// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 by Martin Stubenschrott // Copyright (c) 2007-2011 by Doug Kearns // Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. "use strict"; /** @scope modules */ var EVAL_ERROR = "__dactyl_eval_error"; var EVAL_RESULT = "__dactyl_eval_result"; var EVAL_STRING = "__dactyl_eval_string"; var Dactyl = Module("dactyl", XPCOM(Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference, ModuleBase), { init: function () { window.dactyl = this; // cheap attempt at compatibility let prop = { get: deprecated("dactyl", function liberator() dactyl), configurable: true }; Object.defineProperty(window, "liberator", prop); Object.defineProperty(modules, "liberator", prop); this.commands = {}; this.indices = {}; this.modules = modules; this._observers = {}; util.addObserver(this); this.commands["dactyl.restart"] = function (event) { dactyl.restart(); }; styles.registerSheet("resource://dactyl-skin/dactyl.css"); this.cleanups = []; this.cleanups.push(overlay.overlayObject(window, { focusAndSelectUrlBar: function focusAndSelectUrlBar() { switch (options.get("strictfocus").getKey(document.documentURIObject || util.newURI(document.documentURI), "moderate")) { case "laissez-faire": if (!Events.isHidden(window.gURLBar, true)) return focusAndSelectUrlBar.superapply(this, arguments); default: // Evil. Ignore. } } })); }, cleanup: function () { for (let cleanup in values(this.cleanups)) cleanup.call(this); delete window.dactyl; delete window.liberator; // Prevents box ordering bugs after our stylesheet is removed. styles.system.add("cleanup-sheet", config.styleableChrome, literal(/* #TabsToolbar tab { display: none; } */)); styles.unregisterSheet("resource://dactyl-skin/dactyl.css"); DOM('#TabsToolbar tab', document).style.display; }, destroy: function () { this.observe.unregister(); autocommands.trigger("LeavePre", {}); dactyl.triggerObserver("shutdown", null); util.dump("All dactyl modules destroyed\n"); autocommands.trigger("Leave", {}); }, // initially hide all GUI elements, they are later restored unless the user // has :set go= or something similar in his config hideGUI: function () { let guioptions = config.guioptions; for (let option in guioptions) { guioptions[option].forEach(function (elem) { try { document.getElementById(elem).collapsed = true; } catch (e) {} }); } }, observers: { "dactyl-cleanup": function dactyl_cleanup(subject, reason) { let modules = dactyl.modules; for (let mod in values(modules.moduleList.reverse())) { mod.stale = true; if ("cleanup" in mod) this.trapErrors("cleanup", mod, reason); if ("destroy" in mod) this.trapErrors("destroy", mod, reason); } modules.moduleManager.initDependencies("cleanup"); for (let name in values(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(modules).reverse())) try { delete modules[name]; } catch (e) {} modules.__proto__ = {}; } }, signals: { "io.source": function ioSource(context, file, modTime) { if (contexts.getDocs(context)) help.flush("help/plugins.xml", modTime); } }, profileName: deprecated("config.profileName", { get: function profileName() config.profileName }), /** * @property {Modes.Mode} The current main mode. * @see modes#mainModes */ mode: deprecated("modes.main", { get: function mode() modes.main, set: function mode(val) modes.main = val }), getMenuItems: function getMenuItems(targetPath) { function addChildren(node, parent) { DOM(node).createContents(); if (~["menu", "menupopup"].indexOf(node.localName) && node.children.length) DOM(node).popupshowing({ bubbles: false }); for (let [, item] in Iterator(node.childNodes)) { if (item.childNodes.length == 0 && item.localName == "menuitem" && !item.hidden && !/rdf:http:/.test(item.getAttribute("label"))) { // FIXME item.dactylPath = parent + item.getAttribute("label"); if (!targetPath || targetPath.indexOf(item.dactylPath) == 0) items.push(item); } else { let path = parent; if (item.localName == "menu") path += item.getAttribute("label") + "."; if (!targetPath || targetPath.indexOf(path) == 0) addChildren(item, path); } } } let items = []; addChildren(document.getElementById(config.guioptions["m"][1]), ""); return items; }, get menuItems() this.getMenuItems(), // Global constants CURRENT_TAB: "here", NEW_TAB: "tab", NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB: "background-tab", NEW_WINDOW: "window", forceBackground: null, forcePrivate: null, forceTarget: null, get forceOpen() ({ background: this.forceBackground, target: this.forceTarget }), set forceOpen(val) { for (let [k, v] in Iterator({ background: "forceBackground", target: "forceTarget" })) if (k in val) this[v] = val[k]; }, version: deprecated("config.version", { get: function version() config.version }), /** * @property {Object} The map of command-line options. These are * specified in the argument to the host application's -{config.name} * option. E.g. $ firefox -pentadactyl '+u=/tmp/rcfile ++noplugin' * Supported options: * +u RCFILE Use RCFILE instead of .pentadactylrc. * ++noplugin Don't load plugins. * These two can be specified multiple times: * ++cmd CMD Execute an Ex command before initialization. * +c CMD Execute an Ex command after initialization. */ commandLineOptions: { /** @property Whether plugin loading should be prevented. */ noPlugins: false, /** @property An RC file to use rather than the default. */ rcFile: null, /** @property An Ex command to run before any initialization is performed. */ preCommands: null, /** @property An Ex command to run after all initialization has been performed. */ postCommands: null }, registerObserver: function registerObserver(type, callback, weak) { if (!(type in this._observers)) this._observers[type] = []; this._observers[type].push(weak ? util.weakReference(callback) : { get: function () callback }); }, registerObservers: function registerObservers(obj, prop) { for (let [signal, func] in Iterator(obj[prop || "signals"])) this.registerObserver(signal, obj.closure(func), false); }, unregisterObserver: function unregisterObserver(type, callback) { if (type in this._observers) this._observers[type] = this._observers[type].filter(c => c.get() != callback); }, applyTriggerObserver: function triggerObserver(type, args) { if (type in this._observers) this._observers[type] = this._observers[type].filter(function (callback) { if (callback.get()) { try { try { callback.get().apply(null, args); } catch (e if e.message == "can't wrap XML objects") { // Horrible kludge. callback.get().apply(null, [String(args[0])].concat(args.slice(1))); } } catch (e) { dactyl.reportError(e); } return true; } }); }, triggerObserver: function triggerObserver(type, ...args) { return this.applyTriggerObserver(type, args); }, addUsageCommand: function (params) { function keys(item) (item.names || [item.name]).concat(item.description, item.columns || []); let name = commands.add(params.name, params.description, function (args) { let results = array(params.iterate(args)) .sort((a, b) => String.localeCompare(a.name, b.name)); let filters = args.map(arg => let (re = util.regexp.escape(arg)) util.regexp("\\b" + re + "\\b|(?:^|[()\\s])" + re + "(?:$|[()\\s])", "i")); if (filters.length) results = results.filter(item => filters.every(re => keys(item).some(re.closure.test))); commandline.commandOutput( template.usage(results, params.format)); }, { argCount: "*", completer: function (context, args) { context.keys.text = util.identity; context.keys.description = function () seen[this.text] + /*L*/" matching items"; context.ignoreCase = true; let seen = {}; context.completions = array(keys(item).join(" ").toLowerCase().split(/[()\s]+/) for (item in params.iterate(args))) .flatten() .map(function (k) { seen[k] = (seen[k] || 0) + 1; return k; }).uniq(); }, options: params.options || [] }); if (params.index) this.indices[params.index] = function () { let results = array((params.iterateIndex || params.iterate).call(params, commands.get(name).newArgs())) .array.sort((a, b) => String.localeCompare(a.name, b.name)); let haveTag = Set.has(help.tags); for (let obj in values(results)) { let res = dactyl.generateHelp(obj, null, null, true); if (!haveTag(obj.helpTag)) res[0][1].tag = obj.helpTag; yield res; } }; }, /** * Triggers the application bell to notify the user of an error. The * bell may be either audible or visual depending on the value of the * 'visualbell' option. */ beep: function () { this.triggerObserver("beep"); if (options["visualbell"]) { let elems = { bell: document.getElementById("dactyl-bell"), strut: document.getElementById("dactyl-bell-strut") }; if (!elems.bell) overlay.overlayWindow(window, { objects: elems, prepend: [ ["window", { id: document.documentElement.id, xmlns: "xul" }, ["hbox", { style: "display: none", highlight: "Bell", id: "dactyl-bell", key: "bell" }]]], append: [ ["window", { id: document.documentElement.id, xmlns: "xul" }, ["hbox", { style: "display: none", highlight: "Bell", id: "dactyl-bell-strut", key: "strut" }]]] }, elems); elems.bell.style.height = window.innerHeight + "px"; elems.strut.style.marginBottom = -window.innerHeight + "px"; elems.strut.style.display = elems.bell.style.display = ""; util.timeout(function () { elems.strut.style.display = elems.bell.style.display = "none"; }, 20); } else { let soundService = Cc["@mozilla.org/sound;1"].getService(Ci.nsISound); soundService.beep(); } }, /** * Reads a string from the system clipboard. * * This is same as Firefox's readFromClipboard function, but is needed for * apps like Thunderbird which do not provide it. * * @param {string} which Which clipboard to write to. Either * "global" or "selection". If not provided, both clipboards are * updated. * @optional * @returns {string} */ clipboardRead: function clipboardRead(which) { try { const { clipboard } = services; let transferable = services.Transferable(); transferable.addDataFlavor("text/unicode"); let source = clipboard[which == "global" || !clipboard.supportsSelectionClipboard() ? "kGlobalClipboard" : "kSelectionClipboard"]; clipboard.getData(transferable, source); let str = {}, len = {}; transferable.getTransferData("text/unicode", str, len); if (str) return str.value.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsString) .data.substr(0, len.value / 2); } catch (e) {} return null; }, /** * Copies a string to the system clipboard. If *verbose* is specified the * copied string is also echoed to the command line. * * @param {string} str The string to write. * @param {boolean} verbose If true, the user is notified of the copied data. * @param {string} which Which clipboard to write to. Either * "global" or "selection". If not provided, both clipboards are * updated. * @optional */ clipboardWrite: function clipboardWrite(str, verbose, which) { if (which == null || which == "selection" && !services.clipboard.supportsSelectionClipboard()) services.clipboardHelper.copyString(str); else services.clipboardHelper.copyStringToClipboard(str, services.clipboard["k" + util.capitalize(which) + "Clipboard"]); if (verbose) { let message = { message: _("dactyl.yank", str) }; try { message.domains = [util.newURI(str).host]; } catch (e) {}; dactyl.echomsg(message); } }, dump: deprecated("util.dump", { get: function dump() util.closure.dump }), dumpStack: deprecated("util.dumpStack", { get: function dumpStack() util.closure.dumpStack }), /** * Outputs a plain message to the command line. * * @param {string} str The message to output. * @param {number} flags These control the multi-line message behavior. * See {@link CommandLine#echo}. */ echo: function echo(str, flags) { commandline.echo(str, commandline.HL_NORMAL, flags); }, /** * Outputs an error message to the command line. * * @param {string} str The message to output. * @param {number} flags These control the multi-line message behavior. * See {@link CommandLine#echo}. */ echoerr: function echoerr(str, flags) { flags |= commandline.APPEND_TO_MESSAGES; if (isinstance(str, ["DOMException", "Error", "Exception", ErrorBase]) || isinstance(str, ["XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper"]) && /^\[Exception/.test(str)) dactyl.reportError(str); if (isObject(str) && "echoerr" in str) str = str.echoerr; else if (isinstance(str, ["Error", FailedAssertion]) && str.fileName) str = [str.fileName.replace(/^.* -> /, ""), ": ", str.lineNumber, ": ", str].join(""); if (options["errorbells"]) dactyl.beep(); commandline.echo(str, commandline.HL_ERRORMSG, flags); }, /** * Outputs a warning message to the command line. * * @param {string} str The message to output. * @param {number} flags These control the multi-line message behavior. * See {@link CommandLine#echo}. */ warn: function warn(str, flags) { commandline.echo(str, "WarningMsg", flags | commandline.APPEND_TO_MESSAGES); }, // TODO: add proper level constants /** * Outputs an information message to the command line. * * @param {string} str The message to output. * @param {number} verbosity The messages log level (0 - 15). Only * messages with verbosity less than or equal to the value of the * *verbosity* option will be output. * @param {number} flags These control the multi-line message behavior. * See {@link CommandLine#echo}. */ echomsg: function echomsg(str, verbosity, flags) { if (verbosity == null) verbosity = 0; // verbosity level is exclusionary if (options["verbose"] >= verbosity) commandline.echo(str, commandline.HL_INFOMSG, flags | commandline.APPEND_TO_MESSAGES); }, /** * Loads and executes the script referenced by *uri* in the scope of the * *context* object. * * @param {string} uri The URI of the script to load. Should be a local * chrome:, file:, or resource: URL. * @param {Object} context The context object into which the script * should be loaded. */ loadScript: function loadScript(uri, context) { JSMLoader.loadSubScript(uri, context, File.defaultEncoding); }, userEval: function userEval(str, context, fileName, lineNumber) { let ctxt; if (jsmodules.__proto__ != window && jsmodules.__proto__ != XPCNativeWrapper(window) && jsmodules.isPrototypeOf(context)) str = "with (window) { with (modules) { (this.eval || eval)(" + str.quote() + ") } }"; let info = contexts.context; if (fileName == null) if (info) ({ file: fileName, line: lineNumber, context: ctxt }) = info; if (fileName && fileName[0] == "[") fileName = "dactyl://command-line/"; else if (!context) context = ctxt || _userContext; if (isinstance(context, ["Sandbox"])) return Cu.evalInSandbox(str, context, "1.8", fileName, lineNumber); if (!context) context = userContext || ctxt; if (services.has("dactyl") && services.dactyl.evalInContext) return services.dactyl.evalInContext(str, context, fileName, lineNumber); try { context[EVAL_ERROR] = null; context[EVAL_STRING] = str; context[EVAL_RESULT] = null; this.loadScript("resource://dactyl-content/eval.js", context); if (context[EVAL_ERROR]) { try { context[EVAL_ERROR].fileName = info.file; context[EVAL_ERROR].lineNumber += info.line; } catch (e) {} throw context[EVAL_ERROR]; } return context[EVAL_RESULT]; } finally { delete context[EVAL_ERROR]; delete context[EVAL_RESULT]; delete context[EVAL_STRING]; } }, /** * Acts like the Function builtin, but the code executes in the * userContext global. */ userFunc: function userFunc(...args) { return this.userEval( "(function userFunction(" + args.slice(0, -1).join(", ") + ")" + " { " + args.pop() + " })"); }, /** * Execute an Ex command string. E.g. ":zoom 300". * * @param {string} str The command to execute. * @param {Object} modifiers Any modifiers to be passed to * {@link Command#action}. * @param {boolean} silent Whether the command should be echoed on the * command line. */ execute: function execute(str, modifiers = {}, silent = false) { // skip comments and blank lines if (/^\s*("|$)/.test(str)) return; if (!silent) commands.lastCommand = str.replace(/^\s*:\s*/, ""); let res = true; for (let [command, args] in commands.parseCommands(str.replace(/^'(.*)'$/, "$1"))) { if (command === null) throw FailedAssertion(_("dactyl.notCommand", config.appName, args.commandString)); res = res && command.execute(args, modifiers); } return res; }, focus: function focus(elem, flags) { DOM(elem).focus(flags); }, /** * Focuses the content window. * * @param {boolean} clearFocusedElement Remove focus from any focused * element. */ focusContent: function focusContent(clearFocusedElement) { if (window != services.focus.activeWindow) return; let win = document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow; let elem = config.mainWidget || content; // TODO: make more generic try { if (this.has("mail") && !config.isComposeWindow) { let i = gDBView.selection.currentIndex; if (i == -1 && gDBView.rowCount >= 0) i = 0; gDBView.selection.select(i); } else { let frame = buffer.focusedFrame; if (frame && frame.top == content && !Editor.getEditor(frame)) elem = frame; } } catch (e) {} if (clearFocusedElement) { if (dactyl.focusedElement) dactyl.focusedElement.blur(); if (win && Editor.getEditor(win)) { this.withSavedValues(["ignoreFocus"], function _focusContent() { this.ignoreFocus = true; if (win.frameElement) win.frameElement.blur(); // Grr. if (content.document.activeElement instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLIFrameElement) content.document.activeElement.blur(); }); } } if (elem instanceof Window && Editor.getEditor(elem)) elem = window; if (elem && elem != dactyl.focusedElement) dactyl.focus(elem); }, /** @property {Element} The currently focused element. */ get focusedElement() services.focus.getFocusedElementForWindow(window, true, {}), set focusedElement(elem) dactyl.focus(elem), /** * Returns whether this Dactyl extension supports *feature*. * * @param {string} feature The feature name. * @returns {boolean} */ has: function has(feature) Set.has(config.features, feature), /** * @private */ initDocument: function initDocument(doc) { try { if (doc.location.protocol === "dactyl:") { dactyl.initHelp(); config.styleHelp(); } } catch (e) { util.reportError(e); } }, help: deprecated("help.help", { get: function help() modules.help.closure.help }), findHelp: deprecated("help.findHelp", { get: function findHelp() help.closure.findHelp }), /** * @private * Initialize the help system. */ initHelp: function initHelp() { if ("noscriptOverlay" in window) window.noscriptOverlay.safeAllow("dactyl:", true, false); help.initialize(); }, /** * Generates a help entry and returns it as a string. * * @param {Command|Map|Option} obj A dactyl *Command*, *Map* or *Option* * object * @param {XMLList} extraHelp Extra help text beyond the description. * @returns {string} */ generateHelp: function generateHelp(obj, extraHelp, str, specOnly) { let link, tag, spec; link = tag = spec = util.identity; let args = null; if (obj instanceof Command) { link = cmd => ["ex", {}, cmd]; args = obj.parseArgs("", CompletionContext(str || "")); tag = cmd => DOM.DOMString(":" + cmd); spec = cmd => [ obj.count ? ["oa", {}, "count"] : [], cmd, obj.bang ? ["oa", {}, "!"] : [] ]; } else if (obj instanceof Map) { spec = map => (obj.count ? [["oa", {}, "count"], map] : DOM.DOMString(map)); tag = map => [ let (c = obj.modes[0].char) c ? c + "_" : "", map ]; link = map => { let [, mode, name, extra] = /^(?:(.)_)?(?:<([^>]+)>)?(.*)$/.exec(map); let k = ["k", {}, extra]; if (name) k[1].name = name; if (mode) k[1].mode = mode; return k; }; } else if (obj instanceof Option) { spec = () => template.map(obj.names, tag, " "); tag = name => DOM.DOMString("'" + name + "'"); link = (opt, name) => ["o", {}, name]; args = { value: "", values: [] }; } let res = [ ["dt", {}, link(obj.helpTag || tag(obj.name), obj.name)], ["dd", {}, template.linkifyHelp(obj.description ? obj.description.replace(/\.$/, "") : "", true)]]; if (specOnly) return res; let description = ["description", {}, obj.description ? ["p", {}, template.linkifyHelp(obj.description.replace(/\.?$/, "."), true)] : "", extraHelp ? extraHelp : "", !(extraHelp || obj.description) ? ["p", {}, /*L*/ "Sorry, no help available."] : ""]; res.push( ["item", {}, ["tags", {}, template.map(obj.names.slice().reverse(), tag, " ").join("")], ["spec", {}, let (name = (obj.specs || obj.names)[0]) spec(template.highlightRegexp(tag(name), /\[(.*?)\]/g, (m, n0) => ["oa", {}, n0]), name)], !obj.type ? "" : [ ["type", {}, obj.type], ["default", {}, obj.stringDefaultValue]], description]); function add(ary) { description.push( ["dl", {}, template.map(ary, function ([a, b]) [["dt", {}, a], " ", ["dd", {}, b]])]); } if (obj.completer && false) add(completion._runCompleter(obj.closure.completer, "", null, args).items .map(i => [i.text, i.description])); if (obj.options && obj.options.some(o => o.description) && false) add(obj.options.filter(o => o.description) .map(o => [ o.names[0], [o.description, o.names.length == 1 ? "" : ["", " (short name: ", template.map(o.names.slice(1), n => ["em", {}, n], ", "), ")"]] ])); return DOM.toPrettyXML(res, true, null, { "": String(NS) }); }, /** * The map of global variables. * * These are set and accessed with the "g:" prefix. */ _globalVariables: {}, globalVariables: deprecated(_("deprecated.for.theOptionsSystem"), { get: function globalVariables() this._globalVariables }), loadPlugins: function loadPlugins(args, force) { function sourceDirectory(dir) { dactyl.assert(dir.isReadable(), _("io.notReadable", dir.path)); dactyl.log(_("dactyl.sourcingPlugins", dir.path), 3); let loadplugins = options.get("loadplugins"); if (args) loadplugins = { __proto__: loadplugins, value: args.map(Option.parseRegexp) }; dir.readDirectory(true).forEach(function (file) { if (file.leafName[0] == ".") ; else if (file.isFile() && loadplugins.getKey(file.path) && !(!force && file.path in dactyl.pluginFiles && dactyl.pluginFiles[file.path] >= file.lastModifiedTime)) { try { io.source(file.path); dactyl.pluginFiles[file.path] = file.lastModifiedTime; } catch (e) { dactyl.reportError(e); } } else if (file.isDirectory()) sourceDirectory(file); }); } let dirs = io.getRuntimeDirectories("plugins"); if (dirs.length == 0) { dactyl.log(_("dactyl.noPluginDir"), 3); return; } dactyl.echomsg( _("plugin.searchingForIn", ("plugins/**/*.{js," + config.fileExtension + "}").quote(), [dir.path.replace(/.plugins$/, "") for ([, dir] in Iterator(dirs))] .join(",").quote()), 2); dirs.forEach(function (dir) { dactyl.echomsg(_("plugin.searchingFor", (dir.path + "/**/*.{js," + config.fileExtension + "}").quote()), 3); sourceDirectory(dir); }); }, // TODO: add proper level constants /** * Logs a message to the JavaScript error console. Each message has an * associated log level. Only messages with a log level less than or equal * to *level* will be printed. If *msg* is an object, it is pretty printed. * * @param {string|Object} msg The message to print. * @param {number} level The logging level 0 - 15. */ log: function log(msg, level) { let verbose = config.prefs.get("loglevel", 0); if (!level || level <= verbose) { if (isObject(msg) && !isinstance(msg, _)) msg = util.objectToString(msg, false); services.console.logStringMessage(config.name + ": " + msg); } }, events: { click: function onClick(event) { let elem = event.originalTarget; if (elem instanceof Element && services.security.isSystemPrincipal(elem.nodePrincipal)) { let command = elem.getAttributeNS(NS, "command"); if (command && event.button == 0) { event.preventDefault(); if (dactyl.commands[command]) dactyl.withSavedValues(["forceTarget"], function () { if (event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey || event.button == 1) dactyl.forceTarget = dactyl.NEW_TAB; dactyl.commands[command](event); }); } } }, "dactyl.execute": function onExecute(event) { let cmd = event.originalTarget.getAttribute("dactyl-execute"); commands.execute(cmd, null, false, null, { file: /*L*/"[Command Line]", line: 1 }); } }, /** * Opens one or more URLs. Returns true when load was initiated, or * false on error. * * @param {string|Array} urls A representation of the URLs to open. * A string will be passed to {@link Dactyl#parseURLs}. An array may * contain elements of the following forms: * * • {string} A URL to open. * • {[string, {string|Array}]} Pair of a URL and POST data. * • {object} Object compatible with those returned * by {@link DOM#formData}. * * @param {object} params A set of parameters specifying how to open the * URLs. The following properties are recognized: * * • background If true, new tabs are opened in the background. * * • from The designation of the opener, as appears in * 'activate' and 'newtab' options. If present, * the newtab option provides the default 'where' * parameter, and the value of the 'activate' * parameter is inverted if 'background' is true. * * • where One of CURRENT_TAB, NEW_TAB, or NEW_WINDOW * * As a deprecated special case, the where parameter may be provided * by itself, in which case it is transformed into { where: params }. * * @param {boolean} force Don't prompt whether to open more than 20 * tabs. * @returns {boolean} */ open: function open(urls, params = {}, force = false) { if (typeof urls == "string") urls = dactyl.parseURLs(urls); if (urls.length > prefs.get("browser.tabs.maxOpenBeforeWarn", 20) && !force) return commandline.input(_("dactyl.prompt.openMany", urls.length) + " ", function (resp) { if (resp && resp.match(/^y(es)?$/i)) dactyl.open(urls, params, true); }); if (isString(params)) params = { where: params }; let flags = 0; for (let [opt, flag] in Iterator({ replace: "REPLACE_HISTORY", hide: "BYPASS_HISTORY" })) flags |= params[opt] && Ci.nsIWebNavigation["LOAD_FLAGS_" + flag]; let where = params.where || dactyl.CURRENT_TAB; let background = dactyl.forceBackground != null ? dactyl.forceBackground : ("background" in params) ? params.background : params.where == dactyl.NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB; if (params.from && dactyl.has("tabs")) { if (!params.where && options.get("newtab").has(params.from)) where = dactyl.NEW_TAB; background ^= !options.get("activate").has(params.from); } if (urls.length == 0) return; let browser = config.tabbrowser; function open(loc, where) { try { if (isArray(loc)) loc = { url: loc[0], postData: loc[1] }; else if (isString(loc)) loc = { url: loc }; else loc = Object.create(loc); if (isString(loc.postData)) loc.postData = ["application/x-www-form-urlencoded", loc.postData]; if (isArray(loc.postData)) { let stream = services.MIMEStream(services.StringStream(loc.postData[1])); stream.addHeader("Content-Type", loc.postData[0]); stream.addContentLength = true; loc.postData = stream; } // decide where to load the first url switch (where) { case dactyl.NEW_TAB: if (!dactyl.has("tabs")) return open(loc, dactyl.NEW_WINDOW); return prefs.withContext(function () { prefs.set("browser.tabs.loadInBackground", true); return browser.loadOneTab(loc.url, null, null, loc.postData, background).linkedBrowser.contentDocument; }); case dactyl.NEW_WINDOW: let options = ["chrome", "all", "dialog=no"]; if (dactyl.forcePrivate) options.push("private"); let win = window.openDialog(document.documentURI, "_blank", options.join(",")); util.waitFor(() => win.document.readyState === "complete"); browser = win.dactyl && win.dactyl.modules.config.tabbrowser || win.getBrowser(); // FALLTHROUGH case dactyl.CURRENT_TAB: browser.loadURIWithFlags(loc.url, flags, null, null, loc.postData); return browser.contentWindow; } } catch (e) {} // Unfortunately, failed page loads throw exceptions and // cause a lot of unwanted noise. This solution means that // any genuine errors go unreported. } if (dactyl.forceTarget) where = dactyl.forceTarget; else if (!where) where = dactyl.CURRENT_TAB; return urls.map(function (url) { let res = open(url, where); where = dactyl.NEW_TAB; background = true; return res; }); }, /** * Returns an array of URLs parsed from *str*. * * Given a string like 'google bla, www.osnews.com' return an array * ['www.google.com/search?q=bla', 'www.osnews.com'] * * @param {string} str * @returns {[string]} */ parseURLs: function parseURLs(str) { let urls; if (options["urlseparator"]) urls = util.splitLiteral(str, util.regexp("\\s*" + options["urlseparator"] + "\\s*")); else urls = [str]; return urls.map(function (url) { url = url.trim(); if (/^(\.{0,2}|~)(\/|$)/.test(url) || config.OS.isWindows && /^[a-z]:/i.test(url)) { try { // Try to find a matching file. let file = io.File(url); if (file.exists() && file.isReadable()) return file.URI.spec; } catch (e) {} } // If it starts with a valid protocol, pass it through. let proto = /^([-\w]+):/.exec(url); if (proto && services.PROTOCOL + proto[1] in Cc) return url; // Check for a matching search keyword. let searchURL = this.has("bookmarks") && bookmarks.getSearchURL(url, false); if (searchURL) return searchURL; // If it looks like URL-ish (foo.com/bar), let Gecko figure it out. if (this.urlish.test(url) || !this.has("bookmarks")) return util.createURI(url).spec; // Pass it off to the default search engine or, failing // that, let Gecko deal with it as is. return bookmarks.getSearchURL(url, true) || util.createURI(url).spec; }, this); }, stringToURLArray: deprecated("dactyl.parseURLs", "parseURLs"), urlish: Class.Memoize(() => util.regexp(literal(/* ^ ( + (:\d+)? (/ .*) | + (:\d+) | + \. [a-z0-9]+ | localhost ) $ */), "ix", { domain: util.regexp(String.replace(literal(/* [^ U0000-U002c // U002d-U002e --. U002f // / // U0030-U0039 0-9 U003a-U0040 // U0041-U005a a-z U005b-U0060 // U0061-U007a A-Z U007b-U007f ] */), /U/g, "\\u"), "x") })), pluginFiles: {}, get plugins() plugins, setNodeVisible: function setNodeVisible(node, visible) { if (window.setToolbarVisibility && node.localName == "toolbar") window.setToolbarVisibility(node, visible); else node.collapsed = !visible; }, confirmQuit: function confirmQuit() prefs.withContext(function () { prefs.set("browser.warnOnQuit", false); return window.canQuitApplication(); }), /** * Quit the host application, no matter how many tabs/windows are open. * * @param {boolean} saveSession If true the current session will be * saved and restored when the host application is restarted. * @param {boolean} force Forcibly quit irrespective of whether all * windows could be closed individually. */ quit: function quit(saveSession, force) { if (!force && !this.confirmQuit()) return; let pref = "browser.startup.page"; prefs.save(pref); if (saveSession) prefs.safeSet(pref, 3); if (!saveSession && prefs.get(pref) >= 2) prefs.safeSet(pref, 1); services.appStartup.quit(Ci.nsIAppStartup[force ? "eForceQuit" : "eAttemptQuit"]); }, /** * Restart the host application. */ restart: function restart(args) { if (!this.confirmQuit()) return; config.prefs.set("commandline-args", args); services.appStartup.quit(Ci.nsIAppStartup.eAttemptQuit | Ci.nsIAppStartup.eRestart); }, get assert() util.assert, /** * Traps errors in the called function, possibly reporting them. * * @param {function} func The function to call * @param {object} self The 'this' object for the function. */ trapErrors: function trapErrors(func, self, ...args) { try { if (isString(func)) func = self[func]; return func.apply(self || this, args); } catch (e) { try { dactyl.reportError(e, true); } catch (e) { util.reportError(e); } return e; } }, /** * Reports an error to both the console and the host application's * Error Console. * * @param {Object} error The error object. */ reportError: function reportError(error, echo) { if (error instanceof FailedAssertion && error.noTrace || error.message === "Interrupted") { let context = contexts.context; let prefix = context ? context.file + ":" + context.line + ": " : ""; if (error.message && error.message.indexOf(prefix) !== 0 && prefix != "[Command Line]:1: ") error.message = prefix + error.message; if (error.message) dactyl.echoerr(template.linkifyHelp(error.message)); else dactyl.beep(); if (!error.noTrace) util.reportError(error); return; } if (error.result == Cr.NS_BINDING_ABORTED) return; if (echo) dactyl.echoerr(error, commandline.FORCE_SINGLELINE); else util.reportError(error); }, /** * Parses a Dactyl command-line string i.e. the value of the * -dactyl command-line option. * * @param {string} cmdline The string to parse for command-line * options. * @returns {Object} * @see Commands#parseArgs */ parseCommandLine: function parseCommandLine(cmdline) { try { return commands.get("rehash").parseArgs(cmdline); } catch (e) { dactyl.reportError(e, true); return []; } }, wrapCallback: function wrapCallback(callback, self = this) { let save = ["forceOpen"]; let saved = save.map(p => dactyl[p]); return function wrappedCallback() { let args = arguments; return dactyl.withSavedValues(save, function () { saved.forEach((p, i) => { dactyl[save[i]] = p; }); try { return callback.apply(self, args); } catch (e) { dactyl.reportError(e, true); } }); }; }, /** * @property {[Window]} Returns an array of all the host application's * open windows. */ get windows() [win for (win in iter(services.windowMediator.getEnumerator("navigator:browser"))) if (win.dactyl)], }, { toolbarHidden: function hidden(elem) (elem.getAttribute("autohide") || elem.getAttribute("collapsed")) == "true" }, { cache: function initCache() { cache.register("help/plugins.xml", function () { // Process plugin help entries. let body = []; for (let [, context] in Iterator(plugins.contexts)) try { let info = contexts.getDocs(context); if (DOM.isJSONXML(info)) { let langs = info.slice(2).filter(e => isArray(e) && isObject(e[1]) && e[1].lang); if (langs) { let lang = config.bestLocale(l[1].lang for each (l in langs)); info = info.slice(0, 2).concat( info.slice(2).filter(e => !isArray(e) || !isObject(e[1]) || e[1].lang == lang)); for each (let elem in info.slice(2).filter(e => isArray(e) && e[0] == "info" && isObject(e[1]))) for (let attr in values(["name", "summary", "href"])) if (attr in elem[1]) info[attr] = elem[1][attr]; } body.push(["h2", { xmlns: "dactyl", tag: info[1].name + '-plugin' }, String(info[1].summary)]); body.push(info); } } catch (e) { util.reportError(e); } return '\n' + '\n' + DOM.toXML( ["document", { xmlns: "dactyl", name: "plugins", title: config.appName + ", Plugins" }, ["h1", { tag: "using-plugins" }, _("help.title.Using Plugins")], ["toc", { start: "2" }], body]); }); cache.register("help/index.xml", function () { return '\n' + DOM.toXML(["overlay", { xmlns: "dactyl" }, template.map(dactyl.indices, ([name, iter]) => ["dl", { insertafter: name + "-index" }, template.map(iter(), util.identity)], "\n\n")]); }); cache.register("help/gui.xml", function () { return '\n' + DOM.toXML(["overlay", { xmlns: "dactyl" }, ["dl", { insertafter: "dialog-list" }, template.map(config.dialogs, ([name, val]) => (!val[2] || val[2]()) ? [["dt", {}, name], ["dd", {}, val[0]]] : undefined, "\n")]]); }); cache.register("help/privacy.xml", function () { return '\n' + DOM.toXML(["overlay", { xmlns: "dactyl" }, ["dl", { insertafter: "sanitize-items" }, template.map(options.get("sanitizeitems").values .sort((a, b) => String.localeCompare(a.name, b.name)), ({ name, description }) => [["dt", {}, name], ["dd", {}, template.linkifyHelp(description, true)]], "\n")]]); }); }, events: function initEvents() { events.listen(window, dactyl, "events", true); }, // Only general options are added here, which are valid for all Dactyl extensions options: function initOptions() { options.add(["errorbells", "eb"], "Ring the bell when an error message is displayed", "boolean", false); options.add(["exrc", "ex"], "Enable automatic sourcing of an RC file in the current directory at startup", "boolean", false); options.add(["fullscreen", "fs"], "Show the current window fullscreen", "boolean", false, { setter: function (value) window.fullScreen = value, getter: function () window.fullScreen }); const groups = [ { opts: { c: ["Always show the command line, even when empty"], C: ["Always show the command line outside of the status line"], M: ["Always show messages outside of the status line"] }, setter: function (opts) { if (loaded.commandline || ~opts.indexOf("c")) commandline.widgets.updateVisibility(); } }, { opts: update({ s: ["Status bar", [statusline.statusBar.id]] }, config.guioptions), setter: function (opts) { for (let [opt, [, ids]] in Iterator(this.opts)) { ids.map(id => document.getElementById(id)) .forEach(function (elem) { if (elem) dactyl.setNodeVisible(elem, opts.indexOf(opt) >= 0); }); } } }, { opts: { r: ["Right Scrollbar", "vertical"], l: ["Left Scrollbar", "vertical"], b: ["Bottom Scrollbar", "horizontal"] }, setter: function (opts) { let dir = ["horizontal", "vertical"].filter( dir => !Array.some(opts, o => this.opts[o] && this.opts[o][1] == dir)); let class_ = dir.map(dir => "html|html > xul|scrollbar[orient=" + dir + "]"); styles.system.add("scrollbar", "*", class_.length ? class_.join(", ") + " { visibility: collapse !important; }" : "", true); prefs.safeSet("layout.scrollbar.side", opts.indexOf("l") >= 0 ? 3 : 2, _("option.guioptions.safeSet")); }, validator: function (opts) Option.validIf(!(opts.indexOf("l") >= 0 && opts.indexOf("r") >= 0), UTF8("Only one of ‘l’ or ‘r’ allowed")) }, { feature: "tabs", opts: { n: ["Tab number", highlight.selector("TabNumber")], N: ["Tab number over icon", highlight.selector("TabIconNumber")] }, setter: function (opts) { let classes = [v[1] for ([k, v] in Iterator(this.opts)) if (opts.indexOf(k) < 0)]; styles.system.add("taboptions", "chrome://*", classes.length ? classes.join(",") + "{ display: none; }" : ""); if (!dactyl.has("Gecko2")) { tabs.tabBinding.enabled = Array.some(opts, k => k in this.opts); tabs.updateTabCount(); } if (config.tabbrowser.tabContainer._positionPinnedTabs) config.tabbrowser.tabContainer._positionPinnedTabs(); }, /* validator: function (opts) dactyl.has("Gecko2") || Option.validIf(!/[nN]/.test(opts), "Tab numbering not available in this " + config.host + " version") */ } ].filter(group => !group.feature || dactyl.has(group.feature)); options.add(["guioptions", "go"], "Show or hide certain GUI elements like the menu or toolbar", "charlist", "", { // FIXME: cleanup cleanupValue: config.cleanups.guioptions || "rb" + [k for ([k, v] in iter(groups[1].opts)) if (!Dactyl.toolbarHidden(document.getElementById(v[1][0])))].join(""), values: array(groups).map(g => [[k, v[0]] for ([k, v] in Iterator(g.opts))]) .flatten(), setter: function (value) { for (let group in values(groups)) group.setter(value); events.checkFocus(); return value; }, validator: function (val) Option.validateCompleter.call(this, val) && groups.every(g => !g.validator || g.validator(val)) }); options.add(["loadplugins", "lpl"], "A regexp list that defines which plugins are loaded at startup and via :loadplugins", "regexplist", "'\\.(js|" + config.fileExtension + ")$'"); options.add(["titlestring"], "The string shown at the end of the window title", "string", config.host, { setter: function (value) { let win = document.documentElement; function updateTitle(old, current) { if (config.browser.updateTitlebar) config.browser.updateTitlebar(); else document.title = document.title.replace(RegExp("(.*)" + util.regexp.escape(old)), "$1" + current); } if (win.hasAttribute("titlemodifier_privatebrowsing")) { let oldValue = win.getAttribute("titlemodifier_normal"); let suffix = win.getAttribute("titlemodifier_privatebrowsing").substr(oldValue.length); win.setAttribute("titlemodifier_normal", value); win.setAttribute("titlemodifier_privatebrowsing", value + suffix); if (storage.privateMode) { updateTitle(oldValue + suffix, value + suffix); win.setAttribute("titlemodifier", value + suffix); return value; } } updateTitle(win.getAttribute("titlemodifier"), value); win.setAttribute("titlemodifier", value); return value; } }); options.add(["urlseparator", "urlsep", "us"], "The regular expression used to separate multiple URLs in :open and friends", "string", " \\| ", { validator: function (value) RegExp(value) }); options.add(["verbose", "vbs"], "Define which info messages are displayed", "number", 1, { validator: function (value) Option.validIf(value >= 0 && value <= 15, "Value must be between 0 and 15") }); options.add(["visualbell", "vb"], "Use visual bell instead of beeping on errors", "boolean", false, { setter: function (value) { prefs.safeSet("accessibility.typeaheadfind.enablesound", !value, _("option.safeSet", "visualbell")); return value; } }); }, mappings: function initMappings() { if (dactyl.has("session")) mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["ZQ"], "Quit and don't save the session", function () { dactyl.quit(false); }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["ZZ"], "Quit and save the session", function () { dactyl.quit(true); }); }, commands: function initCommands() { commands.add(["dia[log]"], "Open a " + config.appName + " dialog", function (args) { let dialog = args[0]; dactyl.assert(dialog in config.dialogs, _("error.invalidArgument", dialog)); dactyl.assert(!config.dialogs[dialog][2] || config.dialogs[dialog][2](), _("dialog.notAvailable", dialog)); try { config.dialogs[dialog][1](); } catch (e) { dactyl.echoerr(_("error.cantOpen", dialog.quote(), e.message || e)); } }, { argCount: "1", completer: function (context) { context.ignoreCase = true; completion.dialog(context); } }); commands.add(["em[enu]"], "Execute the specified menu item from the command line", function (args) { let arg = args[0] || ""; let items = dactyl.getMenuItems(arg); dactyl.assert(items.some(i => i.dactylPath == arg), _("emenu.notFound", arg)); for (let [, item] in Iterator(items)) { if (item.dactylPath == arg) { dactyl.assert(!item.disabled, _("error.disabled", item.dactylPath)); item.doCommand(); } } }, { argCount: "1", completer: function (context) completion.menuItem(context), literal: 0 }); commands.add(["exe[cute]"], "Execute the argument as an Ex command", function (args) { try { let cmd = dactyl.userEval(args[0] || ""); dactyl.execute(cmd || "", null, true); } catch (e) { dactyl.echoerr(e); } }, { completer: function (context) completion.javascript(context), literal: 0 }); commands.add(["loadplugins", "lpl"], "Load all or matching plugins", function (args) { dactyl.loadPlugins(args.length ? args : null, args.bang); }, { argCount: "*", bang: true, keepQuotes: true, serialGroup: 10, serialize: function () [ { command: this.name, literalArg: options["loadplugins"].join(" ") } ] }); commands.add(["norm[al]"], "Execute Normal mode commands", function (args) { events.feedkeys(args[0], args.bang, false, modes.NORMAL); }, { argCount: "1", bang: true, literal: 0 }); commands.add(["pr[ivate]", "pr0n", "porn"], "Enable privacy features of a command, when applicable, and do not save the invocation in command history", function (args) { dactyl.withSavedValues(["forcePrivate"], function () { this.forcePrivate = true; dactyl.execute(args[0], null, true); }); }, { argCount: "1", completer: function (context) completion.ex(context), literal: 0, privateData: "never-save", subCommand: 0 }); commands.add(["exit", "x"], "Quit " + config.appName, function (args) { dactyl.quit(false, args.bang); }, { argCount: "0", bang: true }); commands.add(["q[uit]"], dactyl.has("tabs") ? "Quit current tab" : "Quit application", function (args) { if (dactyl.has("tabs") && tabs.remove(tabs.getTab(), 1, false)) return; else if (dactyl.windows.length > 1) window.close(); else dactyl.quit(false, args.bang); }, { argCount: "0", bang: true }); let startupOptions = [ { names: ["+u"], description: "The initialization file to execute at startup", type: CommandOption.STRING }, { names: ["++noplugin"], description: "Do not automatically load plugins" }, { names: ["++cmd"], description: "Ex commands to execute prior to initialization", type: CommandOption.STRING, multiple: true }, { names: ["+c"], description: "Ex commands to execute after initialization", type: CommandOption.STRING, multiple: true }, { names: ["+purgecaches"], description: "Purge " + config.appName + " caches at startup", type: CommandOption.NOARG } ]; commands.add(["reh[ash]"], "Reload the " + config.appName + " add-on", function (args) { if (args.trailing) storage.storeForSession("rehashCmd", args.trailing); // Hack. args.break = true; if (args["+purgecaches"]) cache.flush(); util.delay(function () { util.rehash(args) }); }, { argCount: "0", // FIXME options: startupOptions }); commands.add(["res[tart]"], "Force " + config.host + " to restart", function (args) { if (args["+purgecaches"]) cache.flush(); dactyl.restart(args.string); }, { argCount: "0", options: startupOptions }); function findToolbar(name) DOM.XPath( "//*[@toolbarname=" + util.escapeString(name, "'") + " or " + "@toolbarname=" + util.escapeString(name.trim(), "'") + "]", document).snapshotItem(0); var toolbox = document.getElementById("navigator-toolbox"); if (toolbox) { let toolbarCommand = function (names, desc, action, filter) { commands.add(names, desc, function (args) { let toolbar = findToolbar(args[0] || ""); dactyl.assert(toolbar, _("error.invalidArgument")); action(toolbar); events.checkFocus(); }, { argCount: "1", completer: function (context) { completion.toolbar(context); if (filter) context.filters.push(filter); }, literal: 0 }); }; toolbarCommand(["toolbars[how]", "tbs[how]"], "Show the named toolbar", toolbar => dactyl.setNodeVisible(toolbar, true), ({ item }) => Dactyl.toolbarHidden(item)); toolbarCommand(["toolbarh[ide]", "tbh[ide]"], "Hide the named toolbar", toolbar => dactyl.setNodeVisible(toolbar, false), ({ item }) => !Dactyl.toolbarHidden(item)); toolbarCommand(["toolbart[oggle]", "tbt[oggle]"], "Toggle the named toolbar", toolbar => dactyl.setNodeVisible(toolbar, Dactyl.toolbarHidden(toolbar))); } commands.add(["time"], "Profile a piece of code or run a command multiple times", function (args) { let count = args.count; let special = args.bang; args = args[0] || ""; if (args[0] == ":") var func = () => commands.execute(args, null, false); else func = dactyl.userFunc(args); try { if (count > 1) { let each, eachUnits, totalUnits; let total = 0; for (let i in util.interruptibleRange(0, count, 500)) { let now = Date.now(); func(); total += Date.now() - now; } if (special) return; if (total / count >= 100) { each = total / 1000.0 / count; eachUnits = "sec"; } else { each = total / count; eachUnits = "msec"; } if (total >= 100) { total = total / 1000.0; totalUnits = "sec"; } else totalUnits = "msec"; commandline.commandOutput( ["table", {} ["tr", { highlight: "Title", align: "left" }, ["th", { colspan: "3" }, _("title.Code execution summary")]], ["tr", {}, ["td", {}, _("title.Executed"), ":"], ["td", { align: "right" }, ["span", { class: "times-executed" }, count]], ["td", {}, /*L*/"times"]], ["tr", {}, ["td", {}, _("title.Average time"), ":"], ["td", { align: "right" }, ["span", { class: "time-average" }, each.toFixed(2)]], ["td", {}, eachUnits]], ["tr", {}, ["td", {}, _("title.Total time"), ":"], ["td", { align: "right" }, ["span", { class: "time-total" }, total.toFixed(2)]], ["td", {}, totalUnits]]]); } else { let beforeTime = Date.now(); func(); if (special) return; let afterTime = Date.now(); if (afterTime - beforeTime >= 100) dactyl.echo(_("time.total", ((afterTime - beforeTime) / 1000.0).toFixed(2) + " sec")); else dactyl.echo(_("time.total", (afterTime - beforeTime) + " msec")); } } catch (e) { dactyl.echoerr(e); } }, { argCount: "1", bang: true, completer: function (context) { if (/^:/.test(context.filter)) return completion.ex(context); else return completion.javascript(context); }, count: true, hereDoc: true, literal: 0, subCommand: 0 }); commands.add(["verb[ose]"], "Execute a command with 'verbose' set", function (args) { let vbs = options.get("verbose"); let value = vbs.value; let setFrom = vbs.setFrom; try { vbs.set(args.count || 1); vbs.setFrom = null; dactyl.execute(args[0] || "", null, true); } finally { vbs.set(value); vbs.setFrom = setFrom; } }, { argCount: "1", completer: function (context) completion.ex(context), count: true, literal: 0, subCommand: 0 }); commands.add(["ve[rsion]"], "Show version information", function (args) { if (args.bang) dactyl.open("about:"); else { let date = config.buildDate; date = date ? " (" + date + ")" : ""; commandline.commandOutput([ ["div", {}, [config.appName, " ", config.version, date, " running on: "].join("")], ["div", {}, [window.navigator.userAgent].join("")] ]); } }, { argCount: "0", bang: true }); }, completion: function initCompletion() { completion.dialog = function dialog(context) { context.title = ["Dialog"]; context.filters.push(({ item }) => !item[2] || item[2]()); context.completions = [[k, v[0], v[2]] for ([k, v] in Iterator(config.dialogs))]; }; completion.menuItem = function menuItem(context) { context.title = ["Menu Path", "Label"]; context.anchored = false; context.keys = { text: "dactylPath", description: function (item) item.getAttribute("label"), highlight: function (item) item.disabled ? "Disabled" : "" }; context.generate = () => dactyl.menuItems; }; var toolbox = document.getElementById("navigator-toolbox"); completion.toolbar = function toolbar(context) { context.title = ["Toolbar"]; context.keys = { text: function (item) item.getAttribute("toolbarname"), description: function () "" }; context.completions = DOM.XPath("//*[@toolbarname]", document); }; completion.window = function window(context) { context.title = ["Window", "Title"]; context.keys = { text: win => dactyl.windows.indexOf(win) + 1, description: win => win.document.title }; context.completions = dactyl.windows; }; }, load: function initLoad() { dactyl.triggerObserver("load"); dactyl.log(_("dactyl.modulesLoaded"), 3); userContext.DOM = Class("DOM", DOM, { init: function DOM_(sel, ctxt) DOM(sel, ctxt || buffer.focusedFrame.document) }); userContext.$ = modules.userContext.DOM; // Hack: disable disabling of Personas in private windows. let root = document.documentElement; if (PrivateBrowsingUtils && PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window) && root._lightweightTheme && root._lightweightTheme._lastScreenWidth == null) { dactyl.withSavedValues.call(PrivateBrowsingUtils, ["isWindowPrivate"], function () { PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate = () => false; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/LightweightThemeConsumer.jsm", {}) .LightweightThemeConsumer.call(root._lightweightTheme, document); }); } dactyl.timeout(function () { try { var args = config.prefs.get("commandline-args") || storage.session.commandlineArgs || services.commandLineHandler.optionValue; config.prefs.reset("commandline-args"); if (isString(args)) args = dactyl.parseCommandLine(args); if (args) { dactyl.commandLineOptions.rcFile = args["+u"]; dactyl.commandLineOptions.noPlugins = "++noplugin" in args; dactyl.commandLineOptions.postCommands = args["+c"]; dactyl.commandLineOptions.preCommands = args["++cmd"]; util.dump("Processing command-line option: " + args.string); } } catch (e) { dactyl.echoerr(_("dactyl.parsingCommandLine", e)); } dactyl.log(_("dactyl.commandlineOpts", util.objectToString(dactyl.commandLineOptions)), 3); if (config.prefs.get("first-run", true)) dactyl.timeout(function () { config.prefs.set("first-run", false); this.withSavedValues(["forceTarget"], function () { this.forceTarget = dactyl.NEW_TAB; help.help(); }); }, 1000); // TODO: we should have some class where all this guioptions stuff fits well // dactyl.hideGUI(); if (dactyl.userEval("typeof document", null, "test.js") === "undefined") jsmodules.__proto__ = XPCSafeJSObjectWrapper(window); if (dactyl.commandLineOptions.preCommands) dactyl.commandLineOptions.preCommands.forEach(function (cmd) { dactyl.execute(cmd); }); // finally, read the RC file and source plugins let init = services.environment.get(config.idName + "_INIT"); let rcFile = io.getRCFile("~"); try { if (dactyl.commandLineOptions.rcFile) { let filename = dactyl.commandLineOptions.rcFile; if (!/^(NONE|NORC)$/.test(filename)) io.source(io.File(filename).path, { group: contexts.user }); } else { if (init) dactyl.execute(init); else { if (rcFile) { io.source(rcFile.path, { group: contexts.user }); services.environment.set("MY_" + config.idName + "RC", rcFile.path); } else dactyl.log(_("dactyl.noRCFile"), 3); } if (options["exrc"] && !dactyl.commandLineOptions.rcFile) { let localRCFile = io.getRCFile(io.cwd); if (localRCFile && !localRCFile.equals(rcFile)) io.source(localRCFile.path, { group: contexts.user }); } } if (dactyl.commandLineOptions.rcFile == "NONE" || dactyl.commandLineOptions.noPlugins) options["loadplugins"] = []; if (options["loadplugins"].length) dactyl.loadPlugins(); } catch (e) { dactyl.reportError(e, true); } // after sourcing the initialization files, this function will set // all gui options to their default values, if they have not been // set before by any RC file for (let option in values(options.needInit)) option.initValue(); if (dactyl.commandLineOptions.postCommands) dactyl.commandLineOptions.postCommands.forEach(function (cmd) { dactyl.execute(cmd); }); if (storage.session.rehashCmd) dactyl.execute(storage.session.rehashCmd); storage.session.rehashCmd = null; dactyl.fullyInitialized = true; dactyl.triggerObserver("enter", null); autocommands.trigger("Enter", {}); }, 100); statusline.update(); dactyl.log(_("dactyl.initialized", config.appName), 0); dactyl.initialized = true; } }); // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 sts=4 ts=8 et: