; if (options["urlseparator"]) skip = context.filter.match("^.*" + options["urlseparator"]); // start after the last 'urlseparator' if (skip) context.advance(skip[0].length); // Will, and should, throw an error if !(c in opts) Array.forEach(complete || options["complete"], function (c) { let completer = completion.urlCompleters[c]; context.fork.apply(context, [c, 0, completion, completer.completer].concat(completer.args)); }); }, urlCompleters: {}, addUrlCompleter: function addUrlCompleter(opt) { let completer = Completion.UrlCompleter.apply(null, Array.slice(arguments)); completer.args = Array.slice(arguments, completer.length); this.urlCompleters[opt] = completer; }, urls: function (context, tags) { let compare = String.localeCompare; let contains = String.indexOf; if (context.ignoreCase) { compare = util.compareIgnoreCase; contains = function (a, b) a && a.toLowerCase().indexOf(b.toLowerCase()) > -1; } if (tags) context.filters.push(function (item) tags. every(function (tag) (item.tags || []). some(function (t) !compare(tag, t)))); context.anchored = false; if (!context.title) context.title = ["URL", "Title"]; context.fork("additional", 0, this, function (context) { context.title[0] += " (additional)"; context.filter = context.parent.filter; // FIXME context.completions = context.parent.completions; // For items whose URL doesn't exactly match the filter, // accept them if all tokens match either the URL or the title. // Filter out all directly matching strings. let match = context.filters[0]; context.filters[0] = function (item) !match.call(this, item); // and all that don't match the tokens. let tokens = context.filter.split(/\s+/); context.filters.push(function (item) tokens.every( function (tok) contains(item.url, tok) || contains(item.title, tok))); let re = RegExp(tokens.filter(util.identity).map(util.escapeRegex).join("|"), "g"); function highlight(item, text, i) process[i].call(this, item, template.highlightRegexp(text, re)); let process = [template.icon, function (item, k) k]; context.process = [ function (item, text) highlight.call(this, item, item.text, 0), function (item, text) highlight.call(this, item, text, 1) ]; }); } //}}} }, { UrlCompleter: Struct("name", "description", "completer") }, { commands: function () { commands.add(["contexts"], "List the completion contexts used during completion of an ex command", function (args) { commandline.echo(template.commandOutput(
{ template.completionRow(["Context", "Title"], "CompTitle") } { template.map(completion.contextList || [], function (item) template.completionRow(item, "CompItem")) }
), null, commandline.FORCE_MULTILINE); }, { argCount: "1", completer: function (context, args) { let PREFIX = "/ex/contexts"; context.fork("ex", 0, completion, "ex"); completion.contextList = [[k.substr(PREFIX.length), v.title[0]] for ([k, v] in iter(context.contexts)) if (k.substr(0, PREFIX.length) == PREFIX)]; }, literal: 0 }); }, options: function () { options.add(["autocomplete", "au"], "Automatically update the completion list on any key press", "regexlist", ".*"); options.add(["complete", "cpt"], "Items which are completed at the :open prompts", "charlist", typeof(config.defaults["complete"]) == "string" ? config.defaults["complete"] : "slf", { completer: function (context) array(values(completion.urlCompleters)) }); options.add(["wildcase", "wic"], "Completion case matching mode", "regexmap", "smart", { completer: function () [ ["smart", "Case is significant when capital letters are typed"], ["match", "Case is always significant"], ["ignore", "Case is never significant"] ] }); options.add(["wildmode", "wim"], "Define how command line completion works", "stringlist", "list:full", { completer: function (context) [ // Why do we need ""? // Because its description is useful during completion. --Kris ["", "Complete only the first match"], ["full", "Complete the next full match"], ["longest", "Complete to longest common string"], ["list", "If more than one match, list all matches"], ["list:full", "List all and complete first match"], ["list:longest", "List all and complete common string"] ], checkHas: function (value, val) { let [first, second] = value.split(":", 2); return first == val || second == val; }, has: function () { test = function (val) this.values.some(function (value) this.checkHas(value, val), this); return Array.some(arguments, test, this); } }); options.add(["wildsort", "wis"], "Regexp list of which contexts to sort", "regexlist", ".*"); } }); // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 ts=4 et: