/***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** {{{ Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. Copyright (c) 2006-2009 by Martin Stubenschrott Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. }}} ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/ /** @scope modules */ /** * @instance hints */ function Hints() //{{{ { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////// PRIVATE SECTION ///////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ const ELEM = 0, TEXT = 1, SPAN = 2, IMGSPAN = 3; var myModes = config.browserModes; var hintMode; var submode = ""; // used for extended mode, can be "o", "t", "y", etc. var hintString = ""; // the typed string part of the hint is in this string var hintNumber = 0; // only the numerical part of the hint var usedTabKey = false; // when we used to select an element var prevInput = ""; // record previous user input type, "text" || "number" var extendedhintCount; // for the count argument of Mode#action (extended hint only) // hints[] = [elem, text, span, imgspan, elem.style.backgroundColor, elem.style.color] var pageHints = []; var validHints = []; // store the indices of the "hints" array with valid elements var activeTimeout = null; // needed for hinttimeout > 0 var canUpdate = false; // keep track of the documents which we generated the hints for // docs = { doc: document, start: start_index in hints[], end: end_index in hints[] } var docs = []; const Mode = new Struct("prompt", "action", "tags"); Mode.defaultValue("tags", function () function () options.hinttags); function extended() options.extendedhinttags; const hintModes = { ";": Mode("Focus hint", function (elem) buffer.focusElement(elem), extended), "?": Mode("Show information for hint", function (elem) buffer.showElementInfo(elem), extended), s: Mode("Save hint", function (elem) buffer.saveLink(elem, true)), a: Mode("Save hint with prompt", function (elem) buffer.saveLink(elem, false)), f: Mode("Focus frame", function (elem) elem.ownerDocument.defaultView.focus(), function () "//body | //xhtml:body"), o: Mode("Follow hint", function (elem) buffer.followLink(elem, liberator.CURRENT_TAB)), t: Mode("Follow hint in a new tab", function (elem) buffer.followLink(elem, liberator.NEW_TAB)), b: Mode("Follow hint in a background tab", function (elem) buffer.followLink(elem, liberator.NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB)), w: Mode("Follow hint in a new window", function (elem) buffer.followLink(elem, liberator.NEW_WINDOW), extended), F: Mode("Open multiple hints in tabs", hintAction_F), O: Mode(":open URL based on hint location", function (elem, loc) commandline.open(":", "open " + loc, modes.EX)), T: Mode(":tabopen URL based on hint location", function (elem, loc) commandline.open(":", "tabopen " + loc, modes.EX)), W: Mode(":winopen URL based on hint location", function (elem, loc) commandline.open(":", "winopen " + loc, modes.EX)), v: Mode("View hint source", function (elem, loc) buffer.viewSource(loc, false), extended), V: Mode("View hint source in external editor", function (elem, loc) buffer.viewSource(loc, true), extended), y: Mode("Yank hint location", function (elem, loc) util.copyToClipboard(loc, true)), Y: Mode("Yank hint description", function (elem) util.copyToClipboard(elem.textContent || "", true), extended) }; // Used to open multiple hints function hintAction_F(elem) { buffer.followLink(elem, liberator.NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB); // TODO: Maybe we find a *simple* way to keep the hints displayed rather than // showing them again, or is this short flash actually needed as a "usability // feature"? --mst hints.show("F"); } // reset all important variables function reset() { statusline.updateInputBuffer(""); hintString = ""; hintNumber = 0; usedTabKey = false; prevInput = ""; pageHints = []; validHints = []; canUpdate = false; docs = []; hints.escNumbers = false; if (activeTimeout) clearTimeout(activeTimeout); activeTimeout = null; } function updateStatusline() { statusline.updateInputBuffer((hints.escNumbers ? mappings.getMapLeader() : "") + (hintNumber || "")); } function generate(win) { if (!win) win = window.content; let doc = win.document; let height = win.innerHeight; let width = win.innerWidth; let scrollX = doc.defaultView.scrollX; let scrollY = doc.defaultView.scrollY; let baseNodeAbsolute = util.xmlToDom(, doc); let elem, tagname, text, span, rect; let res = buffer.evaluateXPath(hintMode.tags(), doc, null, true); let fragment = util.xmlToDom(
, doc); let start = pageHints.length; for (let elem in res) { // TODO: for iframes, this calculation is wrong rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); if (!rect || rect.top > height || rect.bottom < 0 || rect.left > width || rect.right < 0) continue; rect = elem.getClientRects()[0]; if (!rect) continue; let computedStyle = doc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem, null); if (computedStyle.getPropertyValue("visibility") != "visible" || computedStyle.getPropertyValue("display") == "none") continue; tagname = elem.localName.toLowerCase(); if (tagname == "input" || tagname == "textarea") text = elem.value; else if (tagname == "select") { if (elem.selectedIndex >= 0) text = elem.item(elem.selectedIndex).text; else text = ""; } else text = elem.textContent.toLowerCase(); span = baseNodeAbsolute.cloneNode(true); span.style.left = Math.max((rect.left + scrollX), scrollX) + "px"; span.style.top = Math.max((rect.top + scrollY), scrollY) + "px"; fragment.appendChild(span); pageHints.push([elem, text, span, null, elem.style.backgroundColor, elem.style.color]); } if (doc.body) { doc.body.appendChild(fragment); docs.push({ doc: doc, start: start, end: pageHints.length - 1 }); } // also generate hints for frames Array.forEach(win.frames, generate); return true; } // TODO: make it aware of imgspans function showActiveHint(newID, oldID) { let oldElem = validHints[oldID - 1]; if (oldElem) setClass(oldElem, false); let newElem = validHints[newID - 1]; if (newElem) setClass(newElem, true); } function setClass(elem, active) { let prefix = (elem.getAttributeNS(NS.uri, "class") || "") + " "; if (active) elem.setAttributeNS(NS.uri, "highlight", prefix + "HintActive"); else elem.setAttributeNS(NS.uri, "highlight", prefix + "HintElem"); } function showHints() { let elem, tagname, text, rect, span, imgspan; let hintnum = 1; let validHint = hintMatcher(hintString.toLowerCase()); let activeHint = hintNumber || 1; validHints = []; for (let [,{ doc: doc, start: start, end: end }] in Iterator(docs)) { let scrollX = doc.defaultView.scrollX; let scrollY = doc.defaultView.scrollY; inner: for (let i in (util.interruptibleRange(start, end + 1, 500))) { let hint = pageHints[i]; [elem, text, span, imgspan] = hint; let valid = validHint(text); span.style.display = (valid ? "" : "none"); if (imgspan) imgspan.style.display = (valid ? "" : "none"); if (!valid) { elem.removeAttributeNS(NS.uri, "highlight"); continue inner; } if (text == "" && elem.firstChild && elem.firstChild.tagName == "IMG") { if (!imgspan) { rect = elem.firstChild.getBoundingClientRect(); if (!rect) continue; imgspan = util.xmlToDom(, doc); imgspan.setAttributeNS(NS.uri, "class", "HintImage"); imgspan.style.left = (rect.left + scrollX) + "px"; imgspan.style.top = (rect.top + scrollY) + "px"; imgspan.style.width = (rect.right - rect.left) + "px"; imgspan.style.height = (rect.bottom - rect.top) + "px"; hint[IMGSPAN] = imgspan; span.parentNode.appendChild(imgspan); } setClass(imgspan, activeHint == hintnum); } span.setAttribute("number", hintnum); if (imgspan) imgspan.setAttribute("number", hintnum); else setClass(elem, activeHint == hintnum); validHints.push(elem); hintnum++; } } // TODO: is it better to set up an observer for this property and set // 'usermode' appropriately? We're generally not very well integrated // into FF so having menu items toggle Vimperator options may be // confusing. --djk if (getBrowser().markupDocumentViewer.authorStyleDisabled) { let css = []; // FIXME: Broken for imgspans. for (let [,{ doc: doc }] in Iterator(docs)) { for (let elem in buffer.evaluateXPath("//*[@liberator:highlight and @number]", doc)) { let group = elem.getAttributeNS(NS.uri, "highlight"); css.push(highlight.selector(group) + "[number='" + elem.getAttribute("number") + "'] { " + elem.style.cssText + " }"); } } styles.addSheet(true, "hint-positions", "*", css.join("\n")); } return true; } function removeHints(timeout) { let firstElem = validHints[0] || null; for (let [,{ doc: doc, start: start, end: end }] in Iterator(docs)) { for (let elem in buffer.evaluateXPath("//*[@liberator:highlight='hints']", doc)) elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem); for (let i in util.range(start, end + 1)) { let hint = pageHints[i]; if (!timeout || hint[ELEM] != firstElem) hint[ELEM].removeAttributeNS(NS.uri, "highlight"); } // animate the disappearance of the first hint if (timeout && firstElem) setTimeout(function () { firstElem.removeAttributeNS(NS.uri, "highlight"); }, timeout); } styles.removeSheet(true, "hint-positions"); reset(); } function processHints(followFirst) { if (validHints.length == 0) { liberator.beep(); return false; } if (options["followhints"] > 0) { if (!followFirst) return false; // no return hit; don't examine uniqueness // OK. return hit. But there's more than one hint, and // there's no tab-selected current link. Do not follow in mode 2 if (options["followhints"] == 2 && validHints.length > 1 && !hintNumber) return liberator.beep(); } if (!followFirst) { let firstHref = validHints[0].getAttribute("href") || null; if (firstHref) { if (validHints.some(function (e) e.getAttribute("href") != firstHref)) return false; } else if (validHints.length > 1) { return false; } } let timeout = followFirst || events.feedingKeys ? 0 : 500; let activeIndex = (hintNumber ? hintNumber - 1 : 0); let elem = validHints[activeIndex]; removeHints(timeout); if (timeout == 0) // force a possible mode change, based on whether an input field has focus events.onFocusChange(); setTimeout(function () { if (modes.extended & modes.HINTS) modes.reset(); hintMode.action(elem, elem.href || "", extendedhintCount); }, timeout); return true; } function onInput (event) { prevInput = "text"; // clear any timeout which might be active after pressing a number if (activeTimeout) { clearTimeout(activeTimeout); activeTimeout = null; } hintNumber = 0; hintString = commandline.command; updateStatusline(); showHints(); if (validHints.length == 1) processHints(false); } function hintMatcher(hintString) //{{{ { function tokenize(pat, string) string.split(pat).map(String.toLowerCase); function containsMatcher(hintString) //{{{ { let tokens = tokenize(/\s+/, hintString); return function (linkText) { linkText = linkText.toLowerCase(); return tokens.every(function (token) linkText.indexOf(token) >= 0); }; } //}}} function wordStartsWithMatcher(hintString, allowWordOverleaping) //{{{ { let hintStrings = tokenize(/\s+/, hintString); let wordSplitRegex = RegExp(options["wordseparators"]); // What the **** does this do? --Kris function charsAtBeginningOfWords(chars, words, allowWordOverleaping) { let charIdx = 0; let numMatchedWords = 0; for (let [,word] in Iterator(words)) { if (word.length == 0) continue; let wcIdx = 0; // Check if the current word matches same characters as the previous word. // Each already matched word has matched at least one character. if (charIdx > numMatchedWords) { let matchingStarted = false; for (let i in util.range(numMatchedWords, charIdx)) { if (chars[i] == word[wcIdx]) { matchingStarted = true; wcIdx++; } else if (matchingStarted) { wcIdx = 0; break; } } } // the current word matches same characters as the previous word let prevCharIdx; if (wcIdx > 0) { prevCharIdx = charIdx; // now check if it matches additional characters for (; wcIdx < word.length && charIdx < chars.length; wcIdx++, charIdx++) { if (word[wcIdx] != chars[charIdx]) break; } // the word doesn't match additional characters, now check if the // already matched characters are equal to the next characters for matching, // if yes, then consume them if (prevCharIdx == charIdx) { for (let i = 0; i < wcIdx && charIdx < chars.length; i++, charIdx++) { if (word[i] != chars[charIdx]) break; } } numMatchedWords++; } // the current word doesn't match same characters as the previous word, just // try to match the next characters else { prevCharIdx = charIdx; for (let i = 0; i < word.length && charIdx < chars.length; i++, charIdx++) { if (word[i] != chars[charIdx]) break; } if (prevCharIdx == charIdx) { if (!allowWordOverleaping) return false; } else numMatchedWords++; } if (charIdx == chars.length) return true; } return (charIdx == chars.length); } function stringsAtBeginningOfWords(strings, words, allowWordOverleaping) { let strIdx = 0; for (let [,word] in Iterator(words)) { if (word.length == 0) continue; let str = strings[strIdx]; if (str.length == 0 || word.indexOf(str) == 0) strIdx++; else if (!allowWordOverleaping) return false; if (strIdx == strings.length) return true; } for (; strIdx < strings.length; strIdx++) { if (strings[strIdx].length != 0) return false; } return true; } return function (linkText) { liberator.dump(hintStrings); if (hintStrings.length == 1 && hintStrings[0].length == 0) return true; let words = tokenize(wordSplitRegex, linkText); if (hintStrings.length == 1) return charsAtBeginningOfWords(hintStrings[0], words, allowWordOverleaping); else return stringsAtBeginningOfWords(hintStrings, words, allowWordOverleaping); }; } //}}} switch (options["hintmatching"]) { case "contains" : return containsMatcher(hintString); case "wordstartswith": return wordStartsWithMatcher(hintString, /*allowWordOverleaping=*/ true); case "firstletters" : return wordStartsWithMatcher(hintString, /*allowWordOverleaping=*/ false); case "custom" : return liberator.plugins.customHintMatcher(hintString); default : liberator.echoerr("Invalid hintmatching type: " + hintMatching); } return null; } //}}} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// OPTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ const DEFAULT_HINTTAGS = "//*[@onclick or @onmouseover or @onmousedown or @onmouseup or @oncommand or @class='lk' or @role='link'] | " + "//input[not(@type='hidden')] | //a | //area | //iframe | //textarea | //button | //select | " + "//xhtml:input[not(@type='hidden')] | //xhtml:a | //xhtml:area | //xhtml:iframe | //xhtml:textarea | //xhtml:button | //xhtml:select"; options.add(["extendedhinttags", "eht"], "XPath string of hintable elements activated by ';'", "string", DEFAULT_HINTTAGS); options.add(["hinttags", "ht"], "XPath string of hintable elements activated by 'f' and 'F'", "string", DEFAULT_HINTTAGS); options.add(["hinttimeout", "hto"], "Timeout before automatically following a non-unique numerical hint", "number", 0, { validator: function (value) value >= 0 }); options.add(["followhints", "fh"], // FIXME: this description isn't very clear but I can't think of a // better one right now. "Change the behaviour of in hint mode", "number", 0, { completer: function () [ ["0", "Follow the first hint as soon as typed text uniquely identifies it. Follow the selected hint on [m][m]."], ["1", "Follow the selected hint on [m][m]."], ["2", "Follow the selected hint on [m][m] only it's been [m][m]-selected."] ], validator: function (value) Option.validateCompleter }); options.add(["hintmatching", "hm"], "How links are matched", "string", "contains", { completer: function (context) [ ["contains", "The typed characters are split on whitespace. The resulting groups must all appear in the hint."], ["wordstartswith", "The typed characters are split on whitespace. The resulting groups must all match the beginings of words, in order."], ["firstletters", "Behaves like wordstartswith, but all groups much match a sequence of words."], ["custom", "Delegate to a custom function: liberator.plugins.customHintMatcher(hintString)"], ], validator: Option.validateCompleter }); options.add(["wordseparators", "wsp"], "How words are split for hintmatching", "string", '[.,!?:;/"^$%&?()[\\]{}<>#*+|=~ _-]'); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// MAPPINGS //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ mappings.add(myModes, ["f"], "Start QuickHint mode", function () { hints.show("o"); }); // At the moment, "F" calls // buffer.followLink(clicked_element, DO_WHAT_FIREFOX_DOES_WITH_CNTRL_CLICK) // It is not clear that it shouldn't be: // buffer.followLink(clicked_element, !DO_WHAT_FIREFOX_DOES_WITH_CNTRL_CLICK) // In fact, it might be nice if there was a "dual" to F (like H and // gH, except that gF is already taken). --tpp // // Likewise, it might be nice to have a liberator.NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB // and then make liberator.NEW_TAB always do what a Cntrl+Click // does. --tpp mappings.add(myModes, ["F"], "Start QuickHint mode, but open link in a new tab", function () { hints.show(options.getPref("browser.tabs.loadInBackground") ? "b" : "t"); }); mappings.add(myModes, [";"], "Start an extended hint mode", function (count) { extendedhintCount = count; commandline.input(";", function (arg) { setTimeout(function () hints.show(arg), 0); }, { promptHighlight: "Normal", completer: function (context) { context.compare = function () 0; context.completions = [[k, v.prompt] for ([k, v] in Iterator(hintModes))]; }, onChange: function () { modes.pop() } }); }, { flags: Mappings.flags.COUNT }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// PUBLIC SECTION ////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ return { addMode: function (mode) { hintModes[mode] = Mode.apply(Mode, Array.slice(arguments, 1)); }, show: function (minor, filter, win) { hintMode = hintModes[minor]; if (!hintMode) { liberator.beep(); return; } commandline.input(hintMode.prompt + ": ", null, { onChange: onInput }); modes.extended = modes.HINTS; submode = minor; hintString = filter || ""; hintNumber = 0; usedTab = false; prevInput = ""; canUpdate = false; generate(win); // get all keys from the input queue liberator.threadYield(true); canUpdate = true; showHints(); if (validHints.length == 0) { liberator.beep(); modes.reset(); return false; } else if (validHints.length == 1) { processHints(true); return false; } else // still hints visible return true; }, hide: function () { removeHints(0); }, onEvent: function (event) { let key = events.toString(event); let followFirst = false; // clear any timeout which might be active after pressing a number if (activeTimeout) { clearTimeout(activeTimeout); activeTimeout = null; } switch (key) { case "": followFirst = true; break; case "": case "": usedTabKey = true; if (hintNumber == 0) hintNumber = 1; let oldID = hintNumber; if (key == "") { if (++hintNumber > validHints.length) hintNumber = 1; } else { if (--hintNumber < 1) hintNumber = validHints.length; } showActiveHint(hintNumber, oldID); updateStatusline(); return; case "": if (hintNumber > 0 && !usedTabKey) { hintNumber = Math.floor(hintNumber / 10); if (hintNumber == 0) prevInput = "text"; } else { usedTabKey = false; hintNumber = 0; liberator.beep(); return; } break; case mappings.getMapLeader(): hints.escNumbers = !hints.escNumbers; if (hints.escNumbers && usedTabKey) // hintNumber not used normally, but someone may wants to toggle hintNumber = 0; // s ? reset. Prevent to show numbers not entered. updateStatusline(); return; default: if (/^\d$/.test(key)) { prevInput = "number"; let oldHintNumber = hintNumber; if (hintNumber == 0 || usedTabKey) { usedTabKey = false; hintNumber = parseInt(key, 10); } else hintNumber = (hintNumber * 10) + parseInt(key, 10); updateStatusline(); if (!canUpdate) return; if (docs.length == 0) { generate(); showHints(); } showActiveHint(hintNumber, oldHintNumber || 1); if (hintNumber == 0 || hintNumber > validHints.length) { liberator.beep(); return; } // if we write a numeric part like 3, but we have 45 hints, only follow // the hint after a timeout, as the user might have wanted to follow link 34 if (hintNumber > 0 && hintNumber * 10 <= validHints.length) { let timeout = options["hinttimeout"]; if (timeout > 0) activeTimeout = setTimeout(function () { processHints(true); }, timeout); return false; } // we have a unique hint processHints(true); return; } } updateStatusline(); if (canUpdate) { if (docs.length == 0 && hintString.length > 0) generate(); showHints(); processHints(followFirst); } } }; // FIXME: add resize support // window.addEventListener("resize", onResize, null); // function onResize(event) // { // if (event) // doc = event.originalTarget; // else // doc = window.content.document; // } //}}} }; //}}} // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 ts=4 et: