/***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** {{{ Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. Copyright (c) 2006-2009 by Martin Stubenschrott Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. }}} ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/ /** @scope modules */ /** * @instance autocommands */ function AutoCommands() //{{{ { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////// PRIVATE SECTION ///////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ const AutoCommand = new Struct("event", "pattern", "command"); var store = []; function matchAutoCmd(autoCmd, event, regex) { return (!event || autoCmd.event == event) && (!regex || autoCmd.pattern.source == regex); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// OPTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ options.add(["eventignore", "ei"], "List of autocommand event names which should be ignored", "stringlist", "", { completer: function () config.autocommands.concat([["all", "All events"]]), validator: Option.validateCompleter }); options.add(["focuscontent", "fc"], "Try to stay in normal mode after loading a web page", "boolean", false); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// COMMANDS //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ commands.add(["au[tocmd]"], "Execute commands automatically on events", function (args) { let [event, regex, cmd] = args; let events = null; if (event) { // NOTE: event can only be a comma separated list for |:au {event} {pat} {cmd}| let validEvents = config.autocommands.map(function (event) event[0]); validEvents.push("*"); events = event.split(","); if (!events.every(function (event) validEvents.indexOf(event) >= 0)) return void liberator.echoerr("E216: No such group or event: " + event); } if (cmd) // add new command, possibly removing all others with the same event/pattern { if (args.bang) autocommands.remove(event, regex); autocommands.add(events, regex, cmd); } else { if (event == "*") event = null; if (args.bang) { // TODO: "*" only appears to work in Vim when there is a {group} specified if (args[0] != "*" || regex) autocommands.remove(event, regex); // remove all } else autocommands.list(event, regex); // list all } }, { bang: true, completer: function (context) completion.autocmdEvent(context), literal: 2 }); // TODO: expand target to all buffers commands.add(["doauto[all]"], "Apply the autocommands matching the specified URL pattern to all buffers", function (args) { commands.get("doautocmd").action.call(this, args); }, { completer: function (context) completion.autocmdEvent(context), literal: 0 } ); // TODO: restrict target to current buffer commands.add(["do[autocmd]"], "Apply the autocommands matching the specified URL pattern to the current buffer", function (args) { args = args.string; if (/^\s*$/.test(args)) { liberator.echomsg("No matching autocommands"); return; } let [, event, url] = args.match(/^(\S+)(?:\s+(\S+))?$/); url = url || buffer.URL; let validEvents = config.autocommands.map(function (e) e[0]); if (event == "*") liberator.echoerr("E217: Can't execute autocommands for ALL events"); else if (validEvents.indexOf(event) == -1) liberator.echoerr("E216: No such group or event: " + args); else { // TODO: perhaps trigger could return the number of autocmds triggered // TODO: Perhaps this should take -args to pass to the command? if (!autocommands.get(event).some(function (c) c.pattern.test(url))) liberator.echomsg("No matching autocommands"); else autocommands.trigger(event, { url: url }); } }, { completer: function (context) completion.autocmdEvent(context), literal: 0 } ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// PUBLIC SECTION ////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ liberator.registerObserver("load_completion", function () { completion.setFunctionCompleter(autocommands.get, [function () config.autocommands]); }); return { __iterator__: function () util.Array.itervalues(store), /** * Adds a new autocommand. cmd will be executed when one of the * specified events occurs and the URL of the applicable buffer * matches regex. * * @param {Array} events The array of event names for which this * autocommand should be executed. * @param {string} regex The URL pattern to match against the buffer URL. * @param {string} cmd The Ex command to run. */ add: function (events, regex, cmd) { if (typeof events == "string") { events = events.split(","); liberator.log("DEPRECATED: the events list arg to autocommands.add() should be an array of event names"); } events.forEach(function (event) { store.push(new AutoCommand(event, RegExp(regex), cmd)); }); }, /** * Returns all autocommands with a matching event and * regex. * * @param {string} event The event name filter. * @param {string} regex The URL pattern filter. * @returns {AutoCommand[]} */ get: function (event, regex) { return store.filter(function (autoCmd) matchAutoCmd(autoCmd, event, regex)); }, /** * Deletes all autocommands with a matching event and * regex. * * @param {string} event The event name filter. * @param {string} regex The URL pattern filter. */ remove: function (event, regex) { store = store.filter(function (autoCmd) !matchAutoCmd(autoCmd, event, regex)); }, /** * Lists all autocommands with a matching event and * regex. * * @param {string} event The event name filter. * @param {string} regex The URL pattern filter. */ list: function (event, regex) { let cmds = {}; // XXX store.forEach(function (autoCmd) { if (matchAutoCmd(autoCmd, event, regex)) { cmds[autoCmd.event] = cmds[autoCmd.event] || []; cmds[autoCmd.event].push(autoCmd); } }); let list = template.commandOutput( { template.map(cmds, function ([event, items]) + template.map(items, function (item) )) }
----- Auto Commands -----
 {item.pattern.source} {item.command}
); commandline.echo(list, commandline.HL_NORMAL, commandline.FORCE_MULTILINE); }, /** * Triggers the execution of all autocommands registered for * event. A map of args is passed to each autocommand * when it is being executed. * * @param {string} event The event to fire. * @param {Object} args The args to pass to each autocommand. */ trigger: function (event, args) { if (options.get("eventignore").has("all", event)) return; let autoCmds = store.filter(function (autoCmd) autoCmd.event == event); liberator.echomsg("Executing " + event + " Auto commands for \"*\"", 8); let lastPattern = null; let url = args.url || ""; for (let [,autoCmd] in Iterator(autoCmds)) { if (autoCmd.pattern.test(url)) { if (!lastPattern || lastPattern.source != autoCmd.pattern.source) liberator.echomsg("Executing " + event + " Auto commands for \"" + autoCmd.pattern.source + "\"", 8); lastPattern = autoCmd.pattern; liberator.echomsg("autocommand " + autoCmd.command, 9); if (typeof autoCmd.command == "function") { try { autoCmd.command.call(autoCmd, args); } catch (e) { liberator.reportError(e); liberator.echoerr(e); } } else liberator.execute(commands.replaceTokens(autoCmd.command, args), null, true); } } } }; //}}} }; //}}} /** * @instance events */ function Events() //{{{ { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////// PRIVATE SECTION ///////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ const input = { buffer: "", // partial command storage pendingMotionMap: null, // e.g. "d{motion}" if we wait for a motion of the "d" command pendingArgMap: null, // pending map storage for commands like m{a-z} count: -1 // parsed count from the input buffer } var fullscreen = window.fullScreen; var lastFocus = null; var macros = storage.newMap("macros", true); var currentMacro = ""; var lastMacro = ""; try // not every extension has a getBrowser() method { let tabcontainer = getBrowser().mTabContainer; if (tabcontainer) // not every VIM-like extension has a tab container { tabcontainer.addEventListener("TabMove", function (event) { statusline.updateTabCount(); }, false); tabcontainer.addEventListener("TabOpen", function (event) { statusline.updateTabCount(); }, false); tabcontainer.addEventListener("TabClose", function (event) { statusline.updateTabCount(); }, false); tabcontainer.addEventListener("TabSelect", function (event) { // TODO: is all of that necessary? modes.reset(); statusline.updateTabCount(); tabs.updateSelectionHistory(); if (options["focuscontent"]) setTimeout(function () { liberator.focusContent(true); }, 10); // just make sure, that no widget has focus }, false); } getBrowser().addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onDOMContentLoaded, true); // this adds an event which is is called on each page load, even if the // page is loaded in a background tab getBrowser().addEventListener("load", onPageLoad, true); // called when the active document is scrolled getBrowser().addEventListener("scroll", function (event) { statusline.updateBufferPosition(); modes.show(); }, null); } catch (e) {} // getBrowser().addEventListener("submit", function (event) // { // // reset buffer loading state as early as possible, important for macros // buffer.loaded = 0; // }, null); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // track if a popup is open or the menubar is active var activeMenubar = false; function enterPopupMode(event) { if (event.originalTarget.localName == "tooltip" || event.originalTarget.id == "liberator-visualbell") return; modes.add(modes.MENU); } function exitPopupMode() { // gContextMenu is set to NULL by Firefox, when a context menu is closed if (typeof gContextMenu != "undefined" && gContextMenu == null && !activeMenubar) modes.remove(modes.MENU); } function enterMenuMode() { activeMenubar = true; modes.add(modes.MENU); } function exitMenuMode() { activeMenubar = false; modes.remove(modes.MENU); } window.addEventListener("popupshown", enterPopupMode, true); window.addEventListener("popuphidden", exitPopupMode, true); window.addEventListener("DOMMenuBarActive", enterMenuMode, true); window.addEventListener("DOMMenuBarInactive", exitMenuMode, true); window.addEventListener("resize", onResize, true); // window.document.addEventListener("DOMTitleChanged", function (event) // { // liberator.log("titlechanged"); // }, null); // NOTE: the order of ["Esc", "Escape"] or ["Escape", "Esc"] // matters, so use that string as the first item, that you // want to refer to within liberator's source code for // comparisons like if (key == "") { ... } var keyTable = { add: ["Plus", "Add"], back_space: ["BS"], delete: ["Del"], escape: ["Esc", "Escape"], insert: ["Insert", "Ins"], left_shift: ["<"], return: ["Return", "CR", "Enter"], right_shift: [">"], space: ["Space", " "], subtract: ["Minus", "Subtract"], }; const code_key = {}; const key_code = {}; for (let [k, v] in Iterator(KeyEvent)) if (/^DOM_VK_/.test(k)) { k = k.substr(7).toLowerCase(); let names = [k.replace(/(^|_)(.)/g, function (m, n1, n2) n2.toUpperCase()) .replace(/^NUMPAD/, "k")]; if (k in keyTable) names = keyTable[k]; code_key[v] = names[0] for (let [,name] in Iterator(names)) key_code[name.toLowerCase()] = v } function isFormElemFocused() { let elem = liberator.focus; if (elem == null) return false; try { // sometimes the elem doesn't have .localName let tagname = elem.localName.toLowerCase(); let type = elem.type.toLowerCase(); if ((tagname == "input" && (type != "image")) || tagname == "textarea" || // tagName == "SELECT" || // tagName == "BUTTON" || tagname == "isindex") // isindex is a deprecated one-line input box return true; } catch (e) { // FIXME: do nothing? } return false; } function triggerLoadAutocmd(name, doc) { let args = { url: doc.location.href, title: doc.title }; if (liberator.has("tabs")) { args.tab = tabs.getContentIndex(doc) + 1; args.doc = "tabs.getTab(" + (args.tab - 1) + ").linkedBrowser.contentDocument"; } autocommands.trigger(name, args); } function onResize(event) { if (window.fullScreen != fullscreen) { fullscreen = window.fullScreen; liberator.triggerObserver("fullscreen", fullscreen); autocommands.trigger("Fullscreen", { state: fullscreen }); } } function onDOMContentLoaded(event) { if (event.originalTarget instanceof HTMLDocument) triggerLoadAutocmd("DOMLoad", event.originalTarget); } // TODO: see what can be moved to onDOMContentLoaded() function onPageLoad(event) { if (event.originalTarget instanceof HTMLDocument) { let doc = event.originalTarget; // document is part of a frameset if (doc.defaultView.frameElement) { // hacky way to get rid of "Transfering data from ..." on sites with frames // when you click on a link inside a frameset, because asyncUpdateUI // is not triggered there (Firefox bug?) setTimeout(statusline.updateUrl, 10); return; } // code which should happen for all (also background) newly loaded tabs goes here: let url = doc.location.href; let title = doc.title; // mark the buffer as loaded, we can't use buffer.loaded // since that always refers to the current buffer, while doc can be // any buffer, even in a background tab doc.pageIsFullyLoaded = 1; // code which is only relevant if the page load is the current tab goes here: if (doc == getBrowser().contentDocument) { // we want to stay in command mode after a page has loaded // TODO: move somehwere else, as focusing can already happen earlier than on "load" if (options["focuscontent"]) { setTimeout(function () { let focused = liberator.focus; if (focused && (focused.value !== undefined) && focused.value.length == 0) focused.blur(); }, 100); } } else // background tab liberator.echomsg("Background tab loaded: " + title || url, 3); triggerLoadAutocmd("PageLoad", doc); } } function wrapListener(method) { return function (event) { try { self[method](event); } catch (e) { if (e.message == "Interrupted") liberator.echoerr("Interrupted"); else liberator.echoerr("Processing " + event.type + " event: " + (e.echoerr || e)); liberator.reportError(e); } }; } // return true when load successful, or false otherwise function waitForPageLoaded() events.waitForPageLoad(); // load all macros // setTimeout needed since io. is loaded after events. setTimeout(function () { try { let dirs = io.getRuntimeDirectories("macros"); if (dirs.length > 0) { for (let [,dir] in Iterator(dirs)) { liberator.echomsg('Searching for "macros/*" in "' + dir.path + '"', 2); liberator.log("Sourcing macros directory: " + dir.path + "...", 3); let files = io.readDirectory(dir.path); files.forEach(function (file) { if (!file.exists() || file.isDirectory() || !file.isReadable() || !/^[\w_-]+(\.vimp)?$/i.test(file.leafName)) return; let name = file.leafName.replace(/\.vimp$/i, ""); macros.set(name, io.readFile(file).split("\n")[0]); liberator.log("Macro " + name + " added: " + macros.get(name), 5); }); } } else liberator.log("No user macros directory found", 3); } catch (e) { // thrown if directory does not exist liberator.log("Error sourcing macros directory: " + e, 9); } }, 100); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// MAPPINGS //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ liberator.registerObserver("load_mappings", function() { mappings.add(modes.all, ["", ""], "Focus content", function () { events.onEscape(); }); // add the ":" mapping in all but insert mode mappings mappings.add([modes.NORMAL, modes.PLAYER, modes.VISUAL, modes.HINTS, modes.MESSAGE, modes.COMPOSE, modes.CARET, modes.TEXTAREA], [":"], "Enter command line mode", function () { commandline.open(":", "", modes.EX); }); // focus events mappings.add([modes.NORMAL, modes.PLAYER, modes.VISUAL, modes.CARET], [""], "Advance keyboard focus", function () { document.commandDispatcher.advanceFocus(); }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL, modes.PLAYER, modes.VISUAL, modes.CARET, modes.INSERT, modes.TEXTAREA], [""], "Rewind keyboard focus", function () { document.commandDispatcher.rewindFocus(); }); mappings.add(modes.all, [""], "Temporarily ignore all " + config.name + " key bindings", function () { modes.passAllKeys = true; }); mappings.add(modes.all, [""], "Pass through next key", function () { modes.passNextKey = true; }); mappings.add(modes.all, [""], "Do nothing", function () { return; }); // macros mappings.add([modes.NORMAL, modes.PLAYER, modes.MESSAGE], ["q"], "Record a key sequence into a macro", function (arg) { events.startRecording(arg); }, { flags: Mappings.flags.ARGUMENT }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL, modes.PLAYER, modes.MESSAGE], ["@"], "Play a macro", function (count, arg) { if (count < 1) count = 1; while (count-- && events.playMacro(arg)) ; }, { flags: Mappings.flags.ARGUMENT | Mappings.flags.COUNT }); }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// COMMANDS //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ commands.add(["delmac[ros]"], "Delete macros", function (args) { if (args.bang && args.string) return void liberator.echoerr("E474: Invalid argument"); if (args.bang) events.deleteMacros(); else if (args.string) events.deleteMacros(args.string); else liberator.echoerr("E471: Argument required"); }, { bang: true, completer: function (context) completion.macro(context) }); commands.add(["macros"], "List all macros", function (args) { completion.listCompleter("macro", args[0]); }, { argCount: "?", completer: function (context) completion.macro(context) }); commands.add(["pl[ay]"], "Replay a recorded macro", function (args) { events.playMacro(args[0]); }, { argCount: "1", completer: function (context) completion.macro(context) }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// PUBLIC SECTION ////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ const self = { /** * @property {boolean} Whether synthetic key events are currently being * processed. */ feedingKeys: false, wantsModeReset: true, // used in onFocusChange since Firefox is so buggy here /** * A destructor called when this module is destroyed. */ destroy: function () { // removeEventListeners() to avoid mem leaks liberator.dump("TODO: remove all eventlisteners"); try { getBrowser().removeProgressListener(this.progressListener); } catch (e) {} window.removeEventListener("popupshown", enterPopupMode, true); window.removeEventListener("popuphidden", exitPopupMode, true); window.removeEventListener("DOMMenuBarActive", enterMenuMode, true); window.removeEventListener("DOMMenuBarInactive", exitMenuMode, true); window.removeEventListener("keypress", this.onKeyPress, true); window.removeEventListener("keydown", this.onKeyDown, true); }, /** * Initiates the recording of a key event macro. * * @param {string} macro The name for the macro. */ startRecording: function (macro) { if (!/[a-zA-Z0-9]/.test(macro)) // TODO: ignore this like Vim? return void liberator.echoerr("E354: Invalid register name: '" + macro + "'"); modes.isRecording = true; if (/[A-Z]/.test(macro)) // uppercase (append) { currentMacro = macro.toLowerCase(); if (!macros.get(currentMacro)) macros.set(currentMacro, ""); // initialize if it does not yet exist } else { currentMacro = macro; macros.set(currentMacro, ""); } }, /** * Replays a macro. * * @param {string} The name of the macro to replay. * @return {boolean} */ playMacro: function (macro) { let res = false; if (!/[a-zA-Z0-9@]/.test(macro) && macro.length == 1) { liberator.echoerr("E354: Invalid register name: '" + macro + "'"); return false; } if (macro == "@") // use lastMacro if it's set { if (!lastMacro) { liberator.echoerr("E748: No previously used register"); return false; } } else { if (macro.length == 1) lastMacro = macro.toLowerCase(); // XXX: sets last played macro, even if it does not yet exist else lastMacro = macro; // e.g. long names are case sensitive } if (macros.get(lastMacro)) { // make sure the page is stopped before starting to play the macro try { window.getWebNavigation().stop(nsIWebNavigation.STOP_ALL); } catch (e) {} buffer.loaded = 1; // even if not a full page load, assume it did load correctly before starting the macro modes.isReplaying = true; res = events.feedkeys(macros.get(lastMacro), true); // true -> noremap modes.isReplaying = false; } else { if (lastMacro.length == 1) // TODO: ignore this like Vim? liberator.echoerr("Exxx: Register '" + lastMacro + "' not set"); else liberator.echoerr("Exxx: Named macro '" + lastMacro + "' not set"); } return res; }, /** * Returns all macros matching filter. * * @param {string} filter A regular expression filter string. A null * filter selects all macros. */ getMacros: function (filter) { if (!filter) return macros; let re = RegExp(filter); return ([macro, keys] for ([macro, keys] in macros) if (re.test(macro))); }, /** * Deletes all macros matching filter. * * @param {string} filter A regular expression filter string. A null * filter deletes all macros. */ deleteMacros: function (filter) { let re = RegExp(filter); for (let [item,] in macros) { if (re.test(item) || !filter) macros.remove(item); } }, canonKeys: function(keys) { var res = [] for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { let key = [keys[i]]; let keyCode = 0; if (keys[i] == "<") { let [match, modifier, keyname] = keys.substr(i).toLowerCase().match(/<((?:[csma]-)*)(.+?)>/) || []; if (keyname) { modifier = modifier.toUpperCase(); key = [k + "-" for ([i, k] in Iterator("CASM")) if (modifier.indexOf(k + "-") >= 0)] keyCode = key_code[keyname]; let c = String.fromCharCode(keyCode); if (key.length == 0 && c == code_key[keyCode]) key = [c.toLowerCase()]; else key = ["<"].concat(key, code_key[keyCode] || keyname, ">"); i += match.length - 1; } } else // a simple key { if (keys[i] != keys[i].toLowerCase()) key = [""]; } res.push(key); } return util.Array.flatten(res).join(""); }, /** * Pushes keys onto the event queue from liberator. It is similar to * Vim's feedkeys() method, but cannot cope with 2 partially-fed * strings, you have to feed one parsable string. * * @param {string} keys A string like "2" to push onto the event * queue. If you want "<" to be taken literally, prepend it with a * "\\". * @param {boolean} noremap Allow recursive mappings. * @param {boolean} silent Whether the command should be echoed to the * command line. * @returns {boolean} */ feedkeys: function (keys, noremap, silent) { let doc = window.document; let view = window.document.defaultView; let escapeKey = false; // \ to escape some special keys let wasFeeding = this.feedingKeys; this.feedingKeys = true; this.duringFeed = this.duringFeed || ""; let wasSilent = commandline.silent; if (silent) commandline.silent = silent; try { liberator.threadYield(1, true); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { let charCode = keys.charCodeAt(i); let keyCode = 0; let shift = false, ctrl = false, alt = false, meta = false; let string = null; //if (keys[i] == "\\") // FIXME: support the escape key if (keys[i] == "<" && !escapeKey) // start a complex key { let [match, modifier, keyname] = keys.substr(i).match(/<((?:[CSMA]-)*)(.+?)>/i) || []; if (keyname) { keyname = keyname.toLowerCase(); if (modifier) // check for modifiers { ctrl = /C-/i.test(modifier); alt = /A-/i.test(modifier); shift = /S-/i.test(modifier); meta = /M-/i.test(modifier); } if (keyname.length == 1) { if (!ctrl && !alt && !shift && !meta) return false; // an invalid key like else if (shift) keyname = keyname.toUpperCase(); charCode = keyname.charCodeAt(0); } else if (keyname == "nop") string = ""; else if (keyname == "space") ; else if (keyCode = key_code[keyname]) charCode = 0; else // an invalid key like was found, stop propagation here (like Vim) break; if (keyCode == 32) charCode = 32; i += match.length - 1; } } else // a simple key { shift = keys[i] != keys[i].toLowerCase(); } let elem = liberator.focus; if (!elem) elem = window.content; let evt = doc.createEvent("KeyEvents"); evt.initKeyEvent("keypress", true, true, view, ctrl, alt, shift, meta, keyCode, charCode); if (typeof noremap == "object") for (let [k, v] in Iterator(noremap)) event[k] = v; else evt.noremap = !!noremap; evt.isMacro = true; if (string) { evt.liberatorString = string; events.onKeyPress(evt); } else elem.dispatchEvent(evt); if (!this.feedingKeys) break; // stop feeding keys if page loading failed if (modes.isReplaying && !waitForPageLoaded()) break; // else // a short break between keys often helps // liberator.sleep(50); } } finally { this.feedingKeys = wasFeeding; if (silent) commandline.silent = wasSilent; if (this.duringFeed != "") { let duringFeed = this.duringFeed; this.duringFeed = ""; setTimeout(function () events.feedkeys(duringFeed, false, false, true), 0); } } return i == keys.length; }, /** * Converts the specified key event to a string in liberator key-code * notation. Returns null for an unknown key event. * * E.g. pressing ctrl+n would result in the string "". * * @param {Event} event * @returns {string} */ toString: function (event, all) { if (!event) return "[object Mappings]"; if (event.liberatorString) return event.liberatorString; let key = null; let modifier = ""; if (event.ctrlKey) modifier += "C-"; if (event.altKey) modifier += "A-"; if (event.shiftKey) modifier += "S-"; if (event.metaKey) modifier += "M-"; if (/^key/.test(event.type)) { if (event.charCode == 0) { if (event.keyCode in code_key) key = code_key[event.keyCode]; } // [Ctrl-Bug] special handling of mysterious , , , , bugs (OS/X) // (i.e., cntrl codes 27--31) // --- // For more information, see: // [*] Vimp FAQ: http://vimperator.org/trac/wiki/Vimperator/FAQ#WhydoesntC-workforEscMacOSX // [*] Referenced mailing list msg: http://www.mozdev.org/pipermail/vimperator/2008-May/001548.html // [*] Mozilla bug 416227: event.charCode in keypress handler has unexpected values on Mac for Ctrl with chars in "[ ] _ \" // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?query_format=specific&order=relevance+desc&bug_status=__open__&id=416227 // [*] Mozilla bug 432951: Ctrl+'foo' doesn't seem same charCode as Meta+'foo' on Cocoa // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?query_format=specific&order=relevance+desc&bug_status=__open__&id=432951 // --- // // The following fixes are only activated if liberator.has("MacUnix"). // Technically, they prevent mappings from (and // if your fancy keyboard permits such things), but // these mappings are probably pathological ( // certainly is on Windows), and so it is probably // harmless to remove the has("MacUnix") if desired. // else if (liberator.has("MacUnix") && event.ctrlKey && event.charCode >= 27 && event.charCode <= 31) { if (event.charCode == 27) // [Ctrl-Bug 1/5] the bug { key = "Esc"; modifier = modifier.replace("C-", ""); } else // [Ctrl-Bug 2,3,4,5/5] the , , , bugs key = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode + 64); } // a normal key like a, b, c, 0, etc. else if (event.charCode > 0) { key = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode).toLowerCase(); if (key in key_code) key = code_key[key_code[key]]; } if (key == null) return; let k = key.toLowerCase(); if (!(k in key_code) || String.fromCharCode(key_code[k]).toLowerCase() == k) { if (modifier.length == 0) return k; } } else if (event.type == "click" || event.type == "dblclick") { if (event.shiftKey) modifier += "S-"; if (event.type == "dblclick") modifier += "2-"; // TODO: triple and quadruple click switch (event.button) { case 0: key = "LeftMouse"; break; case 1: key = "MiddleMouse"; break; case 2: key = "RightMouse"; break; } } if (key == null) return null; return "<" + modifier + key + ">"; }, /** * Whether key is a key code defined to accept/execute input on * the command line. * * @returns {boolean} */ isAcceptKey: function (key) { return (key == "" || key == "" || key == ""); }, /** * Whether key is a key code defined to reject/cancel input on * the command line. * * @returns {boolean} */ isCancelKey: function (key) { return (key == "" || key == "" || key == ""); }, /* * Waits for the current buffer to successfully finish loading. Returns * true for a successful page load otherwise false. * * @returns {boolean} */ waitForPageLoad: function () { //liberator.dump("start waiting in loaded state: " + buffer.loaded); liberator.threadYield(true); // clear queue if (buffer.loaded == 1) return true; const maxWaitTime = 25; let start = Date.now(); let end = start + (maxWaitTime * 1000); // maximum time to wait - TODO: add option let now; while (now = Date.now(), now < end) { liberator.threadYield(); //if ((now - start) % 1000 < 10) // liberator.dump("waited: " + (now - start) + " ms"); if (!events.feedingKeys) return false; if (buffer.loaded > 0) { liberator.sleep(250); break; } else liberator.echo("Waiting for page to load...", commandline.DISALLOW_MULTILINE); } modes.show(); // TODO: allow macros to be continued when page does not fully load with an option let ret = (buffer.loaded == 1); if (!ret) liberator.echoerr("Page did not load completely in " + maxWaitTime + " seconds. Macro stopped."); //liberator.dump("done waiting: " + ret); // sometimes the input widget had focus when replaying a macro // maybe this call should be moved somewhere else? // liberator.focusContent(true); return ret; }, // argument "event" is deliberately not used, as i don't seem to have // access to the real focus target // Huh? --djk // // the ugly wantsModeReset is needed, because Firefox generates a massive // amount of focus changes for things like (focusing the search field) onFocusChange: function (event) { // command line has it's own focus change handler if (liberator.mode == modes.COMMAND_LINE) return; function hasHTMLDocument(win) win && win.document && win.document instanceof HTMLDocument let win = window.document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow; let elem = window.document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement; if (win && win.top == content && liberator.has("tabs")) tabs.localStore.focusedFrame = win; try { if (elem && elem.readOnly) return; if ((elem instanceof HTMLInputElement && /^(text|password)$/.test(elem.type)) || (elem instanceof HTMLSelectElement)) { this.wantsModeReset = false; liberator.mode = modes.INSERT; if (hasHTMLDocument(win)) buffer.lastInputField = elem; return; } if (elem instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement || (elem && elem.contentEditable == "true")) { this.wantsModeReset = false; if (options["insertmode"]) modes.set(modes.INSERT, modes.TEXTAREA); else if (elem.selectionEnd - elem.selectionStart > 0) modes.set(modes.VISUAL, modes.TEXTAREA); else modes.main = modes.TEXTAREA; if (hasHTMLDocument(win)) buffer.lastInputField = elem; return; } if (config.focusChange) return void config.focusChange(win); urlbar = document.getElementById("urlbar"); if (elem == null && urlbar && urlbar.inputField == lastFocus) liberator.threadYield(true); if (liberator.mode & (modes.INSERT | modes.TEXTAREA | modes.MESSAGE | modes.VISUAL)) { if (0) // FIXME: currently this hack is disabled to make macros work { this.wantsModeReset = true; setTimeout(function () { if (events.wantsModeReset) { events.wantsModeReset = false; modes.reset(); } }, 0); } else modes.reset(); } } finally { lastFocus = elem; } }, onSelectionChange: function (event) { let couldCopy = false; let controller = document.commandDispatcher.getControllerForCommand("cmd_copy"); if (controller && controller.isCommandEnabled("cmd_copy")) couldCopy = true; if (liberator.mode != modes.VISUAL) { if (couldCopy) { if ((liberator.mode == modes.TEXTAREA || (modes.extended & modes.TEXTAREA)) && !options["insertmode"]) modes.set(modes.VISUAL, modes.TEXTAREA); else if (liberator.mode == modes.CARET) modes.set(modes.VISUAL, modes.CARET); } } // XXX: disabled, as i think automatically starting visual caret mode does more harm than help // else // { // if (!couldCopy && modes.extended & modes.CARET) // liberator.mode = modes.CARET; // } }, // global escape handler, is called in ALL modes onEscape: function () { if (modes.passNextKey) return; if (modes.passAllKeys) { modes.passAllKeys = false; return; } switch (liberator.mode) { case modes.NORMAL: // clear any selection made let selection = window.content.getSelection(); try { // a simple if (selection) does not seem to work selection.collapseToStart(); } catch (e) {} modes.reset(); break; case modes.VISUAL: if (modes.extended & modes.TEXTAREA) liberator.mode = modes.TEXTAREA; else if (modes.extended & modes.CARET) liberator.mode = modes.CARET; break; case modes.CARET: // setting this option will trigger an observer which will // care about all other details like setting the NORMAL mode options.setPref("accessibility.browsewithcaret", false); break; case modes.INSERT: if ((modes.extended & modes.TEXTAREA) && !options["insertmode"]) liberator.mode = modes.TEXTAREA; else modes.reset(); break; default: // HINTS, CUSTOM or COMMAND_LINE modes.reset(); break; } }, // this keypress handler gets always called first, even if e.g. // the commandline has focus onKeyPress: function (event) { function killEvent() { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } let key = events.toString(event); if (!key) return; if (modes.isRecording) { if (key == "q") // TODO: should not be hardcoded { modes.isRecording = false; liberator.log("Recorded " + currentMacro + ": " + macros.get(currentMacro), 9); liberator.echomsg("Recorded macro '" + currentMacro + "'"); return void killEvent(); } else if (!mappings.hasMap(liberator.mode, input.buffer + key)) macros.set(currentMacro, macros.get(currentMacro) + key); } if (key == "") liberator.interrupted = true; // feedingKeys needs to be separate from interrupted so // we can differentiate between a recorded // interrupting whatever it's started and a real // interrupting our playback. if (events.feedingKeys && !event.isMacro) { if (key == "") { events.feedingKeys = false; if (modes.isReplaying) { modes.isReplaying = false; setTimeout(function () { liberator.echomsg("Canceled playback of macro '" + lastMacro + "'"); }, 100); } return void killEvent(); } else { events.duringFeed += key; return void killEvent(); } } try { let stop = false; let win = document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow; if (win && win.document && win.document.designMode == "on" && !config.isComposeWindow) stop = true; // menus have their own command handlers if (modes.extended & modes.MENU) stop = true; // handle Escape-one-key mode (Ctrl-v) else if (modes.passNextKey && !modes.passAllKeys) { modes.passNextKey = false; stop = true; } // handle Escape-all-keys mode (Ctrl-q) else if (modes.passAllKeys) { if (modes.passNextKey) modes.passNextKey = false; // and then let flow continue else if (key == "" || key == "" || key == "") ; // let flow continue to handle these keys to cancel escape-all-keys mode else stop = true; } if (stop) { input.buffer = ""; return void killEvent(); } stop = true; // set to false if we should NOT consume this event but let Firefox handle it // just forward event without checking any mappings when the MOW is open if (liberator.mode == modes.COMMAND_LINE && (modes.extended & modes.OUTPUT_MULTILINE)) { commandline.onMultilineOutputEvent(event); return void killEvent(); } // XXX: ugly hack for now pass certain keys to Firefox as they are without beeping // also fixes key navigation in combo boxes, submitting forms, etc. // FIXME: breaks iabbr for now --mst if (key in config.ignoreKeys && (config.ignoreKeys[key] & liberator.mode)) { input.buffer = ""; return; } // TODO: handle middle click in content area if (key != "" && key != "") { // custom mode... if (liberator.mode == modes.CUSTOM) { hints.onEvent(event); return void killEvent(); } if (modes.extended & modes.HINTS) { // under HINT mode, certain keys are redirected to hints.onEvent if (key == "" || key == "" || key == "" || key == mappings.getMapLeader() || (key == "" && hints.previnput == "number") || (/^[0-9]$/.test(key) && !hints.escNumbers)) { hints.onEvent(event); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return void killEvent(); } // others are left to generate the 'input' event or handled by Firefox return; } } // FIXME (maybe): (is an ESC or C-] here): on HINTS mode, it enters // into 'if (map && !skipMap) below. With that (or however) it // triggers the onEscape part, where it resets mode. Here I just // return true, with the effect that it also gets to there (for // whatever reason). if that happens to be correct, well.. // XXX: why not just do that as well for HINTS mode actually? if (liberator.mode == modes.CUSTOM) return; let inputStr = input.buffer + key; let countStr = inputStr.match(/^[1-9][0-9]*|/)[0]; let candidateCommand = inputStr.substr(countStr.length); let map = mappings[event.noremap ? "getDefault" : "get"](liberator.mode, candidateCommand); let candidates = mappings.getCandidates(liberator.mode, candidateCommand); if (candidates.length == 0 && !map) { map = input.pendingMap; input.pendingMap = null; } input.buffer = ""; inputBufferLength = 0; let tmp = input.pendingArgMap; // must be set to null before .execute; if not input.pendingArgMap = null; // input.pendingArgMap is still 'true' also for new feeded keys if (key != "" && key != "") { if (modes.isReplaying && !waitForPageLoaded()) return; } // counts must be at the start of a complete mapping (10j -> go 10 lines down) if (countStr && !candidateCommand) { // no count for insert mode mappings if (liberator.mode == modes.INSERT || liberator.mode == modes.COMMAND_LINE) stop = false; else input.buffer = inputStr; } else if (input.pendingArgMap) { input.buffer = ""; let tmp = input.pendingArgMap; // must be set to null before .execute; if not input.pendingArgMap = null; // input.pendingArgMap is still 'true' also for new feeded keys if (key != "" && key != "") { if (modes.isReplaying && !waitForPageLoaded()) return; tmp.execute(null, input.count, key); } } // only follow a map if there isn't a longer possible mapping // (allows you to do :map z yy, when zz is a longer mapping than z) // TODO: map.rhs is only defined for user defined commands, should add a "isDefault" property else if (map && !event.skipmap && (map.rhs || candidates.length == 0)) { input.pendingMap = null; input.count = parseInt(countStr, 10); if (isNaN(input.count)) input.count = -1; input.buffer = ""; if (map.flags & Mappings.flags.ARGUMENT) { input.buffer = inputStr; input.pendingArgMap = map; } else if (input.pendingMotionMap) { input.buffer = ""; if (key != "" && key != "") input.pendingMotionMap.execute(candidateCommand, input.count, null); input.pendingMotionMap = null; } // no count support for these commands yet else if (map.flags & Mappings.flags.MOTION) { input.pendingMotionMap = map; } else { if (modes.isReplaying && !waitForPageLoaded()) return void killEvent(); let ret = map.execute(null, input.count); if (map.flags & Mappings.flags.ALLOW_EVENT_ROUTING && ret) stop = false; } } else if (mappings.getCandidates(liberator.mode, candidateCommand).length > 0 && !event.skipmap) { input.pendingMap = map; input.buffer += key; } else // if the key is neither a mapping nor the start of one { // the mode checking is necessary so that things like g do not beep if (input.buffer != "" && !event.skipmap && (liberator.mode & (modes.INSERT | modes.COMMAND_LINE | modes.TEXTAREA))) events.feedkeys(input.buffer, { noremap: true, skipmap: true }); input.buffer = ""; input.pendingArgMap = null; input.pendingMotionMap = null; input.pendingMap = null; if (key != "" && key != "") { // allow key to be passed to Firefox if we can't handle it stop = false; if (liberator.mode == modes.COMMAND_LINE) { if (!(modes.extended & modes.INPUT_MULTILINE)) commandline.onEvent(event); // reroute event in command line mode } else if (liberator.mode != modes.INSERT && liberator.mode != modes.TEXTAREA) liberator.beep(); } } if (stop) killEvent() } finally { let motionMap = (input.pendingMotionMap && input.pendingMotionMap.names[0]) || ""; statusline.updateInputBuffer(motionMap + input.buffer); } return false; }, // this is need for sites like msn.com which focus the input field on keydown onKeyUpOrDown: function (event) { if (modes.passNextKey ^ modes.passAllKeys || isFormElemFocused()) return; event.stopPropagation(); }, // TODO: move to buffer.js? progressListener: { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([ Ci.nsIWebProgressListener, Ci.nsIXULBrowserWindow ]), // XXX: function may later be needed to detect a canceled synchronous openURL() onStateChange: function (webProgress, request, flags, status) { // STATE_IS_DOCUMENT | STATE_IS_WINDOW is important, because we also // receive statechange events for loading images and other parts of the web page if (flags & (Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_DOCUMENT | Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_WINDOW)) { // This fires when the load event is initiated // only thrown for the current tab, not when another tab changes if (flags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_START) { buffer.loaded = 0; statusline.updateProgress(0); autocommands.trigger("PageLoadPre", { url: buffer.URL }); // don't reset mode if a frame of the frameset gets reloaded which // is not the focused frame if (document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow == webProgress.DOMWindow) { setTimeout(function () { modes.reset(false); }, liberator.mode == modes.HINTS ? 500 : 0); } } else if (flags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP) { buffer.loaded = (status == 0 ? 1 : 2); statusline.updateUrl(); } } }, // for notifying the user about secure web pages onSecurityChange: function (webProgress, request, state) { // TODO: do something useful with STATE_SECURE_MED and STATE_SECURE_LOW if (state & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_INSECURE) statusline.setClass("insecure"); else if (state & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_BROKEN) statusline.setClass("broken"); else if (state & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IDENTITY_EV_TOPLEVEL) statusline.setClass("extended"); else if (state & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_SECURE_HIGH) statusline.setClass("secure"); }, onStatusChange: function (webProgress, request, status, message) { statusline.updateUrl(message); }, onProgressChange: function (webProgress, request, curSelfProgress, maxSelfProgress, curTotalProgress, maxTotalProgress) { statusline.updateProgress(curTotalProgress/maxTotalProgress); }, // happens when the users switches tabs onLocationChange: function () { statusline.updateUrl(); statusline.updateProgress(); autocommands.trigger("LocationChange", { url: buffer.URL }); // if this is not delayed we get the position of the old buffer setTimeout(function () { statusline.updateBufferPosition(); }, 500); }, // called at the very end of a page load asyncUpdateUI: function () { setTimeout(statusline.updateUrl, 100); }, setOverLink: function (link, b) { let ssli = options["showstatuslinks"]; if (link && ssli) { if (ssli == 1) statusline.updateUrl("Link: " + link); else if (ssli == 2) liberator.echo("Link: " + link, commandline.DISALLOW_MULTILINE); } if (link == "") { if (ssli == 1) statusline.updateUrl(); else if (ssli == 2) modes.show(); } }, // nsIXULBrowserWindow stubs setJSDefaultStatus: function (status) {}, setJSStatus: function (status) {}, // Stub for something else, presumably. Not in any documented // interface. onLinkIconAvailable: function () {} } }; //}}} window.XULBrowserWindow = self.progressListener; window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShellTreeItem) .treeOwner .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIXULWindow) .XULBrowserWindow = self.progressListener; try { getBrowser().addProgressListener(self.progressListener, Ci.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_ALL); } catch (e) {} liberator.registerObserver("shutdown", function () { self.destroy(); }); window.addEventListener("keypress", wrapListener("onKeyPress"), true); window.addEventListener("keydown", wrapListener("onKeyUpOrDown"), true); window.addEventListener("keyup", wrapListener("onKeyUpOrDown"), true); return self; }; //}}} // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 ts=4 et: