Insert mode


Insert-mode special keys

In Insert mode the following key mappings are processed by &dactyl.appName;. All other keys are passed directly to &;.

]]> <C-i>

Launch the external editor. See the editor option.

]]> <C-t>

Enter Text Edit mode. This is useful for quick editing of text fields with basic Vim-keys support. See also insertmode.

]]> <C-]>

Expand an Insert-mode abbreviation.

]]> <C-w>

Delete the previous word.

]]> <C-u>

Delete until the beginning of the current line.

]]> <C-k>

Delete until the end of the current line.

]]> <C-a>

Move cursor to the beginning of the current line.

]]> <C-e>

Move cursor to the end of the current line.

]]> <C-h>

Delete the character to the left.

]]> <C-d>

Delete the character to the right.

]]> <S-Insert>

Insert the clipboard/selection.

Text Edit mode

t_i t_i

Starts Insert mode in text areas when insertmode is not set.

]]> <C-i>

Launch the external editor. See the editor option.

Cursor motions

Left-right motions

t_]]> counth

Move the cursor count characters to the left.

t_]]> countl

Move the cursor count characters to the right.

]]> 0

Move the cursor to the first character in the line.

]]> $

Move the cursor to the last character in the line.

t_f countf

Move to a character on the current line after the cursor.

t_F countF

Move to a character on the current line before the cursor.

t_t countt

Move before a character on the current line.

t_T countT

Move before a character on the current line, backwards.

Up-down motions

]]> countk

Move the cursor count lines upward.

t_]]> countj

Move the cursor count lines downward.

]]> gg

Move to the first line.

]]> G

Move to the last line.

Word motions

]]> countb

Move the cursor count words backwards.

]]> countw

Move the cursor count words forwards.


t_]]> count<C-f>

Scroll the text area count pages down.

t_]]> count<C-b>

Scroll the text area count pages up.

Insert commands

t_a a

Append text after the cursor.

t_A A

Append text at the end of the line.

t_i i

Insert text before the cursor.

t_I I

Insert text at the beginning of the line.

t_o o

Insert text in a new line below the cursor.

t_O O

Insert text in a new line above the cursor.

Deleting text

t_d dmotion

Delete motion text.

t_D D

Delete the characters under the cursor until the end of the line.

t_x x

Delete the character to the left of the cursor.

t_X X

Delete the character to the right of the cursor.

Starting and stopping Visual mode

t_v v

Start characterwise visual mode.

t_V V

Start linewise visual mode.

v_v Visualv

Stop characterwise visual mode.

v_V VisualV

Start linewise visual mode.

Delete and insert

t_c cmotion

Delete motion text and start insert.

t_C C

Delete from the cursor to the end of the line and start insert.

t_s s

Delete the character in front of the cursor and start insert.

t_S S

Delete the current line and start insert.

Copying and moving text

t_y v_y ymotion Visualy

Yank motion text to the clipboard or the selection if Visual.

t_p countp

Paste clipboard contents.

Undo and redo commands

t_u u

Undo changes.

t_<C-r> <C-r>

Redo undone changes.

t_~ ~

Switch case of the character under the cursor and move the cursor to the right.