&dactyl.appName; provides a Vim-like incremental find interface to replace &dactyl.host;'s crippled Typeahead Find. Among other improvements, our find service:
Regular expression find, however, is not currently available unless the /Find Bar/ service is installed, in which case it may be toggled on with a find flag.
Find pattern starting at the current caret position.
The following escape sequences can be used to modify the behavior of the find. When flags conflict, the last to appear is the one that takes effect.
Additionally, if the /Find Bar/ extension is installed, the following flags may be used,
Find a pattern backward of the current caret position in exactly the
same manner as
Find next. Repeat the last find.
Find previous. Repeat the last find in the opposite direction.
Search forward for the next occurrence of the word under cursor.
Search backward for the previous occurrence of the word under cursor.
Remove the find highlighting. The document is highlighted again
when another find command is used or the