/***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** {{{ Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. Copyright (c) 2006-2009 by Martin Stubenschrott Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. }}} ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/ /** @scope modules */ Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm", modules); const plugins = { __proto__: modules }; const userContext = { __proto__: modules }; const EVAL_ERROR = "__liberator_eval_error"; const EVAL_RESULT = "__liberator_eval_result"; const EVAL_STRING = "__liberator_eval_string"; const liberator = (function () //{{{ { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////// PRIVATE SECTION ///////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ function Runnable(self, func, args) { this.self = self; this.func = func; this.args = args; } Runnable.prototype = { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIRunnable]), run: function () { this.func.apply(this.self, this.args); } }; const observers = {}; function registerObserver(type, callback) { if (!(type in observers)) observers[type] = []; observers[type].push(callback); } let nError = 0; function loadModule(name, func) { let message = "Loading module " + name + "..."; try { liberator.log(message, 0); liberator.dump(message); modules[name] = func(); liberator.triggerObserver("load_" + name, name); } catch (e) { if (nError++ == 0) toOpenWindowByType("global:console", "chrome://global/content/console.xul"); liberator.reportError(e); } } // initially hide all GUI elements, they are later restored unless the user // has :set go= or something similar in his config function hideGUI() { let guioptions = config.guioptions; for (let option in guioptions) { guioptions[option].forEach(function (elem) { try { document.getElementById(elem).collapsed = true; } catch (e) {} }); } } // return the platform normalized to Vim values function getPlatformFeature() { let platform = navigator.platform; return /^Mac/.test(platform) ? "MacUnix" : platform == "Win32" ? "Win32" : "Unix"; } // TODO: move this function getMenuItems() { function addChildren(node, parent) { for (let [, item] in Iterator(node.childNodes)) { if (item.childNodes.length == 0 && item.localName == "menuitem" && !/rdf:http:/.test(item.getAttribute("label"))) // FIXME { item.fullMenuPath = parent + item.getAttribute("label"); items.push(item); } else { let path = parent; if (item.localName == "menu") path += item.getAttribute("label") + "."; addChildren(item, path); } } } let items = []; addChildren(document.getElementById(config.guioptions["m"][1]), ""); return items; } // show a usage index either in the MOW or as a full help page function showHelpIndex(tag, items, inMow) { if (inMow) liberator.echo(template.usage(items), commandline.FORCE_MULTILINE); else liberator.help(tag); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// OPTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ // Only general options are added here, which are valid for all Liberator extensions registerObserver("load_options", function () { options.add(["errorbells", "eb"], "Ring the bell when an error message is displayed", "boolean", false); options.add(["exrc", "ex"], "Allow reading of an RC file in the current directory", "boolean", false); const groups = { config: { opts: config.guioptions, setter: function (opts) { for (let [opt, [, ids]] in Iterator(this.opts)) { ids.map(function (id) document.getElementById(id)) .forEach(function (elem) { if (elem) elem.collapsed = (opts.indexOf(opt) == -1); }); } } }, scroll: { opts: { r: ["Right Scrollbar", "vertical"], l: ["Left Scrollbar", "vertical"], b: ["Bottom Scrollbar", "horizontal"] }, setter: function (opts) { let dir = ["horizontal", "vertical"].filter(function (dir) !Array.some(opts, function (o) this.opts[o] && this.opts[o][1] == dir, this), this); let class = dir.map(function (dir) "html|html > xul|scrollbar[orient=" + dir + "]"); if (class.length) styles.addSheet(true, "scrollbar", "*", class.join(", ") + " { visibility: collapse !important; }", true); else styles.removeSheet(true, "scrollbar"); options.safeSetPref("layout.scrollbar.side", opts.indexOf("l") >= 0 ? 3 : 2); }, validator: function (opts) (opts.indexOf("l") < 0 || opts.indexOf("r") < 0) }, tab: { opts: { n: ["Tab number", highlight.selector("TabNumber")], N: ["Tab number over icon", highlight.selector("TabIconNumber")] }, setter: function (opts) { const self = this; let classes = [v[1] for ([k, v] in Iterator(this.opts)) if (opts.indexOf(k) < 0)]; let css = classes.length ? classes.join(",") + "{ display: none; }" : ""; styles.addSheet(true, "taboptions", "chrome://*", css); tabs.tabsBound = Array.some(opts, function (k) k in self.opts); statusline.updateTabCount(); } } }; options.add(["fullscreen", "fs"], "Show the current window fullscreen", "boolean", false, { setter: function (value) window.fullScreen = value, getter: function () window.fullScreen }); options.add(["guioptions", "go"], "Show or hide certain GUI elements like the menu or toolbar", "charlist", config.defaults.guioptions || "", { setter: function (value) { for (let [, group] in Iterator(groups)) group.setter(value); return value; }, completer: function (context) { let opts = [v.opts for ([k, v] in Iterator(groups))]; opts = opts.map(function (opt) [[k, v[0]] for ([k, v] in Iterator(opt))]); return util.Array.flatten(opts); }, validator: function (val) Option.validateCompleter.call(this, val) && [v for ([k, v] in Iterator(groups))].every(function (g) !g.validator || g.validator(val)) }); options.add(["helpfile", "hf"], "Name of the main help file", "string", "intro.html"); options.add(["loadplugins", "lpl"], "Load plugin scripts when starting up", "boolean", true); options.add(["titlestring"], "Change the title of the window", "string", config.defaults.titlestring || config.hostApplication, { setter: function (value) { let win = document.documentElement; function updateTitle(old, current) { document.title = document.title.replace(RegExp("(.*)" + util.escapeRegex(old)), "$1" + current); } // TODO: remove this FF3.5 test when we no longer support 3.0 // : make this a config feature if (services.get("privateBrowsing")) { let oldValue = win.getAttribute("titlemodifier_normal"); let suffix = win.getAttribute("titlemodifier_privatebrowsing").substr(oldValue.length); win.setAttribute("titlemodifier_normal", value); win.setAttribute("titlemodifier_privatebrowsing", value + suffix); if (services.get("privateBrowsing").privateBrowsingEnabled) { updateTitle(oldValue + suffix, value + suffix); return value; } } updateTitle(win.getAttribute("titlemodifier"), value); win.setAttribute("titlemodifier", value); return value; } }); options.add(["verbose", "vbs"], "Define which info messages are displayed", "number", 1, { validator: function (value) value >= 0 && value <= 15 }); options.add(["visualbell", "vb"], "Use visual bell instead of beeping on errors", "boolean", false, { setter: function (value) { options.safeSetPref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.enablesound", !value); return value; } }); }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// MAPPINGS //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ registerObserver("load_mappings", function () { mappings.add(modes.all, [""], "Open the help page", function () { liberator.help(); }); if (liberator.has("session")) { mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["ZQ"], "Quit and don't save the session", function () { liberator.quit(false); }); } mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["ZZ"], "Quit and save the session", function () { liberator.quit(true); }); }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// COMMANDS //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ var toolbox; registerObserver("load_commands", function () { commands.add(["addo[ns]"], "Manage available Extensions and Themes", function () { liberator.open("chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul", (options["newtab"] && options.get("newtab").has("all", "addons")) ? liberator.NEW_TAB: liberator.CURRENT_TAB); }, { argCount: "0" }); commands.add(["beep"], "Play a system beep", function () { liberator.beep(); }, { argCount: "0" }); commands.add(["dia[log]"], "Open a " + config.name + " dialog", function (args) { let arg = args[0]; try { // TODO: why are these sorts of properties arrays? --djk let dialogs = config.dialogs; for (let [, dialog] in Iterator(dialogs)) { if (util.compareIgnoreCase(arg, dialog[0]) == 0) { dialog[2](); return; } } liberator.echoerr("E475: Invalid argument: " + arg); } catch (e) { liberator.echoerr("Error opening '" + arg + "': " + e); } }, { argCount: "1", bang: true, completer: function (context) { context.ignoreCase = true; return completion.dialog(context); } }); commands.add(["em[enu]"], "Execute the specified menu item from the command line", function (args) { let arg = args.literalArg; let items = getMenuItems(); if (!items.some(function (i) i.fullMenuPath == arg)) return void liberator.echoerr("E334: Menu not found: " + arg); for (let [, item] in Iterator(items)) { if (item.fullMenuPath == arg) item.doCommand(); } }, { argCount: "1", completer: function (context) completion.menuItem(context), literal: 0 }); commands.add(["exe[cute]"], "Execute the argument as an Ex command", // FIXME: this should evaluate each arg separately then join // with " " before executing. // E.g. :execute "source" io.getRCFile().path // Need to fix commands.parseArgs which currently strips the quotes // from quoted args function (args) { try { let cmd = liberator.eval(args.string); liberator.execute(cmd, null, true); } catch (e) { liberator.echoerr(e); } }); commands.add(["exta[dd]"], "Install an extension", function (args) { let file = io.getFile(args[0]); if (file.exists() && file.isReadable() && file.isFile()) services.get("extensionManager").installItemFromFile(file, "app-profile"); else { if (file.exists() && file.isDirectory()) liberator.echomsg("Cannot install a directory: \"" + file.path + "\"", 0); liberator.echoerr("E484: Can't open file " + file.path); } }, { argCount: "1", completer: function (context) { context.filters.push(function ({ item: f }) f.isDirectory() || /\.xpi$/.test(f.leafName)); completion.file(context); } }); // TODO: handle extension dependencies [ { name: "extde[lete]", description: "Uninstall an extension", action: "uninstallItem" }, { name: "exte[nable]", description: "Enable an extension", action: "enableItem", filter: function ({ item: e }) !e.enabled }, { name: "extd[isable]", description: "Disable an extension", action: "disableItem", filter: function ({ item: e }) e.enabled } ].forEach(function (command) { commands.add([command.name], command.description, function (args) { let name = args[0]; function action(e) { services.get("extensionManager")[command.action](e.id); }; if (args.bang) liberator.extensions.forEach(function (e) { action(e); }); else { if (!name) return void liberator.echoerr("E471: Argument required"); // XXX let extension = liberator.getExtension(name); if (extension) action(extension); else liberator.echoerr("E474: Invalid argument"); } }, { argCount: "?", // FIXME: should be "1" bang: true, completer: function (context) { completion.extension(context); if (command.filter) context.filters.push(command.filter); }, literal: 0 }); }); commands.add(["exto[ptions]", "extp[references]"], "Open an extension's preference dialog", function (args) { let extension = liberator.getExtension(args[0]); if (!extension || !extension.options) return void liberator.echoerr("E474: Invalid argument"); if (args.bang) window.openDialog(extension.options, "_blank", "chrome"); else liberator.open(extension.options, options.get("newtab").has("all", "extoptions") ? liberator.NEW_TAB : liberator.CURRENT_TAB); }, { argCount: "1", bang: true, completer: function (context) { completion.extension(context); context.filters.push(function ({ item: e }) e.options); }, literal: 0 }); // TODO: maybe indicate pending status too? commands.add(["extens[ions]"], "List available extensions", function (args) { let filter = args[0] || ""; let extensions = liberator.extensions.filter(function (e) e.name.indexOf(filter) >= 0); if (extensions.length > 0) { let list = template.tabular( ["Name", "Version", "Status", "Description"], [], ([template.icon(e, e.name), e.version, e.enabled ? enabled : disabled, e.description] for ([, e] in Iterator(extensions))) ); commandline.echo(list, commandline.HL_NORMAL, commandline.FORCE_MULTILINE); } else { if (filter) liberator.echoerr("Exxx: No extension matching \"" + filter + "\""); else liberator.echoerr("No extensions installed"); } }, { argCount: "?" }); commands.add(["exu[sage]"], "List all Ex commands with a short description", function (args) { showHelpIndex("ex-cmd-index", commands, args.bang); }, { argCount: "0", bang: true }); [ { name: "h[elp]", description: "Open the help page" }, { name: "helpa[ll]", description: "Open the single unchunked help page" } ].forEach(function (command) { let unchunked = command.name == "helpa[ll]"; commands.add([command.name], command.description, function (args) { if (args.bang) return void liberator.echoerr("E478: Don't panic!"); liberator.help(args.literalArg, unchunked); }, { argCount: "?", bang: true, completer: function (context) completion.help(context, unchunked), literal: 0 }); }); commands.add(["javas[cript]", "js"], "Run a JavaScript command through eval()", function (args) { if (args.bang) // open JavaScript console { liberator.open("chrome://global/content/console.xul", (options["newtab"] && options.get("newtab").has("all", "javascript")) ? liberator.NEW_TAB : liberator.CURRENT_TAB); } else { try { liberator.eval(args.string); } catch (e) { liberator.echoerr(e); } } }, { bang: true, completer: function (context) completion.javascript(context), hereDoc: true, literal: 0 }); commands.add(["loadplugins", "lpl"], "Load all plugins immediately", function () { liberator.loadPlugins(); }, { argCount: "0" }); commands.add(["norm[al]"], "Execute Normal mode commands", function (args) { events.feedkeys(args.string, args.bang); }, { argCount: "+", bang: true }); commands.add(["optionu[sage]"], "List all options with a short description", function (args) { showHelpIndex("option-index", options, args.bang); }, { argCount: "0", bang: true }); commands.add(["q[uit]"], liberator.has("tabs") ? "Quit current tab" : "Quit application", function (args) { if (liberator.has("tabs")) tabs.remove(getBrowser().mCurrentTab, 1, false, 1); else liberator.quit(false, args.bang); }, { argCount: "0", bang: true }); commands.add(["res[tart]"], "Force " + config.name + " to restart", function () { liberator.restart(); }, { argCount: "0" }); toolbox = document.getElementById("navigator-toolbox"); if (toolbox) { function findToolbar(name) buffer.evaluateXPath( "./*[@toolbarname=" + util.escapeString(name, "'") + "]", document, toolbox).snapshotItem(0); let tbcmd = function (names, desc, action, filter) { commands.add(names, desc, function (args) { let toolbar = findToolbar(args[0]); if (!toolbar) return void liberator.echoerr("E474: Invalid argument"); action(toolbar); }, { argcount: "1", completer: function (context) { completion.toolbar(context) if (filter) context.filters.push(filter); }, literal: 0 }); } tbcmd(["toolbars[how]", "tbs[how]"], "Show the named toolbar", function (toolbar) toolbar.collapsed = false, function (item) item.item.collapsed); tbcmd(["toolbarh[ide]", "tbh[ide]"], "Hide the named toolbar", function (toolbar) toolbar.collapsed = true, function (item) !item.item.collapsed); tbcmd(["toolbart[oggle]", "tbt[oggle]"], "Toggle the named toolbar", function (toolbar) toolbar.collapsed = !toolbar.collapsed); } commands.add(["time"], "Profile a piece of code or run a command multiple times", function (args) { let count = args.count; let special = args.bang; args = args.string; if (args[0] == ":") var method = function () liberator.execute(args, null, true); else method = liberator.eval("(function () {" + args + "})"); try { if (count > 1) { let each, eachUnits, totalUnits; let total = 0; for (let i in util.interruptibleRange(0, count, 500)) { let now = Date.now(); method(); total += Date.now() - now; } if (special) return; if (total / count >= 100) { each = total / 1000.0 / count; eachUnits = "sec"; } else { each = total / count; eachUnits = "msec"; } if (total >= 100) { total = total / 1000.0; totalUnits = "sec"; } else totalUnits = "msec"; let str = template.commandOutput(
Code execution summary
  Average time:{each.toFixed(2)}{eachUnits}
  Total time:{total.toFixed(2)}{totalUnits}
); commandline.echo(str, commandline.HL_NORMAL, commandline.FORCE_MULTILINE); } else { let beforeTime = Date.now(); method(); if (special) return; let afterTime = Date.now(); if (afterTime - beforeTime >= 100) liberator.echo("Total time: " + ((afterTime - beforeTime) / 1000.0).toFixed(2) + " sec"); else liberator.echo("Total time: " + (afterTime - beforeTime) + " msec"); } } catch (e) { liberator.echoerr(e); } }, { argCount: "+", bang: true, completer: function (context) { if (/^:/.test(context.filter)) return completion.ex(context); else return completion.javascript(context); }, count: true, literal: 0 }); commands.add(["verb[ose]"], "Execute a command with 'verbose' set", function (args) { let vbs = options.get("verbose"); let value = vbs.value; let setFrom = vbs.setFrom; try { vbs.set(args.count > -1 ? args.count : 1); vbs.setFrom = null; liberator.execute(args[0], null, true); } finally { vbs.set(value); vbs.setFrom = setFrom; } }, { argCount: "+", completer: function (context) completion.ex(context), count: true, literal: 0 }); commands.add(["ve[rsion]"], "Show version information", function (args) { if (args.bang) liberator.open("about:"); else liberator.echo(template.commandOutput(<>{config.name} {liberator.version} running on:
{navigator.userAgent})); }, { argCount: "0", bang: true }); commands.add(["viu[sage]"], "List all mappings with a short description", function (args) { showHelpIndex("normal-index", mappings, args.bang); }, { argCount: "0", bang: true }); }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// COMPLETIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ registerObserver("load_completion", function () { completion.setFunctionCompleter(services.get, [function () services.services]); completion.setFunctionCompleter(services.create, [function () [[c, ""] for (c in services.classes)]]); completion.dialog = function dialog(context) { context.title = ["Dialog"]; context.completions = config.dialogs; }; completion.extension = function extension(context) { context.title = ["Extension"]; context.anchored = false; context.keys = { text: "name", description: "description", icon: "icon" }, context.completions = liberator.extensions; }; completion.help = function help(context, unchunked) { context.title = ["Help"]; context.anchored = false; context.key = unchunked; context.generate = function () { let files = unchunked ? ["all.html"] : config.helpFiles; let res = files.map(function (file) { let resp = util.httpGet("chrome://liberator/locale/" + file); if (!resp) return []; let doc = resp.responseXML; return Array.map(doc.getElementsByClassName("tag"), function (elem) [elem.textContent, file]); }); return util.Array.flatten(res); }; }; completion.menuItem = function menuItem(context) { context.title = ["Menu Path", "Label"]; context.anchored = false; context.keys = { text: "fullMenuPath", description: function (item) item.getAttribute("label") }; context.completions = liberator.menuItems; }; completion.toolbar = function toolbar(context) { context.title = ["Toolbar"]; context.keys = { text: function (item) item.getAttribute("toolbarname"), description: function () "" }; context.completions = buffer.evaluateXPath("./*[@toolbarname]", document, toolbox); }; }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}}} ////////////////////// PUBLIC SECTION ////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////{{{ return { modules: modules, /** * @property {number} The current main mode. * @see modes#mainModes */ get mode() modes.main, set mode(value) modes.main = value, get menuItems() getMenuItems(), /** @property {Element} The currently focused element. */ get focus() document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement, get extensions() { const rdf = services.get("rdf"); const extensionManager = services.get("extensionManager"); let extensions = extensionManager.getItemList(Ci.nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_EXTENSION, {}); function getRdfProperty(item, property) { let resource = rdf.GetResource("urn:mozilla:item:" + item.id); let value = ""; if (resource) { let target = extensionManager.datasource.GetTarget(resource, rdf.GetResource("http://www.mozilla.org/2004/em-rdf#" + property), true); if (target && target instanceof Ci.nsIRDFLiteral) value = target.Value; } return value; } //const Extension = new Struct("id", "name", "description", "icon", "enabled", "version"); return extensions.map(function (e) ({ id: e.id, name: e.name, description: getRdfProperty(e, "description"), enabled: getRdfProperty(e, "isDisabled") != "true", icon: e.iconURL, options: getRdfProperty(e, "optionsURL"), version: e.version })); }, getExtension: function (name) this.extensions.filter(function (e) e.name == name)[0], // Global constants CURRENT_TAB: 1, NEW_TAB: 2, NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB: 3, NEW_WINDOW: 4, forceNewTab: false, forceNewWindow: false, /** @property {string} The Liberator version string. */ version: "###VERSION### (created: ###DATE###)", // these VERSION and DATE tokens are replaced by the Makefile // NOTE: services.get("profile").selectedProfile.name doesn't return // what you might expect. It returns the last _actively_ selected // profile (i.e. via the Profile Manager or -P option) rather than the // current profile. These will differ if the current process was run // without explicitly selecting a profile. /** @property {string} The name of the current user profile. */ profileName: services.get("directory").get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile).leafName.replace(/^.+?\./, ""), /** * @property {Object} The map of command-line options. These are * specified in the argument to the host application's -liberator * option. E.g. $ firefox -liberator '+u=tempRcFile ++noplugin' * Supported options: * +u=RCFILE Use RCFILE instead of .vimperatorrc. * ++noplugin Don't load plugins. */ commandLineOptions: { /** @property Whether plugin loading should be prevented. */ noPlugins: false, /** @property An RC file to use rather than the default. */ rcFile: null, /** @property An Ex command to run before any initialization is performed. */ preCommands: null, /** @property An Ex command to run after all initialization has been performed. */ postCommands: null }, registerObserver: registerObserver, unregisterObserver: function (type, callback) { if (type in observers) observers[type] = observers[type].filter(function (c) c != callback); }, // TODO: "zoom": if the zoom value of the current buffer changed triggerObserver: function (type) { let args = Array.slice(arguments, 1); for (let [, func] in Iterator(observers[type] || [])) func.apply(null, args); }, /** * Triggers the application bell to notify the user of an error. The * bell may be either audible or visual depending on the value of the * 'visualbell' option. */ beep: function () { // FIXME: popups clear the command line if (options["visualbell"]) { // flash the visual bell let popup = document.getElementById("liberator-visualbell"); let win = config.visualbellWindow; let rect = win.getBoundingClientRect(); let width = rect.right - rect.left; let height = rect.bottom - rect.top; // NOTE: this doesn't seem to work in FF3 with full box dimensions popup.openPopup(win, "overlap", 1, 1, false, false); popup.sizeTo(width - 2, height - 2); setTimeout(function () { popup.hidePopup(); }, 20); } else { let soundService = Cc["@mozilla.org/sound;1"].getService(Ci.nsISound); soundService.beep(); } return false; // so you can do: if (...) return liberator.beep(); }, /** * Creates a new thread. */ newThread: function () services.get("threadManager").newThread(0), /** * Calls a function asynchronously on a new thread. * * @param {nsIThread} thread The thread to call the function on. If no * thread is specified a new one is created. * @optional * @param {Object} self The 'this' object used when executing the * function. * @param {function} func The function to execute. * */ callAsync: function (thread, self, func) { thread = thread || services.get("threadManager").newThread(0); thread.dispatch(new Runnable(self, func, Array.slice(arguments, 3)), thread.DISPATCH_NORMAL); }, /** * Calls a function synchronously on a new thread. * * NOTE: Be sure to call GUI related methods like alert() or dump() * ONLY in the main thread. * * @param {nsIThread} thread The thread to call the function on. If no * thread is specified a new one is created. * @optional * @param {function} func The function to execute. */ callFunctionInThread: function (thread, func) { thread = thread || services.get("threadManager").newThread(0); // DISPATCH_SYNC is necessary, otherwise strange things will happen thread.dispatch(new Runnable(null, func, Array.slice(arguments, 2)), thread.DISPATCH_SYNC); }, /** * Prints a message to the console. If msg is an object it is * pretty printed. * * NOTE: the "browser.dom.window.dump.enabled" preference needs to be * set. * * @param {string|Object} msg The message to print. */ dump: function (msg) { if (typeof msg == "object") msg = util.objectToString(msg); else msg += "\n"; window.dump(msg.replace(/^./gm, ("config" in modules && config.name.toLowerCase()) + ": $&")); }, /** * Dumps a stack trace to the console. * * @param {string} msg The trace message. * @param {number} frames The number of frames to print. */ dumpStack: function (msg, frames) { let stack = Error().stack.replace(/(?:.*\n){2}/, ""); if (frames != null) [stack] = stack.match(RegExp("(?:.*\n){0," + frames + "}")); liberator.dump((msg || "Stack") + "\n" + stack); }, /** * Outputs a plain message to the command line. * * @param {string} str The message to output. * @param {number} flags These control the multiline message behaviour. * See {@link CommandLine#echo}. */ echo: function (str, flags) { commandline.echo(str, commandline.HL_NORMAL, flags); }, // TODO: Vim replaces unprintable characters in echoerr/echomsg /** * Outputs an error message to the command line. * * @param {string} str The message to output. * @param {number} flags These control the multiline message behaviour. * See {@link CommandLine#echo}. */ echoerr: function (str, flags) { flags |= commandline.APPEND_TO_MESSAGES; if (typeof str == "object" && "echoerr" in str) str = str.echoerr; else if (str instanceof Error) str = str.fileName + ":" + str.lineNumber + ": " + str; if (options["errorbells"]) liberator.beep(); commandline.echo(str, commandline.HL_ERRORMSG, flags); }, // TODO: add proper level constants /** * Outputs an information message to the command line. * * @param {string} str The message to output. * @param {number} verbosity The messages log level (0 - 15). Only * messages with verbosity less than or equal to the value of the * 'verbosity' option will be output. * @param {number} flags These control the multiline message behaviour. * See {@link CommandLine#echo}. */ echomsg: function (str, verbosity, flags) { // TODO: is there a reason for this? --djk // yes, it doesn't show the MOW on startup if you have e.g. some qmarks in your vimperatorrc. // Feel free to add another flag like DONT_OPEN_MULTILINE if really needed --mst // // But it's _supposed_ to show the MOW on startup when there are // messages, surely? As far as I'm concerned it essentially works // exactly as it should with the DISALLOW_MULTILINE flag removed. // Sending N messages to the command line in a row and having them // overwrite each other is completely broken. I also think many of // those messages like "Added quick mark" are plain silly but if // you don't like them you can set verbose=0, or use :silent when // someone adds it. I reckon another flag and 'class' of messages // is just going to unnecessarily complicate things. --djk flags |= commandline.APPEND_TO_MESSAGES | commandline.DISALLOW_MULTILINE; if (verbosity == null) verbosity = 0; // verbosity level is exclusionary if (options["verbose"] >= verbosity) commandline.echo(str, commandline.HL_INFOMSG, flags); }, /** * Loads and executes the script referenced by uri in the scope * of the context object. * * @param {string} uri The URI of the script to load. Should be a local * chrome:, file:, or resource: URL. * @param {Object} context The context object into which the script * should be loaded. */ loadScript: function (uri, context) { services.get("subscriptLoader").loadSubScript(uri, context); }, eval: function (str, context) { try { if (!context) context = userContext; context[EVAL_ERROR] = null; context[EVAL_STRING] = str; context[EVAL_RESULT] = null; this.loadScript("chrome://liberator/content/eval.js", context); if (context[EVAL_ERROR]) { try { context[EVAL_ERROR].fileName = io.sourcing.file; context[EVAL_ERROR].lineNumber += io.sourcing.line; } catch (e) {} throw context[EVAL_ERROR]; } return context[EVAL_RESULT]; } finally { delete context[EVAL_ERROR]; delete context[EVAL_RESULT]; delete context[EVAL_STRING]; } }, // partial sixth level expression evaluation // TODO: what is that really needed for, and where could it be used? // Or should it be removed? (c) Viktor // Better name? See other liberator.eval() // I agree, the name is confusing, and so is the // description --Kris evalExpression: function (string) { string = string.toString().replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, ""); let matches = string.match(/^&(\w+)/); if (matches) { let opt = this.options.get(matches[1]); if (!opt) return void this.echoerr("E113: Unknown option: " + matches[1]); let type = opt.type; let value = opt.getter(); if (type != "boolean" && type != "number") value = value.toString(); return value; } // String else if (matches = string.match(/^(['"])([^\1]*?[^\\]?)\1/)) { if (matches) return matches[2].toString(); else return void this.echoerr("E115: Missing quote: " + string); } // Number else if (matches = string.match(/^(\d+)$/)) return parseInt(matches[1], 10); let reference = this.variableReference(string); if (!reference[0]) this.echoerr("E121: Undefined variable: " + string); else return reference[0][reference[1]]; return; }, /** * Execute an Ex command string. E.g. ":zoom 300". * * @param {string} str The command to execute. * @param {Object} modifiers Any modifiers to be passed to * {@link Command#action}. * @param {boolean} silent Whether the command should be echoed on the * command line. */ execute: function (str, modifiers, silent) { // skip comments and blank lines if (/^\s*("|$)/.test(str)) return; modifiers = modifiers || {}; let err = null; let [count, cmd, special, args] = commands.parseCommand(str.replace(/^'(.*)'$/, "$1")); let command = commands.get(cmd); if (command === null) { err = "E492: Not a " + config.name.toLowerCase() + " command: " + str; liberator.focusContent(); } else if (command.action === null) err = "E666: Internal error: command.action === null"; // TODO: need to perform this test? -- djk else if (count != -1 && !command.count) err = "E481: No range allowed"; else if (special && !command.bang) err = "E477: No ! allowed"; if (err) return void liberator.echoerr(err); if (!silent) commandline.command = str.replace(/^\s*:\s*/, ""); command.execute(args, special, count, modifiers); }, /** * Focuses the content window. * * @param {boolean} clearFocusedElement Remove focus from any focused * element. */ focusContent: function (clearFocusedElement) { if (window != services.get("windowWatcher").activeWindow) return; let elem = config.mainWidget || window.content; // TODO: make more generic try { if (this.has("mail") && !config.isComposeWindow) { let i = gDBView.selection.currentIndex; if (i == -1 && gDBView.rowCount >= 0) i = 0; gDBView.selection.select(i); } else if (this.has("tabs")) { let frame = tabs.localStore.focusedFrame; if (frame && frame.top == window.content) elem = frame; } } catch (e) {} if (clearFocusedElement && liberator.focus) liberator.focus.blur(); if (elem && elem != liberator.focus) elem.focus(); }, /** * Returns whether this Liberator extension supports feature. * * @param {string} feature The feature name. * @returns {boolean} */ has: function (feature) config.features.indexOf(feature) >= 0, /** * Returns whether the host application has the specified extension * installed. * * @param {string} name The extension name. * @returns {boolean} */ hasExtension: function (name) { let extensions = services.get("extensionManager").getItemList(Ci.nsIUpdateItem.TYPE_EXTENSION, {}); return extensions.some(function (e) e.name == name); }, /** * Returns the URL of the specified help topic if it exists. * * @param {string} topic The help topic to lookup. * @param {boolean} unchunked Whether to search the unchunked help page. * @returns {string} */ findHelp: function (topic, unchunked) { unchunked = !!unchunked; let items = completion.runCompleter("help", topic, null, unchunked); let partialMatch = null; function format(item) item[1] + "#" + encodeURIComponent(item[0]); for (let [i, item] in Iterator(items)) { if (item[0] == topic) return format(item); else if (!partialMatch && item[0].indexOf(topic) > -1) partialMatch = item; } if (partialMatch) return format(partialMatch); else return null; }, /** * Opens the help page containing the specified topic if it * exists. * * @param {string} topic The help topic to open. * @param {boolean} unchunked Whether to use the unchunked help page. * @returns {string} */ help: function (topic, unchunked) { let where = (options["newtab"] && options.get("newtab").has("all", "help")) ? liberator.NEW_TAB : liberator.CURRENT_TAB; if (!topic && !unchunked) { let helpFile = options["helpfile"]; if (config.helpFiles.indexOf(helpFile) != -1) liberator.open("chrome://liberator/locale/" + helpFile, where); else liberator.echomsg("Sorry, help file " + helpFile.quote() + " not found"); return; } let page = this.findHelp(topic, unchunked); if (page == null) return void liberator.echoerr("E149: Sorry, no help for " + topic); liberator.open("chrome://liberator/locale/" + page, where); if (where == this.CURRENT_TAB) content.postMessage("fragmentChange", "*"); }, /** * The map of global variables. * * These are set and accessed with the "g:" prefix. */ globalVariables: {}, loadModule: function (name, func) { loadModule(name, func); }, loadPlugins: function () { function sourceDirectory(dir) { if (!dir.isReadable()) return void liberator.echoerr("E484: Can't open file " + dir.path); liberator.log("Sourcing plugin directory: " + dir.path + "...", 3); io.readDirectory(dir.path, true).forEach(function (file) { if (file.isFile() && /\.(js|vimp)$/i.test(file.path) && !(file.path in liberator.pluginFiles)) { try { io.source(file.path, false); liberator.pluginFiles[file.path] = true; } catch (e) { liberator.reportError(e); } } else if (file.isDirectory()) sourceDirectory(file); }); } let dirs = io.getRuntimeDirectories("plugin"); if (dirs.length == 0) { liberator.log("No user plugin directory found", 3); return; } liberator.echomsg('Searching for "plugin/**/*.{js,vimp}" in "' + [dir.path.replace(/.plugin$/, "") for ([, dir] in Iterator(dirs))].join(",") + '"', 2); dirs.forEach(function (dir) { liberator.echomsg("Searching for \"" + (dir.path + "/**/*.{js,vimp}") + "\"", 3); sourceDirectory(dir); }); }, // TODO: add proper level constants /** * Logs a message to the JavaScript error console. Each message has an * associated log level. Only messages with a log level less than or * equal to level will be printed. If msg is an object, * it is pretty printed. * * @param {string|Object} msg The message to print. * @param {number} level The logging level 0 - 15. */ log: function (msg, level) { let verbose = 0; if (level == undefined) level = 1; // options does not exist at the very beginning if (modules.options) verbose = options.getPref("extensions.liberator.loglevel", 0); if (level > verbose) return; if (typeof msg == "object") msg = util.objectToString(msg, false); services.get("console").logStringMessage(config.name.toLowerCase() + ": " + msg); }, /** * Opens one or more URLs. Returns true when load was initiated, or * false on error. * * @param {string|string[]} urls Either a URL string or an array of URLs. * The array can look like this: * ["url1", "url2", "url3", ...] * or: * [["url1", postdata1], ["url2", postdata2], ...] * @param {number} where If ommited, CURRENT_TAB is assumed but NEW_TAB * is set when liberator.forceNewTab is true. * @param {boolean} force Don't prompt whether to open more than 20 * tabs. * @returns {boolean} */ open: function (urls, where, force) { // convert the string to an array of converted URLs // -> see util.stringToURLArray for more details if (typeof urls == "string") { // rather switch to the tab instead of opening a new url in case of "12: Tab Title" like "urls" if (liberator.has("tabs")) { let matches = urls.match(/^(\d+):/); if (matches) { tabs.select(parseInt(matches[1], 10) - 1, false); // make it zero-based return; } } urls = util.stringToURLArray(urls); } if (urls.length > 20 && !force) { commandline.input("This will open " + urls.length + " new tabs. Would you like to continue? (yes/[no]) ", function (resp) { if (resp && resp.match(/^y(es)?$/i)) liberator.open(urls, where, true); }); return true; } if (urls.length == 0) return false; let browser = window.getBrowser(); function open(urls, where) { let url = Array.concat(urls)[0]; let postdata = Array.concat(urls)[1]; // decide where to load the first url switch (where) { case liberator.CURRENT_TAB: browser.loadURIWithFlags(url, Ci.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_NONE, null, null, postdata); break; case liberator.NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB: case liberator.NEW_TAB: if (!liberator.has("tabs")) return open(urls, liberator.NEW_WINDOW); options.withContext(function () { options.setPref("browser.tabs.loadInBackground", true); browser.loadOneTab(url, null, null, postdata, where == liberator.NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB); }); break; case liberator.NEW_WINDOW: window.open(); let win = services.get("windowMediator").getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); win.loadURI(url, null, postdata); browser = win.getBrowser(); break; default: throw Error("Invalid 'where' directive in liberator.open(...)"); } } if (liberator.forceNewTab) where = liberator.NEW_TAB; else if (liberator.forceNewWindow) where = liberator.NEW_WINDOW; else if (!where) where = liberator.CURRENT_TAB; for (let [, url] in Iterator(urls)) { open(url, where); where = liberator.NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB; } return true; }, pluginFiles: {}, // namespace for plugins/scripts. Actually (only) the active plugin must/can set a // v.plugins.mode = string to show on v.modes.CUSTOM // v.plugins.stop = hooked on a v.modes.reset() // v.plugins.onEvent = function triggered, on keypresses (unless ) (see events.js) plugins: plugins, /** * Quit the host application, no matter how many tabs/windows are open. * * @param {boolean} saveSession If true the current session will be * saved and restored when the host application is restarted. * @param {boolean} force Forcibly quit irrespective of whether all * windows could be closed individually. */ quit: function (saveSession, force) { // TODO: Use safeSetPref? if (saveSession) options.setPref("browser.startup.page", 3); // start with saved session else options.setPref("browser.startup.page", 1); // start with default homepage session if (force) services.get("appStartup").quit(Ci.nsIAppStartup.eForceQuit); else window.goQuitApplication(); }, /** * Reports an error to both the console and the host application's * Error Console. * * @param {Object} error The error object. */ reportError: function (error) { if (Cu.reportError) Cu.reportError(error); try { let obj = { toString: function () error.toString(), stack: <>{error.stack.replace(/^/mg, "\t")} }; for (let [k, v] in Iterator(error)) { if (!(k in obj)) obj[k] = v; } liberator.dump(obj); liberator.dump(""); } catch (e) {} }, /** * Restart the host application. */ restart: function () { // notify all windows that an application quit has been requested. var cancelQuit = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-PRBool;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsPRBool); services.get("observer").notifyObservers(cancelQuit, "quit-application-requested", null); // something aborted the quit process. if (cancelQuit.data) return; // notify all windows that an application quit has been granted. services.get("observer").notifyObservers(null, "quit-application-granted", null); // enumerate all windows and call shutdown handlers let windows = services.get("windowMediator").getEnumerator(null); while (windows.hasMoreElements()) { let win = windows.getNext(); if (("tryToClose" in win) && !win.tryToClose()) return; } services.get("appStartup").quit(Ci.nsIAppStartup.eRestart | Ci.nsIAppStartup.eAttemptQuit); }, /** * Parses a Liberator command-line string i.e. the value of the * -liberator command-line option. * * @param {string} cmdline The string to parse for command-line * options. * @returns {Object} * @see Commands#parseArgs */ parseCommandLine: function (cmdline) { const options = [ [["+u"], commands.OPTIONS_STRING], [["++noplugin"], commands.OPTIONS_NOARG], [["++cmd"], commands.OPTIONS_STRING, null, null, true], [["+c"], commands.OPTIONS_STRING, null, null, true] ]; return commands.parseArgs(cmdline, options, "*"); }, // this function is called when the chrome is ready startup: function () { let start = Date.now(); liberator.log("Initializing liberator object...", 0); config.features.push(getPlatformFeature()); try { let infoPath = services.create("file"); infoPath.initWithPath(IO.expandPath(IO.runtimePath.replace(/,.*/, ""))); infoPath.append("info"); infoPath.append(liberator.profileName); storage.infoPath = infoPath; } catch (e) { liberator.reportError(e); } // commands must always be the first module to be initialized loadModule("commands", Commands); loadModule("options", Options); loadModule("events", Events); loadModule("mappings", Mappings); loadModule("buffer", Buffer); loadModule("commandline", CommandLine); loadModule("statusline", StatusLine); loadModule("editor", Editor); loadModule("autocommands", AutoCommands); loadModule("io", IO); loadModule("completion", Completion); // add options/mappings/commands which are only valid in this particular extension if (config.init) config.init(); liberator.triggerObserver("load"); liberator.log("All modules loaded", 3); let commandline = services.get("commandLineHandler").wrappedJSObject.optionValue; if (commandline) { let args = liberator.parseCommandLine(commandline); liberator.commandLineOptions.rcFile = args["+u"]; liberator.commandLineOptions.noPlugins = "++noplugin" in args; liberator.commandLineOptions.postCommands = args["+c"]; liberator.commandLineOptions.preCommands = args["++cmd"]; liberator.dump("Processing command-line option: " + commandline); } liberator.log("Command-line options: " + util.objectToString(liberator.commandLineOptions), 3); // first time intro message const firstTime = "extensions." + config.name.toLowerCase() + ".firsttime"; if (options.getPref(firstTime, true)) { setTimeout(function () { liberator.help(); options.setPref(firstTime, false); }, 1000); } // always start in normal mode modes.reset(); // TODO: we should have some class where all this guioptions stuff fits well hideGUI(); if (liberator.commandLineOptions.preCommands) liberator.commandLineOptions.preCommands.forEach(function (cmd) { liberator.execute(cmd); }); // finally, read the RC file and source plugins // make sourcing asynchronous, otherwise commands that open new tabs won't work setTimeout(function () { let extensionName = config.name.toUpperCase(); let init = services.get("environment").get(extensionName + "_INIT"); let rcFile = io.getRCFile("~"); if (liberator.commandLineOptions.rcFile) { let filename = liberator.commandLineOptions.rcFile; if (!/^(NONE|NORC)$/.test(filename)) io.source(io.getFile(filename).path, false); // let io.source handle any read failure like Vim } else { if (init) liberator.execute(init); else { if (rcFile) { io.source(rcFile.path, true); services.get("environment").set("MY_" + extensionName + "RC", rcFile.path); } else liberator.log("No user RC file found", 3); } if (options["exrc"] && !liberator.commandLineOptions.rcFile) { let localRCFile = io.getRCFile(io.getCurrentDirectory().path); if (localRCFile && !localRCFile.equals(rcFile)) io.source(localRCFile.path, true); } } if (liberator.commandLineOptions.rcFile == "NONE" || liberator.commandLineOptions.noPlugins) options["loadplugins"] = false; if (options["loadplugins"]) liberator.loadPlugins(); // after sourcing the initialization files, this function will set // all gui options to their default values, if they have not been // set before by any RC file for (let option in options) { // 'encoding' option should not be set at this timing. // Probably a wrong value is set into the option, // if current page's encoging is not UTF-8. if (option.name != "encoding" && option.setter) option.value = option.value; } if (liberator.commandLineOptions.postCommands) liberator.commandLineOptions.postCommands.forEach(function (cmd) { liberator.execute(cmd); }); liberator.triggerObserver("enter", null); autocommands.trigger(config.name + "Enter", {}); }, 0); statusline.update(); liberator.dump("loaded in " + (Date.now() - start) + " ms"); liberator.log(config.name + " fully initialized", 0); }, shutdown: function () { autocommands.trigger(config.name + "LeavePre", {}); storage.saveAll(); liberator.triggerObserver("shutdown", null); liberator.dump("All liberator modules destroyed\n"); autocommands.trigger(config.name + "Leave", {}); }, sleep: function (delay) { let mainThread = services.get("threadManager").mainThread; let end = Date.now() + delay; while (Date.now() < end) mainThread.processNextEvent(true); return true; }, callInMainThread: function (callback, self) { let mainThread = services.get("threadManager").mainThread; if (!services.get("threadManager").isMainThread) mainThread.dispatch({ run: callback.call(self) }, mainThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL); else callback.call(self); }, threadYield: function (flush, interruptable) { let mainThread = services.get("threadManager").mainThread; liberator.interrupted = false; do { mainThread.processNextEvent(!flush); if (liberator.interrupted) throw new Error("Interrupted"); } while (flush === true && mainThread.hasPendingEvents()); }, variableReference: function (string) { if (!string) return [null, null, null]; let matches = string.match(/^([bwtglsv]):(\w+)/); if (matches) // Variable { // Other variables should be implemented if (matches[1] == "g") { if (matches[2] in this.globalVariables) return [this.globalVariables, matches[2], matches[1]]; else return [null, matches[2], matches[1]]; } } else // Global variable { if (string in this.globalVariables) return [this.globalVariables, string, "g"]; else return [null, string, "g"]; } }, /** * @property {Window[]} Returns an array of all the host application's * open windows. */ get windows() { let windows = []; let enumerator = services.get("windowMediator").getEnumerator("navigator:browser"); while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) windows.push(enumerator.getNext()); return windows; } }; //}}} })(); //}}} window.liberator = liberator; // FIXME: Ugly, etc. window.addEventListener("liberatorHelpLink", function (event) { let elem = event.target; if (/^(option|mapping|command|jump)$/.test(elem.className)) var tag = elem.textContent.replace(/\s.*/, ""); if (/^(mapping|command)$/.test(elem.className)) tag = tag.replace(/^\d+/, ""); if (elem.className == "command") tag = tag.replace(/\[.*?\]/g, "").replace(/(\w+)!$/, "$1"); if (tag) { let page = liberator.findHelp(tag, /\/all.html($|#)/.test(elem.ownerDocument.location.href)); if (page) elem.href = "chrome://liberator/locale/" + page; } // TODO: use HashChange event in Gecko 1.9.2 if (elem.href) setTimeout(function () { content.postMessage("fragmentChange", "*"); }, 0); }, true, true); // called when the chrome is fully loaded and before the main window is shown window.addEventListener("load", liberator.startup, false); window.addEventListener("unload", liberator.shutdown, false); // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 ts=4 et: