
If this is your first time running &dactyl.appName;, you may need some time to adjust to the standard interface, which hides the menu, navigation, and tool bars by default. If you find it uncomfortable to work without them, you can re-enable them by typing


If you have trouble remembering commands or keyboard shortcuts, you can bring up this help page at any time by typing :help or . If you find that you don't like &dactyl.appName; at all, you can disable it by typing :extdisable &dactyl.appName; or delete it entirely by typing :extdelete &dactyl.appName;

Help topics

    You can also jump directly to the help of a specific command, key mapping, or topic via the :help command.

    :help :help


    Official Plugins

    In case you're not sufficiently overwhelmed by &dactyl.appName;'s default feature set, don't despair. You can find more entertainment in the officially supported (read: you can flame us when they stop working) plugins.


    Please send comments, questions, or patches to the mailing list, where we will do our best to answer any inquiries. You can also find more information on the homepage. Issue reports can be entered in the issue tracker.