// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 by Martin Stubenschrott // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. "use strict"; /** @scope modules */ // command names taken from: // http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Editor_Embedding_Guide /** @instance editor */ const Editor = Module("editor", { init: function () { // store our last search with f, F, t or T // this._lastFindChar = null; this._lastFindCharFunc = null; }, get isCaret() modes.getStack(1).main === modes.CARET, get isTextEdit() modes.getStack(1).main === modes.TEXT_EDIT, line: function () { let line = 1; let text = Editor.getEditor().value; for (let i = 0; i < Editor.getEditor().selectionStart; i++) if (text[i] == "\n") line++; return line; }, col: function () { let col = 1; let text = Editor.getEditor().value; for (let i = 0; i < Editor.getEditor().selectionStart; i++) { col++; if (text[i] == "\n") col = 1; } return col; }, unselectText: function (toEnd) { let elem = dactyl.focus; // A error occurs if the element has been removed when "elem.selectionStart" is executed. try { if (elem && elem.selectionEnd) if (toEnd) elem.selectionStart = elem.selectionEnd; else elem.selectionEnd = elem.selectionStart; } catch (e) {} }, selectedText: function () { let text = Editor.getEditor().value; return text.substring(Editor.getEditor().selectionStart, Editor.getEditor().selectionEnd); }, pasteClipboard: function (clipboard, toStart) { if (dactyl.has("WINNT")) { this.executeCommand("cmd_paste"); return; } // FIXME: #93 ( in the bottom of a long textarea bounces up) let elem = dactyl.focus; if (elem.setSelectionRange) { let text = dactyl.clipboardRead(clipboard); if (!text) return; // clipboardRead would return 'undefined' if not checked // dunno about .setSelectionRange // This is a hacky fix - but it works. let curTop = elem.scrollTop; let curLeft = elem.scrollLeft; let rangeStart = elem.selectionStart; // caret position let rangeEnd = elem.selectionEnd; let tempStr1 = elem.value.substring(0, rangeStart); let tempStr2 = text; let tempStr3 = elem.value.substring(rangeEnd); elem.value = tempStr1 + tempStr2 + tempStr3; elem.selectionStart = rangeStart + (toStart ? 0 : tempStr2.length); elem.selectionEnd = elem.selectionStart; elem.scrollTop = curTop; elem.scrollLeft = curLeft; let event = elem.ownerDocument.createEvent("Event"); event.initEvent("input", true, false); elem.dispatchEvent(event); } }, // count is optional, defaults to 1 executeCommand: function (cmd, count) { let controller = Editor.getController(); if (!controller || !controller.supportsCommand(cmd) || !controller.isCommandEnabled(cmd)) { dactyl.beep(); return false; } if (typeof count != "number" || count < 1) count = 1; let didCommand = false; while (count--) { // some commands need this try/catch workaround, because a cmd_charPrevious triggered // at the beginning of the textarea, would hang the doCommand() // good thing is, we need this code anyway for proper beeping try { controller.doCommand(cmd); didCommand = true; } catch (e) { if (!didCommand) dactyl.beep(); return false; } } return true; }, // cmd = y, d, c // motion = b, 0, gg, G, etc. executeCommandWithMotion: function (cmd, motion, count) { if (typeof count != "number" || count < 1) count = 1; if (cmd == motion) { motion = "j"; count--; } if (modes.main != modes.VISUAL) modes.push(modes.VISUAL); switch (motion) { case "j": this.executeCommand("cmd_beginLine", 1); this.executeCommand("cmd_selectLineNext", count + 1); break; case "k": this.executeCommand("cmd_beginLine", 1); this.executeCommand("cmd_lineNext", 1); this.executeCommand("cmd_selectLinePrevious", count + 1); break; case "h": this.executeCommand("cmd_selectCharPrevious", count); break; case "l": this.executeCommand("cmd_selectCharNext", count); break; case "e": case "w": this.executeCommand("cmd_selectWordNext", count); break; case "b": this.executeCommand("cmd_selectWordPrevious", count); break; case "0": case "^": this.executeCommand("cmd_selectBeginLine", 1); break; case "$": this.executeCommand("cmd_selectEndLine", 1); break; case "gg": this.executeCommand("cmd_endLine", 1); this.executeCommand("cmd_selectTop", 1); this.executeCommand("cmd_selectBeginLine", 1); break; case "G": this.executeCommand("cmd_beginLine", 1); this.executeCommand("cmd_selectBottom", 1); this.executeCommand("cmd_selectEndLine", 1); break; default: dactyl.beep(); return false; } switch (cmd) { case "d": this.executeCommand("cmd_delete", 1); modes.pop(modes.TEXT_EDIT); break; case "c": this.executeCommand("cmd_delete", 1); modes.pop(modes.TEXT_EDIT); modes.push(modes.INSERT); break; case "y": this.executeCommand("cmd_copy", 1); modes.pop(modes.TEXT_EDIT); break; default: dactyl.beep(); return false; } return true; }, // This function will move/select up to given "pos" // Simple setSelectionRange() would be better, but we want to maintain the correct // order of selectionStart/End (a Gecko bug always makes selectionStart <= selectionEnd) // Use only for small movements! moveToPosition: function (pos, forward, select) { if (!select) { Editor.getEditor().setSelectionRange(pos, pos); return; } if (forward) { if (pos <= Editor.getEditor().selectionEnd || pos > Editor.getEditor().value.length) return; do { // TODO: test code for endless loops this.executeCommand("cmd_selectCharNext", 1); } while (Editor.getEditor().selectionEnd != pos); } else { if (pos >= Editor.getEditor().selectionStart || pos < 0) return; do { // TODO: test code for endless loops this.executeCommand("cmd_selectCharPrevious", 1); } while (Editor.getEditor().selectionStart != pos); } }, // returns the position of char findCharForward: function (ch, count) { if (!Editor.getEditor()) return -1; this._lastFindChar = ch; this._lastFindCharFunc = this.findCharForward; let text = Editor.getEditor().value; if (!typeof count == "number" || count < 1) count = 1; for (let i = Editor.getEditor().selectionEnd + 1; i < text.length; i++) { if (text[i] == "\n") break; if (text[i] == ch) count--; if (count == 0) return i + 1; // always position the cursor after the char } dactyl.beep(); return -1; }, // returns the position of char findCharBackward: function (ch, count) { if (!Editor.getEditor()) return -1; this._lastFindChar = ch; this._lastFindCharFunc = this.findCharBackward; let text = Editor.getEditor().value; if (!typeof count == "number" || count < 1) count = 1; for (let i = Editor.getEditor().selectionStart - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (text[i] == "\n") break; if (text[i] == ch) count--; if (count == 0) return i; } dactyl.beep(); return -1; }, editFileExternally: function (path) { // TODO: save return value in v:shell_error let args = commands.parseArgs(options["editor"], { argCount: "*", allowUnknownOptions: true }); dactyl.assert(args.length >= 1, "No editor specified"); args.push(path); util.callInThread(null, io.run, io.expandPath(args.shift()), args, true); }, // TODO: clean up with 2 functions for textboxes and currentEditor? editFieldExternally: function (forceEditing) { if (!options["editor"]) return; let textBox = config.isComposeWindow ? null : dactyl.focus; if (!forceEditing && textBox && textBox.type == "password") { commandline.input("Editing a password field externally will reveal the password. Would you like to continue? (yes/[no]): ", function (resp) { if (resp && resp.match(/^y(es)?$/i)) editor.editFieldExternally(true); }); return; } let text = ""; // XXX if (textBox) text = textBox.value; else if (typeof GetCurrentEditor == "function") // Thunderbird composer text = GetCurrentEditor().outputToString("text/plain", 2); else return; let oldBg, tmpBg; try { let res = io.withTempFiles(function (tmpfile) { if (textBox) { textBox.setAttribute("readonly", "true"); oldBg = textBox.style.backgroundColor; tmpBg = "yellow"; textBox.style.backgroundColor = "#bbbbbb"; } else var editor = GetCurrentEditor(); if (!tmpfile.write(text)) throw Error("Input contains characters not valid in the current " + "file encoding"); let lastUpdate = Date.now(); function update(force) { if (force !== true && tmpfile.lastModifiedTime <= lastUpdate) return; lastUpdate = Date.now(); let val = tmpfile.read(); if (textBox) textBox.value = val; else { let wholeDocRange = editor.document.createRange(); let rootNode = editor.rootElement.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMNode); wholeDocRange.selectNodeContents(rootNode); editor.selection.addRange(wholeDocRange); editor.selection.deleteFromDocument(); editor.insertText(val); } } let timer = services.create("timer"); timer.initWithCallback({ notify: update }, 100, timer.TYPE_REPEATING_SLACK); try { this.editFileExternally(tmpfile.path); } finally { timer.cancel(); } update(true); if (textBox) textBox.removeAttribute("readonly"); }, this); if (res == false) throw Error("Couldn't create temporary file"); } catch (e) { // Errors are unlikely, and our error messages won't // likely be any more helpful than that given in the // exception. dactyl.echoerr(e); tmpBg = "red"; } // blink the textbox after returning if (textBox) { let colors = [tmpBg, oldBg, tmpBg, oldBg]; (function next() { textBox.style.backgroundColor = colors.shift(); if (colors.length > 0) util.timeout(next, 100); })(); } return; }, /** * Expands an abbreviation in the currently active textbox. * * @param {string} mode The mode filter. * @see #addAbbreviation */ expandAbbreviation: function (mode) { let textbox = Editor.getEditor(); if (!(textbox && textbox.value)) return false; let text = textbox.value; let currStart = textbox.selectionStart; let currEnd = textbox.selectionEnd; let abbrev = abbreviations.match(mode, text.substring(0, currStart).replace(/.*\s/g, "")); if (abbrev) { let len = abbrev.lhs.length; let abbrText = abbrev.expand(textbox); text = text.substring(0, currStart - len) + abbrText + text.substring(currStart); textbox.value = text; textbox.selectionStart = currStart - len + abbrText.length; textbox.selectionEnd = currEnd - len + abbrText.length; } return true; }, }, { getEditor: function () dactyl.focus, getController: function () { let ed = Editor.getEditor(); if (!ed || !ed.controllers) return null; return ed.controllers.getControllerForCommand("cmd_beginLine"); } }, { mappings: function () { var myModes = [modes.INSERT, modes.COMMAND_LINE]; // add mappings for commands like h,j,k,l,etc. in CARET, VISUAL and TEXT_EDIT mode function addMovementMap(keys, hasCount, caretModeMethod, caretModeArg, textEditCommand, visualTextEditCommand) { let extraInfo = {}; if (hasCount) extraInfo.count = true; function caretExecute(arg, again) { function fixSelection() { sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(RangeFind.endpoint( RangeFind.nodeRange(buffer.focusedFrame.document.documentElement), true)); } let controller = buffer.selectionController; let sel = controller.getSelection(controller.SELECTION_NORMAL); if (!sel.rangeCount) // Hack. fixSelection(); try { controller[caretModeMethod](caretModeArg, arg); } catch (e) { dactyl.assert(again && e.result === Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE); fixSelection(); caretExecute(arg, false); } return false; } mappings.add([modes.CARET], keys, "", function (count) { if (typeof count != "number" || count < 1) count = 1; while (count--) caretExecute(false, true); }, extraInfo); mappings.add([modes.VISUAL], keys, "", function (count) { if (typeof count != "number" || count < 1 || !hasCount) count = 1; let controller = buffer.selectionController; while (count-- && modes.main == modes.VISUAL) { if (editor.isTextEdit) { if (typeof visualTextEditCommand == "function") visualTextEditCommand(); else editor.executeCommand(visualTextEditCommand); } else caretExecute(true, true); } }, extraInfo); mappings.add([modes.TEXT_EDIT], keys, "", function (count) { if (typeof count != "number" || count < 1) count = 1; editor.executeCommand(textEditCommand, count); }, extraInfo); } // add mappings for commands like i,a,s,c,etc. in TEXT_EDIT mode function addBeginInsertModeMap(keys, commands) { mappings.add([modes.TEXT_EDIT], keys, "", function (count) { commands.forEach(function (cmd) editor.executeCommand(cmd, 1)); modes.push(modes.INSERT); }); } function addMotionMap(key) { mappings.add([modes.TEXT_EDIT], [key], "Motion command", function (motion, count) { editor.executeCommandWithMotion(key, motion, count); }, { count: true, motion: true }); } function selectPreviousLine() { editor.executeCommand("cmd_selectLinePrevious"); if ((modes.extended & modes.LINE) && !editor.selectedText()) editor.executeCommand("cmd_selectLinePrevious"); } function selectNextLine() { editor.executeCommand("cmd_selectLineNext"); if ((modes.extended & modes.LINE) && !editor.selectedText()) editor.executeCommand("cmd_selectLineNext"); } // KEYS COUNT CARET TEXT_EDIT VISUAL_TEXT_EDIT addMovementMap(["k", ""], true, "lineMove", false, "cmd_linePrevious", selectPreviousLine); addMovementMap(["j", "", ""], true, "lineMove", true, "cmd_lineNext", selectNextLine); addMovementMap(["h", "", ""], true, "characterMove", false, "cmd_charPrevious", "cmd_selectCharPrevious"); addMovementMap(["l", "", ""], true, "characterMove", true, "cmd_charNext", "cmd_selectCharNext"); addMovementMap(["b", "B", ""], true, "wordMove", false, "cmd_wordPrevious", "cmd_selectWordPrevious"); addMovementMap(["w", "W", "e", ""], true, "wordMove", true, "cmd_wordNext", "cmd_selectWordNext"); addMovementMap(["", ""], true, "pageMove", true, "cmd_movePageDown", "cmd_selectNextPage"); addMovementMap(["", ""], true, "pageMove", false, "cmd_movePageUp", "cmd_selectPreviousPage"); addMovementMap(["gg", ""], false, "completeMove", false, "cmd_moveTop", "cmd_selectTop"); addMovementMap(["G", ""], false, "completeMove", true, "cmd_moveBottom", "cmd_selectBottom"); addMovementMap(["0", "^", ""], false, "intraLineMove", false, "cmd_beginLine", "cmd_selectBeginLine"); addMovementMap(["$", ""], false, "intraLineMove", true, "cmd_endLine" , "cmd_selectEndLine" ); addBeginInsertModeMap(["i", ""], []); addBeginInsertModeMap(["a"], ["cmd_charNext"]); addBeginInsertModeMap(["I", "gI"], ["cmd_beginLine"]); addBeginInsertModeMap(["A"], ["cmd_endLine"]); addBeginInsertModeMap(["s"], ["cmd_deleteCharForward"]); addBeginInsertModeMap(["S"], ["cmd_deleteToEndOfLine", "cmd_deleteToBeginningOfLine"]); addBeginInsertModeMap(["C"], ["cmd_deleteToEndOfLine"]); addMotionMap("d"); // delete addMotionMap("c"); // change addMotionMap("y"); // yank // insert mode mappings mappings.add(myModes, [""], "Delete previous word", function () { editor.executeCommand("cmd_deleteWordBackward", 1); }); mappings.add(myModes, [""], "Delete until beginning of current line", function () { // broken in FF3, deletes the whole line: // editor.executeCommand("cmd_deleteToBeginningOfLine", 1); editor.executeCommand("cmd_selectBeginLine", 1); if (Editor.getController().isCommandEnabled("cmd_delete")) editor.executeCommand("cmd_delete", 1); }); mappings.add(myModes, [""], "Delete until end of current line", function () { editor.executeCommand("cmd_deleteToEndOfLine", 1); }); mappings.add(myModes, [""], "Move cursor to beginning of current line", function () { editor.executeCommand("cmd_beginLine", 1); }); mappings.add(myModes, [""], "Move cursor to end of current line", function () { editor.executeCommand("cmd_endLine", 1); }); mappings.add(myModes, [""], "Delete character to the left", function () { events.feedkeys("", true); }); mappings.add(myModes, [""], "Delete character to the right", function () { editor.executeCommand("cmd_deleteCharForward", 1); }); /*mappings.add(myModes, [""], "Move cursor to beginning of text field", function () { editor.executeCommand("cmd_moveTop", 1); }); mappings.add(myModes, [""], "Move cursor to end of text field", function () { editor.executeCommand("cmd_moveBottom", 1); });*/ mappings.add(myModes, [""], "Insert clipboard/selection", function () { editor.pasteClipboard(); }); mappings.add(modes.getCharModes("i"), [""], "Edit text field with an external editor", function () { editor.editFieldExternally(); }); mappings.add([modes.INSERT], [""], "Edit text field in Vi mode", function () { if (!editor.isTextEdit) modes.push(modes.TEXT_EDIT); else dactyl.beep(); }); mappings.add([modes.INSERT], ["", ""], "Expand insert mode abbreviation", function () { editor.expandAbbreviation(modes.INSERT); }, { route: true }); mappings.add([modes.INSERT], [""], "Expand insert mode abbreviation", function () { editor.expandAbbreviation(modes.INSERT); document.commandDispatcher.advanceFocus(); }); mappings.add([modes.INSERT], ["", ""], "Expand insert mode abbreviation", function () { editor.expandAbbreviation(modes.INSERT); }); // text edit mode mappings.add([modes.TEXT_EDIT], ["u"], "Undo", function (count) { editor.executeCommand("cmd_undo", count); editor.unselectText(); }, { count: true }); mappings.add([modes.TEXT_EDIT], [""], "Redo", function (count) { editor.executeCommand("cmd_redo", count); editor.unselectText(); }, { count: true }); mappings.add([modes.TEXT_EDIT], ["D"], "Delete the characters under the cursor until the end of the line", function () { editor.executeCommand("cmd_deleteToEndOfLine"); }); mappings.add([modes.TEXT_EDIT], ["o"], "Open line below current", function (count) { editor.executeCommand("cmd_endLine", 1); modes.push(modes.INSERT); events.feedkeys(""); }); mappings.add([modes.TEXT_EDIT], ["O"], "Open line above current", function (count) { editor.executeCommand("cmd_beginLine", 1); modes.push(modes.INSERT); events.feedkeys(""); editor.executeCommand("cmd_linePrevious", 1); }); mappings.add([modes.TEXT_EDIT], ["X"], "Delete character to the left", function (count) { editor.executeCommand("cmd_deleteCharBackward", count); }, { count: true }); mappings.add([modes.TEXT_EDIT], ["x"], "Delete character to the right", function (count) { editor.executeCommand("cmd_deleteCharForward", count); }, { count: true }); // visual mode mappings.add([modes.CARET, modes.TEXT_EDIT], ["v"], "Start visual mode", function (count) { modes.push(modes.VISUAL); }); mappings.add([modes.VISUAL], ["v"], "End visual mode", function (count) { events.onEscape(); }); mappings.add([modes.TEXT_EDIT], ["V"], "Start visual line mode", function (count) { modes.push(modes.VISUAL, modes.LINE); editor.executeCommand("cmd_beginLine", 1); editor.executeCommand("cmd_selectLineNext", 1); }); mappings.add([modes.VISUAL], ["c", "s"], "Change selected text", function (count) { dactyl.assert(editor.isTextEdit); editor.executeCommand("cmd_cut"); modes.push(modes.INSERT); }); mappings.add([modes.VISUAL], ["d"], "Delete selected text", function (count) { if (editor.isTextEdit) { editor.executeCommand("cmd_cut"); modes.pop(); } else dactyl.beep(); }); mappings.add([modes.VISUAL], ["y"], "Yank selected text", function (count) { if (editor.isTextEdit) { editor.executeCommand("cmd_copy"); modes.pop(); } else dactyl.clipboardWrite(buffer.getCurrentWord(), true); }); mappings.add([modes.VISUAL, modes.TEXT_EDIT], ["p"], "Paste clipboard contents", function (count) { dactyl.assert(!editor.isCaret); if (!count) count = 1; while (count--) editor.executeCommand("cmd_paste"); modes.pop(modes.TEXT_EDIT); }); // finding characters mappings.add([modes.TEXT_EDIT, modes.VISUAL], ["f"], "Move to a character on the current line after the cursor", function (count, arg) { let pos = editor.findCharForward(arg, count); if (pos >= 0) editor.moveToPosition(pos, true, dactyl.mode == modes.VISUAL); }, { arg: true, count: true }); mappings.add([modes.TEXT_EDIT, modes.VISUAL], ["F"], "Move to a charater on the current line before the cursor", function (count, arg) { let pos = editor.findCharBackward(arg, count); if (pos >= 0) editor.moveToPosition(pos, false, dactyl.mode == modes.VISUAL); }, { arg: true, count: true }); mappings.add([modes.TEXT_EDIT, modes.VISUAL], ["t"], "Move before a character on the current line", function (count, arg) { let pos = editor.findCharForward(arg, count); if (pos >= 0) editor.moveToPosition(pos - 1, true, dactyl.mode == modes.VISUAL); }, { arg: true, count: true }); mappings.add([modes.TEXT_EDIT, modes.VISUAL], ["T"], "Move before a character on the current line, backwards", function (count, arg) { let pos = editor.findCharBackward(arg, count); if (pos >= 0) editor.moveToPosition(pos + 1, false, dactyl.mode == modes.VISUAL); }, { arg: true, count: true }); // text edit and visual mode mappings.add([modes.TEXT_EDIT, modes.VISUAL], ["~"], "Switch case of the character under the cursor and move the cursor to the right", function (count) { if (modes.main == modes.VISUAL) count = Editor.getEditor().selectionEnd - Editor.getEditor().selectionStart; if (typeof count != "number" || count < 1) count = 1; while (count-- > 0) { let text = Editor.getEditor().value; let pos = Editor.getEditor().selectionStart; dactyl.assert(pos < text.length); let chr = text[pos]; Editor.getEditor().value = text.substring(0, pos) + (chr == chr.toLocaleLowerCase() ? chr.toLocaleUpperCase() : chr.toLocaleLowerCase()) + text.substring(pos + 1); editor.moveToPosition(pos + 1, true, false); } modes.pop(modes.TEXT_EDIT); }, { count: true }); }, options: function () { options.add(["editor"], "Set the external text editor", "string", "gvim -f"); options.add(["insertmode", "im"], "Use Insert mode as the default for text areas", "boolean", true); } }); // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 ts=4 et: