// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 by Martin Stubenschrott // Copyright (c) 2007-2011 by Doug Kearns // Copyright (c) 2008-2011 by Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. "use strict"; /** @scope modules */ // TODO: many methods do not work with Thunderbird correctly yet /** * @instance tabs */ var Tabs = Module("tabs", { init: function () { // used for the "gb" and "gB" mappings to remember the last :buffer[!] command this._lastBufferSwitchArgs = ""; this._lastBufferSwitchSpecial = true; this.xulTabs = document.getElementById("tabbrowser-tabs"); // hide tabs initially to prevent flickering when 'stal' would hide them // on startup if (config.hasTabbrowser) config.tabStrip.collapsed = true; this.tabStyle = styles.system.add("tab-strip-hiding", config.styleableChrome, (config.tabStrip.id ? "#" + config.tabStrip.id : ".tabbrowser-strip") + "{ visibility: collapse; }", false, true); dactyl.commands["tabs.select"] = function (event) { tabs.select(event.originalTarget.getAttribute("identifier")); }; this.tabBinding = styles.system.add("tab-binding", "chrome://browser/content/browser.xul", String.replace(<>, /tab-./g, function (m) util.OS.isMacOSX ? "tab-mac" : m), false, true); this.timeout(function () { for (let { linkedBrowser: { contentDocument } } in values(this.allTabs)) if (contentDocument.readyState === "complete") dactyl.initDocument(contentDocument); }, 1000); }, _alternates: Class.memoize(function () [config.tabbrowser.mCurrentTab, null]), cleanup: function cleanup() { for (let [i, tab] in Iterator(this.allTabs)) { let node = function node(class_) document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(tab, "class", class_); for (let elem in values(["dactyl-tab-icon-number", "dactyl-tab-number"].map(node))) if (elem) elem.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(elem.parentNode); } }, updateTabCount: function updateTabCount() { for (let [i, tab] in Iterator(this.visibleTabs)) { if (dactyl.has("Gecko2")) { let node = function node(class_) document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(tab, "class", class_); if (!node("dactyl-tab-number")) { let img = node("tab-icon-image"); if (img) { let nodes = {}; let dom = util.xmlToDom(.*, document, nodes); img.parentNode.appendChild(dom); tab.__defineGetter__("dactylOrdinal", function () Number(nodes.icon.value)); tab.__defineSetter__("dactylOrdinal", function (i) nodes.icon.value = nodes.label.textContent = i); } } } tab.setAttribute("dactylOrdinal", i + 1); tab.dactylOrdinal = i + 1; } statusline.updateTabCount(true); }, _onTabSelect: function _onTabSelect() { // TODO: is all of that necessary? // I vote no. --Kris modes.reset(); statusline.updateTabCount(true); this.updateSelectionHistory(); }, get allTabs() Array.slice(config.tabbrowser.tabContainer.childNodes), /** * @property {Object} The previously accessed tab or null if no tab * other than the current one has been accessed. */ get alternate() this.allTabs.indexOf(this._alternates[1]) > -1 ? this._alternates[1] : null, /** * @property {Iterator(Object)} A genenerator that returns all browsers * in the current window. */ get browsers() { let browsers = config.tabbrowser.browsers; for (let i = 0; i < browsers.length; i++) if (browsers[i] !== undefined) // Bug in Google's Page Speed add-on. yield [i, browsers[i]]; }, /** * @property {number} The number of tabs in the current window. */ get count() config.tabbrowser.mTabs.length, /** * @property {Object} The local options store for the current tab. */ get options() { let store = this.localStore; if (!("options" in store)) store.options = {}; return store.options; }, get visibleTabs() config.tabbrowser.visibleTabs || this.allTabs.filter(function (tab) !tab.hidden), /** * Returns the local state store for the tab at the specified *tabIndex*. * If *tabIndex* is not specified then the current tab is used. * * @param {number} tabIndex * @returns {Object} */ // FIXME: why not a tab arg? Why this and the property? // : To the latter question, because this works for any tab, the // property doesn't. And the property is so oft-used that it's // convenient. To the former question, because I think this is mainly // useful for autocommands, and they get index arguments. --Kris getLocalStore: function getLocalStore(tabIndex) { let tab = this.getTab(tabIndex); if (!tab.dactylStore) tab.dactylStore = {}; return tab.dactylStore; }, /** * @property {Object} The local state store for the currently selected * tab. */ get localStore() this.getLocalStore(), /** * @property {Object[]} The array of closed tabs for the current * session. */ get closedTabs() services.json.decode(services.sessionStore.getClosedTabData(window)), /** * Clones the specified *tab* and append it to the tab list. * * @param {Object} tab The tab to clone. * @param {boolean} activate Whether to select the newly cloned tab. */ cloneTab: function cloneTab(tab, activate) { let newTab = config.tabbrowser.addTab("about:blank", { ownerTab: tab.dactylOwner && tab.dactylOwner.get() || tab }); Tabs.copyTab(newTab, tab); if (activate) config.tabbrowser.mTabContainer.selectedItem = newTab; return newTab; }, /** * Detaches the specified *tab* and open it in a new window. If no tab is * specified the currently selected tab is detached. * * @param {Object} tab The tab to detach. */ detachTab: function detachTab(tab) { if (!tab) tab = config.tabbrowser.mTabContainer.selectedItem; services.windowWatcher .openWindow(window, window.getBrowserURL(), null, "chrome,dialog=no,all", tab); }, /** * Returns the index of the tab containing *content*. * * @param {Object} content Either a content window or a content * document. */ // FIXME: Only called once...necessary? getContentIndex: function getContentIndex(content) { for (let [i, browser] in this.browsers) { if (browser.contentWindow == content || browser.contentDocument == content) return i; } return -1; }, /** * If TabView exists, returns the Panorama window. If the Panorama * is has not yet initialized, this function will not return until * it has. * * @returns {Window} */ getGroups: function getGroups() { if ("_groups" in this) return this._groups; if (window.TabView && TabView._initFrame) TabView._initFrame(); let iframe = document.getElementById("tab-view"); this._groups = iframe ? iframe.contentWindow : null; if (this._groups) util.waitFor(function () this._groups.TabItems, this); return this._groups; }, /** * Returns the tab at the specified *index* or the currently selected tab * if *index* is not specified. This is a 0-based index. * * @param {number|Node} index The index of the tab required or the tab itself * @param {boolean} visible If true, consider only visible tabs rather than * all tabs. * @returns {Object} */ getTab: function getTab(index, visible) { if (index instanceof Node) return index; if (index != null) return this[visible ? "visibleTabs" : "allTabs"][index]; return config.tabbrowser.mCurrentTab; }, /** * Returns the index of *tab* or the index of the currently selected tab if * *tab* is not specified. This is a 0-based index. * * @param {} tab A tab from the current tab list. * @param {boolean} visible Whether to consider only visible tabs. * @returns {number} */ index: function index(tab, visible) { let tabs = this[visible ? "visibleTabs" : "allTabs"]; return tabs.indexOf(tab || config.tabbrowser.mCurrentTab); }, /** * @param spec can either be: * - an absolute integer * - "" for the current tab * - "+1" for the next tab * - "-3" for the tab, which is 3 positions left of the current * - "$" for the last tab */ indexFromSpec: function indexFromSpec(spec, wrap, offset) { if (spec instanceof Node) return this.allTabs.indexOf(spec); let tabs = this.visibleTabs; let position = this.index(null, true); if (spec == null) return -1; if (spec === "") return position; if (/^\d+$/.test(spec)) position = parseInt(spec, 10) + (offset || 0); else if (spec === "$") position = tabs.length - 1; else if (/^[+-]\d+$/.test(spec)) position += parseInt(spec, 10); else return -1; if (position >= tabs.length) position = wrap ? position % tabs.length : tabs.length - 1; else if (position < 0) position = wrap ? (position % tabs.length) + tabs.length : 0; return this.allTabs.indexOf(tabs[position]); }, /** * Removes all tabs from the tab list except the specified *tab*. * * @param {Object} tab The tab to keep. */ keepOnly: function keepOnly(tab) { config.tabbrowser.removeAllTabsBut(tab); }, /** * Lists all tabs matching *filter*. * * @param {string} filter A filter matching a substring of the tab's * document title or URL. */ list: function list(filter) { completion.listCompleter("buffer", filter); }, /** * Moves a tab to a new position in the tab list. * * @param {Object} tab The tab to move. * @param {string} spec See {@link Tabs.indexFromSpec}. * @param {boolean} wrap Whether an out of bounds *spec* causes the * destination position to wrap around the start/end of the tab list. */ move: function move(tab, spec, wrap) { let index = tabs.indexFromSpec(spec, wrap, -1); config.tabbrowser.moveTabTo(tab, index); }, /** * Removes the specified *tab* from the tab list. * * @param {Object} tab The tab to remove. * @param {number} count How many tabs to remove. * @param {boolean} focusLeftTab Focus the tab to the left of the removed tab. */ remove: function remove(tab, count, focusLeftTab) { count = count || 1; let res = this.count > count; let tabs = this.visibleTabs; if (tabs.indexOf(tab) < 0) tabs = this.allTabs; let index = tabs.indexOf(tab); let next = index + (focusLeftTab ? -count : count); if (!(next in tabs)) next = index + (focusLeftTab ? 1 : -1); if (next in tabs) { this._alternates[0] = tabs[next]; config.tabbrowser.mTabContainer.selectedItem = tabs[next]; } if (focusLeftTab) tabs.slice(Math.max(0, index + 1 - count), index + 1).forEach(config.closure.removeTab); else tabs.slice(index, index + count).forEach(config.closure.removeTab); return res; }, /** * Reloads the specified tab. * * @param {Object} tab The tab to reload. * @param {boolean} bypassCache Whether to bypass the cache when * reloading. */ reload: function reload(tab, bypassCache) { try { if (bypassCache) { const flags = Ci.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_PROXY | Ci.nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_CACHE; config.tabbrowser.getBrowserForTab(tab).reloadWithFlags(flags); } else config.tabbrowser.reloadTab(tab); } catch (e if !(e instanceof Error)) {} }, /** * Reloads all tabs. * * @param {boolean} bypassCache Whether to bypass the cache when * reloading. */ reloadAll: function reloadAll(bypassCache) { this.visibleTabs.forEach(function (tab) { try { tabs.reload(tab, bypassCache); } catch (e) { dactyl.reportError(e, true); } }); }, /** * Selects the tab at the position specified by *spec*. * * @param {string} spec See {@link Tabs.indexFromSpec} * @param {boolean} wrap Whether an out of bounds *spec* causes the * selection position to wrap around the start/end of the tab list. */ select: function select(spec, wrap) { let index = tabs.indexFromSpec(spec, wrap); if (index == -1) dactyl.beep(); else config.tabbrowser.mTabContainer.selectedIndex = index; }, /** * Selects the alternate tab. */ selectAlternateTab: function selectAlternateTab() { dactyl.assert(tabs.alternate != null && tabs.getTab() != tabs.alternate, _("buffer.noAlternate")); tabs.select(tabs.alternate); }, /** * Stops loading the specified tab. * * @param {Object} tab The tab to stop loading. */ stop: function stop(tab) { if (config.stop) config.stop(tab); else tab.linkedBrowser.stop(); }, /** * Stops loading all tabs. */ stopAll: function stopAll() { for (let [, browser] in this.browsers) browser.stop(); }, /** * Selects the tab containing the specified *buffer*. * * @param {string} buffer A string which matches the URL or title of a * buffer, if it is null, the last used string is used again. * @param {boolean} allowNonUnique Whether to select the first of * multiple matches. * @param {number} count If there are multiple matches select the * *count*th match. * @param {boolean} reverse Whether to search the buffer list in * reverse order. * */ // FIXME: help! switchTo: function switchTo(buffer, allowNonUnique, count, reverse) { if (buffer != null) { // store this command, so it can be repeated with "B" this._lastBufferSwitchArgs = buffer; this._lastBufferSwitchSpecial = allowNonUnique; } else { buffer = this._lastBufferSwitchArgs; if (allowNonUnique == null) // XXX allowNonUnique = this._lastBufferSwitchSpecial; } if (buffer == "#") return tabs.selectAlternateTab(); reverse = Boolean(reverse); count = Math.max(1, count || 1) * (1 + -2 * reverse); let matches = buffer.match(/^(\d+):?/); if (matches) return tabs.select(this.allTabs[parseInt(matches[1], 10) - 1], false); matches = array.nth(tabs.allTabs, function (t) (t.linkedBrowser.lastURI || {}).spec === buffer, 0); if (matches) return tabs.select(matches, false); matches = completion.runCompleter("buffer", buffer).map(function (obj) obj.tab); if (matches.length == 0) dactyl.echoerr(_("buffer.noMatching", buffer)); else if (matches.length > 1 && !allowNonUnique) dactyl.echoerr(_("buffer.multipleMatching", buffer)); else { let start = matches.indexOf(tabs.getTab()); if (start == -1 && reverse) start++; let index = (start + count) % matches.length; if (index < 0) index = matches.length + index; tabs.select(matches[index], false); } }, // NOTE: when restarting a session FF selects the first tab and then the // tab that was selected when the session was created. As a result the // alternate after a restart is often incorrectly tab 1 when there // shouldn't be one yet. /** * Sets the current and alternate tabs, updating the tab selection * history. * * @param {Array(Object)} tabs The current and alternate tab. * @see tabs#alternate */ updateSelectionHistory: function updateSelectionHistory(tabs) { if (!tabs) { if (this.getTab() == this._alternates[0] || this.alternate && this.allTabs.indexOf(this._alternates[0]) == -1 || this.alternate && config.tabbrowser._removingTabs && config.tabbrowser._removingTabs.indexOf(this._alternates[0]) >= 0) tabs = [this.getTab(), this.alternate]; } this._alternates = tabs || [this.getTab(), this._alternates[0]]; } }, { copyTab: function (to, from) { if (!from) from = config.tabbrowser.mTabContainer.selectedItem; let tabState = services.sessionStore.getTabState(from); services.sessionStore.setTabState(to, tabState); } }, { load: function () { tabs.updateTabCount(); }, commands: function () { commands.add(["bd[elete]", "bw[ipeout]", "bun[load]", "tabc[lose]"], "Delete current buffer", function (args) { let removed = 0; for (let tab in matchTabs(args, args.bang, true)) { config.removeTab(tab); removed++; } if (args[0]) if (removed > 0) dactyl.echomsg(_("buffer.fewerTab" + (removed == 1 ? "" : "s"), removed), 9); else dactyl.echoerr(_("buffer.noMatching", arg)); }, { argCount: "?", bang: true, count: true, completer: function (context) completion.buffer(context), literal: 0, privateData: true }); function matchTabs(args, substr, all) { let filter = args[0]; if (!filter && args.count == null) yield tabs.getTab(); else if (!filter) yield dactyl.assert(tabs.getTab(args.count - 1)); else { let matches = /^(\d+)(?:$|:)/.exec(filter); if (matches) yield dactyl.assert(args.count == null && tabs.getTab(parseInt(matches[1], 10) - 1, !all)); else { let str = filter.toLowerCase(); for (let tab in values(tabs[all ? "allTabs" : "visibleTabs"])) { let host, title; let browser = tab.linkedBrowser; let uri = browser.currentURI.spec; if (browser.currentURI.schemeIs("about")) { host = ""; title = "(Untitled)"; } else { host = browser.currentURI.host; title = browser.contentTitle; } [host, title, uri] = [host, title, uri].map(String.toLowerCase); if (host.indexOf(str) >= 0 || uri == str || (substr && (title.indexOf(str) >= 0 || uri.indexOf(str) >= 0))) if (args.count == null || --args.count == 0) yield tab; } } } } commands.add(["pin[tab]"], "Pin tab as an application tab", function (args) { for (let tab in matchTabs(args)) config.browser[!args.bang || !tab.pinned ? "pinTab" : "unpinTab"](tab); }, { argCount: "?", bang: true, count: true, completer: function (context, args) { if (!args.bang) context.filters.push(function ({ item }) !item.tab.pinned); completion.buffer(context); } }); commands.add(["unpin[tab]"], "Unpin tab as an application tab", function (args) { for (let tab in matchTabs(args)) config.browser.unpinTab(tab); }, { argCount: "?", count: true, completer: function (context, args) { context.filters.push(function ({ item }) item.tab.pinned); completion.buffer(context); } }); commands.add(["keepa[lt]"], "Execute a command without changing the current alternate buffer", function (args) { let alternate = tabs.alternate; try { dactyl.execute(args[0], null, true); } finally { tabs.updateSelectionHistory([tabs.getTab(), alternate]); } }, { argCount: "+", completer: function (context) completion.ex(context), literal: 0, subCommand: 0 }); commands.add(["tab"], "Execute a command and tell it to output in a new tab", function (args) { dactyl.withSavedValues(["forceNewTab"], function () { this.forceNewTab = true; dactyl.execute(args[0], null, true); }); }, { argCount: "+", completer: function (context) completion.ex(context), literal: 0, subCommand: 0 }); commands.add(["tabd[o]", "bufd[o]"], "Execute a command in each tab", function (args) { for (let tab in values(tabs.visibleTabs)) { tabs.select(tab); dactyl.execute(args[0], null, true); } }, { argCount: "1", completer: function (context) completion.ex(context), literal: 0, subCommand: 0 }); commands.add(["tabl[ast]", "bl[ast]"], "Switch to the last tab", function () tabs.select("$", false), { argCount: "0" }); // TODO: "Zero count" if 0 specified as arg commands.add(["tabp[revious]", "tp[revious]", "tabN[ext]", "tN[ext]", "bp[revious]", "bN[ext]"], "Switch to the previous tab or go [count] tabs back", function (args) { let count = args.count; let arg = args[0]; // count is ignored if an arg is specified, as per Vim if (arg) { if (/^\d+$/.test(arg)) tabs.select("-" + arg, true); else dactyl.echoerr(_("error.trailingCharacters")); } else if (count > 0) tabs.select("-" + count, true); else tabs.select("-1", true); }, { argCount: "?", count: true }); // TODO: "Zero count" if 0 specified as arg commands.add(["tabn[ext]", "tn[ext]", "bn[ext]"], "Switch to the next or [count]th tab", function (args) { let count = args.count; let arg = args[0]; if (arg || count > 0) { let index; // count is ignored if an arg is specified, as per Vim if (arg) { dactyl.assert(/^\d+$/.test(arg), _("error.trailingCharacters")); index = arg - 1; } else index = count - 1; if (index < tabs.count) tabs.select(index, true); else dactyl.beep(); } else tabs.select("+1", true); }, { argCount: "?", count: true }); commands.add(["tabr[ewind]", "tabfir[st]", "br[ewind]", "bf[irst]"], "Switch to the first tab", function () { tabs.select(0, false); }, { argCount: "0" }); if (config.hasTabbrowser) { commands.add(["b[uffer]"], "Switch to a buffer", function (args) { tabs.switchTo(args[0], args.bang, args.count); }, { argCount: "?", bang: true, count: true, completer: function (context) completion.buffer(context), literal: 0, privateData: true }); commands.add(["buffers", "files", "ls", "tabs"], "Show a list of all buffers", function (args) { tabs.list(args[0] || ""); }, { argCount: "?", literal: 0 }); commands.add(["quita[ll]", "qa[ll]"], "Quit this " + config.appName + " window", function (args) { window.close(); }, { argCount: "0" }); commands.add(["reloada[ll]"], "Reload all tab pages", function (args) { tabs.reloadAll(args.bang); }, { argCount: "0", bang: true }); commands.add(["stopa[ll]"], "Stop loading all tab pages", function () { tabs.stopAll(); }, { argCount: "0" }); // TODO: add count and bang multimatch support - unify with :buffer nonsense commands.add(["tabm[ove]"], "Move the current tab to the position of tab N", function (args) { let arg = args[0]; if (tabs.indexFromSpec(arg) == -1) { let tabs = [tab for (tab in matchTabs(args, true))]; dactyl.assert(tabs.length, _("error.invalidArgument", arg)); dactyl.assert(tabs.length == 1, _("buffer.multipleMatching", arg)); arg = tabs[0]; } tabs.move(tabs.getTab(), arg, args.bang); }, { argCount: "1", bang: true, completer: function (context, args) completion.buffer(context, true), literal: 0 }); commands.add(["tabo[nly]"], "Close all other tabs", function () { tabs.keepOnly(tabs.getTab()); }, { argCount: "0" }); commands.add(["tabopen", "t[open]", "tabnew"], "Open one or more URLs in a new tab", function (args) { dactyl.open(args[0] || "about:blank", { from: "tabopen", where: dactyl.NEW_TAB, background: args.bang }); }, { bang: true, completer: function (context) completion.url(context), domains: function (args) commands.get("open").domains(args), literal: 0, privateData: true }); commands.add(["tabde[tach]"], "Detach current tab to its own window", function () { tabs.detachTab(null); }, { argCount: "0" }); commands.add(["tabdu[plicate]"], "Duplicate current tab", function (args) { let tab = tabs.getTab(); let activate = args.bang ? true : false; if (options.get("activate").has("tabopen")) activate = !activate; for (let i in util.range(0, Math.max(1, args.count))) tabs.cloneTab(tab, activate); }, { argCount: "0", bang: true, count: true }); // TODO: match window by title too? // : accept the full :tabmove arg spec for the tab index arg? // : better name or merge with :tabmove? commands.add(["taba[ttach]"], "Attach the current tab to another window", function (args) { dactyl.assert(args.length <= 2 && !args.some(function (i) !/^\d+(?:$|:)/.test(i)), _("error.trailingCharacters")); let [winIndex, tabIndex] = args.map(function (arg) parseInt(arg)); let win = dactyl.windows[winIndex - 1]; dactyl.assert(win, _("window.noIndex", winIndex)); dactyl.assert(win != window, _("window.cantAttachSame")); let browser = win.getBrowser(); if (args[1]) { let tabList = browser.visibleTabs || browser.mTabs; let target = dactyl.assert(tabList[tabIndex]); tabIndex = Array.indexOf(browser.mTabs, target) - 1; } let dummy = browser.addTab("about:blank"); browser.stop(); // XXX: the implementation of DnD in tabbrowser.xml suggests // that we may not be guaranteed of having a docshell here // without this reference? browser.docShell; let last = browser.mTabs.length - 1; if (args[1]) browser.moveTabTo(dummy, tabIndex); browser.selectedTab = dummy; // required browser.swapBrowsersAndCloseOther(dummy, config.tabbrowser.mCurrentTab); }, { argCount: "+", literal: 1, completer: function (context, args) { switch (args.completeArg) { case 0: context.filters.push(function ({ item }) item != window); completion.window(context); break; case 1: let win = dactyl.windows[Number(args[0]) - 1]; if (!win || !win.dactyl) context.message = _("Error", _("window.noIndex", winIndex)); else win.dactyl.modules.commands.get("tabmove").completer(context); break; } } }); } if (dactyl.has("tabs_undo")) { commands.add(["u[ndo]"], "Undo closing of a tab", function (args) { if (args.length) args = args[0]; else args = args.count || 0; let m = /^(\d+)(:|$)/.exec(args || '1'); if (m) window.undoCloseTab(Number(m[1]) - 1); else if (args) { for (let [i, item] in Iterator(tabs.closedTabs)) if (item.state.entries[item.state.index - 1].url == args) { window.undoCloseTab(i); return; } dactyl.echoerr(_("buffer.noClosed")); } }, { argCount: "?", completer: function (context) { context.anchored = false; context.compare = CompletionContext.Sort.unsorted; context.filters = [CompletionContext.Filter.textDescription]; context.keys = { text: function ([i, { state: s }]) (i + 1) + ": " + s.entries[s.index - 1].url, description: "[1].title", icon: "[1].image" }; context.completions = Iterator(tabs.closedTabs); }, count: true, literal: 0, privateData: true }); commands.add(["undoa[ll]"], "Undo closing of all closed tabs", function (args) { for (let i in Iterator(tabs.closedTabs)) window.undoCloseTab(0); }, { argCount: "0" }); } if (dactyl.has("session")) { commands.add(["wqa[ll]", "wq", "xa[ll]"], "Save the session and quit", function () { dactyl.quit(true); }, { argCount: "0" }); } }, events: function () { let tabContainer = config.tabbrowser.mTabContainer; function callback() { tabs.timeout(function () { this.updateTabCount(); }); } for (let event in values(["TabMove", "TabOpen", "TabClose"])) events.listen(tabContainer, event, callback, false); events.listen(tabContainer, "TabSelect", tabs.closure._onTabSelect, false); }, mappings: function () { mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["g0", "g^"], "Go to the first tab", function () { tabs.select(0); }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["g$"], "Go to the last tab", function () { tabs.select("$"); }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["gt"], "Go to the next tab", function ({ count }) { if (count != null) tabs.select(count - 1, false); else tabs.select("+1", true); }, { count: true }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["", "", ""], "Go to the next tab", function ({ count }) { tabs.select("+" + (count || 1), true); }, { count: true }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["gT", "", "", ""], "Go to previous tab", function ({ count }) { tabs.select("-" + (count || 1), true); }, { count: true }); if (config.hasTabbrowser) { mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["b"], "Open a prompt to switch buffers", function ({ count }) { if (count != null) tabs.switchTo(String(count)); else CommandExMode().open("buffer! "); }, { count: true }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["B"], "Show buffer list", function () { tabs.list(false); }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["d"], "Delete current buffer", function ({ count }) { tabs.remove(tabs.getTab(), count, false); }, { count: true }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["D"], "Delete current buffer, focus tab to the left", function ({ count }) { tabs.remove(tabs.getTab(), count, true); }, { count: true }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["gb"], "Repeat last :buffer[!] command", function ({ count }) { tabs.switchTo(null, null, count, false); }, { count: true }); mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["gB"], "Repeat last :buffer[!] command in reverse direction", function ({ count }) { tabs.switchTo(null, null, count, true); }, { count: true }); // TODO: feature dependencies - implies "session"? if (dactyl.has("tabs_undo")) { mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["u"], "Undo closing of a tab", function ({ count }) { ex.undo({ "#": count }); }, { count: true }); } mappings.add([modes.NORMAL], ["", ""], "Select the alternate tab or the [count]th tab", function ({ count }) { if (count != null) tabs.switchTo(String(count), false); else tabs.selectAlternateTab(); }, { count: true }); } }, options: function () { options.add(["showtabline", "stal"], "Define when the tab bar is visible", "string", config.defaults["showtabline"], { setter: function (value) { if (value === "never") tabs.tabStyle.enabled = true; else { prefs.safeSet("browser.tabs.autoHide", value === "multitab", _("option.showtabline.safeSet")); tabs.tabStyle.enabled = false; } if (value !== "multitab" || !dactyl.has("Gecko2")) if (tabs.xulTabs) tabs.xulTabs.visible = value !== "never"; else config.tabStrip.collapsed = false; if (config.tabbrowser.tabContainer._positionPinnedTabs) config.tabbrowser.tabContainer._positionPinnedTabs(); return value; }, values: { "never": "Never show the tab bar", "multitab": "Show the tab bar when there are multiple tabs", "always": "Always show the tab bar" } }); if (config.hasTabbrowser) { let activateGroups = [ ["all", "Activate everything"], ["addons", ":addo[ns] command"], ["bookmarks", "Tabs loaded from bookmarks", "loadBookmarksInBackground"], ["diverted", "Links with targets set to new tabs", "loadDivertedInBackground"], ["downloads", ":downl[oads] command"], ["extoptions", ":exto[ptions] command"], ["help", ":h[elp] command"], ["homepage", "gH mapping"], ["links", "Middle- or Control-clicked links", "loadInBackground"], ["quickmark", "go and gn mappings"], ["tabopen", ":tabopen[!] command"], ["paste", "P and gP mappings"] ]; options.add(["activate", "act"], "Define when newly created tabs are automatically activated", "stringlist", [g[0] for (g in values(activateGroups.slice(1))) if (!g[2] || !prefs.get("browser.tabs." + g[2]))].join(","), { values: activateGroups, has: Option.has.toggleAll, setter: function (newValues) { let valueSet = set(newValues); for (let group in values(activateGroups)) if (group[2]) prefs.safeSet("browser.tabs." + group[2], !(valueSet["all"] ^ valueSet[group[0]]), _("option.activate.safeSet")); return newValues; } }); options.add(["newtab"], "Define which commands should output in a new tab by default", "stringlist", "", { values: { "all": "All commands", "extoptions": ":exto[ptions] command", "help": ":h[elp] command", "prefs": ":pref[erences]! or :prefs! command" }, has: Option.has.toggleAll }); // TODO: Is this really applicable to Melodactyl? options.add(["popups", "pps"], "Where to show requested popup windows", "stringlist", "tab", { setter: function (values) { let open = 1, restriction = 0; for (let [, opt] in Iterator(values)) { if (opt == "tab") open = 3; else if (opt == "window") open = 2; else if (opt == "resized") restriction = 2; } prefs.safeSet("browser.link.open_newwindow", open, _("option.popups.safeSet")); prefs.safeSet("browser.link.open_newwindow.restriction", restriction, _("option.popups.safeSet")); return values; }, values: { "tab": "Open popups in a new tab", "window": "Open popups in a new window", "resized": "Open resized popups in a new window" } }); } } }); // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 ts=4 et: