// Copyright (c) 2008-2011 by Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. /* use strict */ Components.utils.import("resource://dactyl/bootstrap.jsm"); defineModule("help", { exports: ["help"], require: ["cache", "dom", "protocol", "services", "util"] }, this); this.lazyRequire("completion", ["completion"]); this.lazyRequire("overlay", ["overlay"]); var HelpBuilder = Class("HelpBuilder", { init: function init() { try { // The versions munger will need to access the tag map // during this process and without this we'll get an // infinite loop. help._data = this; this.files = {}; this.tags = {}; this.overlays = {}; // Scrape the list of help files from all.xml this.tags["all"] = this.tags["all.xml"] = "all"; let files = this.findHelpFile("all").map(function (doc) [f.value for (f in DOM.XPath("//dactyl:include/@href", doc))]); // Scrape the tags from the rest of the help files. array.flatten(files).forEach(function (file) { this.tags[file + ".xml"] = file; this.findHelpFile(file).forEach(function (doc) { this.addTags(file, doc); }, this); }, this); } finally { delete help._data; } }, toJSON: function toJSON() ({ files: this.files, overlays: this.overlays, tags: this.tags }), // Find the tags in the document. addTags: function addTags(file, doc) { for (let elem in DOM.XPath("//@tag|//dactyl:tags/text()|//dactyl:tag/text()", doc)) for (let tag in values((elem.value || elem.textContent).split(/\s+/))) this.tags[tag] = file; }, bases: ["dactyl://locale-local/", "dactyl://locale/", "dactyl://cache/help/"], // Find help and overlay files with the given name. findHelpFile: function findHelpFile(file) { let result = []; for (let base in values(this.bases)) { let url = [base, file, ".xml"].join(""); let res = util.httpGet(url, { quiet: true }); if (res) { if (res.responseXML.documentElement.localName == "document") this.files[file] = url; if (res.responseXML.documentElement.localName == "overlay") this.overlays[file] = url; result.push(res.responseXML); } } return result; } }); var Help = Module("Help", { init: function init() { this.initialized = false; function Loop(fn) function (uri, path) { if (!help.initialized) return RedirectChannel(uri.spec, uri, 2, "Initializing. Please wait..."); return fn.apply(this, arguments); } update(services["dactyl:"].providers, { "help": Loop(function (uri, path) help.files[path]), "help-overlay": Loop(function (uri, path) help.overlays[path]), "help-tag": Loop(function (uri, path) { let tag = decodeURIComponent(path); if (tag in help.files) return RedirectChannel("dactyl://help/" + tag, uri); if (tag in help.tags) return RedirectChannel("dactyl://help/" + help.tags[tag] + "#" + tag.replace(/#/g, encodeURIComponent), uri); }) }); cache.register("help.json", HelpBuilder); cache.register("help/versions.xml", function () { let NEWS = util.httpGet(config.addon.getResourceURI("NEWS").spec, { mimeType: "text/plain;charset=UTF-8" }) .responseText; let re = util.regexp(UTF8( \s* # .*\n) | ^ (?P \s*) (?P [-•*+]) \ // (?P .*\n (?: \2\ \ .*\n | \s*\n)* ) | (?P (?: ^ [^\S\n]* (?:[^-•*+\s] | [-•*+]\S) .*\n )+ ) | (?: ^ [^\S\n]* \n) + ]]>), "gmxy"); let betas = util.regexp(/\[(b\d)\]/, "gx"); let beta = array(betas.iterate(NEWS)) .map(function (m) m[1]).uniq().slice(-1)[0]; default xml namespace = NS; function rec(text, level, li) { XML.ignoreWhitespace = XML.prettyPrinting = false; let res = <>; let list, space, i = 0; for (let match in re.iterate(text)) { if (match.comment) continue; else if (match.char) { if (!list) res += list =
    ; let li =
  • ; li.* += rec(match.content.replace(RegExp("^" + match.space, "gm"), ""), level + 1, li); list.* += li; } else if (match.par) { let [, par, tags] = /([^]*?)\s*((?:\[[^\]]+\])*)\n*$/.exec(match.par); let t = tags; tags = array(betas.iterate(tags)).map(function (m) m[1]); let group = !tags.length ? "" : !tags.some(function (t) t == beta) ? "HelpNewsOld" : "HelpNewsNew"; if (i === 0 && li) { li.@highlight = group; group = ""; } list = null; if (level == 0 && /^.*:\n$/.test(match.par)) { let text = par.slice(0, -1); res +=

    {template.linkifyHelp(text, true)}

    ; } else { let [, a, b] = /^(IMPORTANT:?)?([^]*)/.exec(par); res +=

    { !tags.length ? "" : {tags.join(" ")} }{ a ? {a} : "" }{ template.linkifyHelp(b, true) }

    ; } } i++; } for each (let attr in res..@highlight) { attr.parent().@NS::highlight = attr; delete attr.parent().@highlight; } return res; } XML.ignoreWhitespace = XML.prettyPrinting = false; let body = rec(NEWS, 0); for each (let li in body..li) { let list = li..li.(@NS::highlight == "HelpNewsOld"); if (list.length() && list.length() == li..li.(@NS::highlight != "").length()) { for each (let li in list) li.@NS::highlight = ""; li.@NS::highlight = "HelpNewsOld"; } } return '\n' + '\n' + '\n' +

    {config.appName} Versions

    .toXMLString() }); }, initialize: function initialize() { help.initialized = true; }, flush: function flush(entries, time) { cache.flushEntry("help.json", time); for (let entry in values(Array.concat(entries || []))) cache.flushEntry(entry, time); }, get data() this._data || cache.get("help.json"), get files() this.data.files, get overlays() this.data.overlays, get tags() this.data.tags, Local: function Local(dactyl, modules, window) ({ init: function init() { dactyl.commands["dactyl.help"] = function (event) { let elem = event.originalTarget; help.help(elem.getAttribute("tag") || elem.textContent); }; }, /** * Returns the URL of the specified help *topic* if it exists. * * @param {string} topic The help topic to look up. * @param {boolean} consolidated Whether to search the consolidated help page. * @returns {string} */ findHelp: function (topic, consolidated) { if (!consolidated && Set.has(help.files, topic)) return topic; let items = modules.completion._runCompleter("help", topic, null, !!consolidated).items; let partialMatch = null; function format(item) item.description + "#" + encodeURIComponent(item.text); for (let [i, item] in Iterator(items)) { if (item.text == topic) return format(item); else if (!partialMatch && topic) partialMatch = item; } if (partialMatch) return format(partialMatch); return null; }, /** * Opens the help page containing the specified *topic* if it exists. * * @param {string} topic The help topic to open. * @param {boolean} consolidated Whether to use the consolidated help page. */ help: function (topic, consolidated) { dactyl.initHelp(); if (!topic) { let helpFile = consolidated ? "all" : modules.options["helpfile"]; if (Set.has(help.files, helpFile)) dactyl.open("dactyl://help/" + helpFile, { from: "help" }); else dactyl.echomsg(_("help.noFile", helpFile.quote())); return; } let page = this.findHelp(topic, consolidated); dactyl.assert(page != null, _("help.noTopic", topic)); dactyl.open("dactyl://help/" + page, { from: "help" }); }, exportHelp: function (path) { const FILE = io.File(path); const PATH = FILE.leafName.replace(/\..*/, "") + "/"; const TIME = Date.now(); if (!FILE.exists() && (/\/$/.test(path) && !/\./.test(FILE.leafName))) FILE.create(FILE.DIRECTORY_TYPE, octal(755)); dactyl.initHelp(); if (FILE.isDirectory()) { var addDataEntry = function addDataEntry(file, data) FILE.child(file).write(data); var addURIEntry = function addURIEntry(file, uri) addDataEntry(file, util.httpGet(uri).responseText); } else { var zip = services.ZipWriter(FILE, File.MODE_CREATE | File.MODE_WRONLY | File.MODE_TRUNCATE); addURIEntry = function addURIEntry(file, uri) zip.addEntryChannel(PATH + file, TIME, 9, services.io.newChannel(uri, null, null), false); addDataEntry = function addDataEntry(file, data) // Unideal to an extreme. addURIEntry(file, "data:text/plain;charset=UTF-8," + encodeURI(data)); } let empty = Set("area base basefont br col frame hr img input isindex link meta param" .split(" ")); function fix(node) { switch(node.nodeType) { case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: if (isinstance(node, [HTMLBaseElement])) return; data.push("<"); data.push(node.localName); if (node instanceof HTMLHtmlElement) data.push(" xmlns=" + XHTML.uri.quote(), " xmlns:dactyl=" + NS.uri.quote()); for (let { name, value } in array.iterValues(node.attributes)) { if (name == "dactyl:highlight") { Set.add(styles, value); name = "class"; value = "hl-" + value; } if (name == "href") { value = node.href || value; if (value.indexOf("dactyl://help-tag/") == 0) { let uri = services.io.newChannel(value, null, null).originalURI; value = uri.spec == value ? "javascript:;" : uri.path.substr(1); } if (!/^#|[\/](#|$)|^[a-z]+:/.test(value)) value = value.replace(/(#|$)/, ".xhtml$1"); } if (name == "src" && value.indexOf(":") > 0) { chromeFiles[value] = value.replace(/.*\//, ""); value = value.replace(/.*\//, ""); } data.push(" ", name, '="', <>{value}.toXMLString().replace(/"/g, """), '"'); } if (node.localName in empty) data.push(" />"); else { data.push(">"); if (node instanceof HTMLHeadElement) data.push(.toXMLString()); Array.map(node.childNodes, fix); data.push(""); } break; case Node.TEXT_NODE: data.push(<>{node.textContent}.toXMLString()); } } let chromeFiles = {}; let styles = {}; for (let [file, ] in Iterator(help.files)) { let url = "dactyl://help/" + file; dactyl.open(url); util.waitFor(function () content.location.href == url && buffer.loaded && content.document.documentElement instanceof HTMLHtmlElement, 15000); events.waitForPageLoad(); var data = [ '\n', '\n' ]; fix(content.document.documentElement); addDataEntry(file + ".xhtml", data.join("")); } let data = [h for (h in highlight) if (Set.has(styles, h.class) || /^Help/.test(h.class))] .map(function (h) h.selector .replace(/^\[.*?=(.*?)\]/, ".hl-$1") .replace(/html\|/g, "") + "\t" + "{" + h.cssText + "}") .join("\n"); addDataEntry("help.css", data.replace(/chrome:[^ ")]+\//g, "")); addDataEntry("tag-map.json", JSON.stringify(help.tags)); let m, re = /(chrome:[^ ");]+\/)([^ ");]+)/g; while ((m = re.exec(data))) chromeFiles[m[0]] = m[2]; for (let [uri, leaf] in Iterator(chromeFiles)) addURIEntry(leaf, uri); if (zip) zip.close(); } }) }, { }, { commands: function init_commands(dactyl, modules, window) { const { commands, completion, help } = modules; [ { name: "h[elp]", description: "Open the introductory help page" }, { name: "helpa[ll]", description: "Open the single consolidated help page" } ].forEach(function (command) { let consolidated = command.name == "helpa[ll]"; commands.add([command.name], command.description, function (args) { dactyl.assert(!args.bang, _("help.dontPanic")); help.help(args.literalArg, consolidated); }, { argCount: "?", bang: true, completer: function (context) completion.help(context, consolidated), literal: 0 }); }); }, completion: function init_completion(dactyl, modules, window) { const { completion } = modules; completion.help = function completion_help(context, consolidated) { dactyl.initHelp(); context.title = ["Help"]; context.anchored = false; context.completions = help.tags; if (consolidated) context.keys = { text: 0, description: function () "all" }; }; }, mappings: function init_mappings(dactyl, modules, window) { const { help, mappings, modes } = modules; mappings.add([modes.MAIN], ["", ""], "Open the introductory help page", function () { help.help(); }); mappings.add([modes.MAIN], ["", ""], "Open the single, consolidated help page", function () { modules.ex.helpall(); }); }, javascript: function init_javascript(dactyl, modules, window) { modules.JavaScript.setCompleter([modules.help.exportHelp], [function (context, args) overlay.activeModules.completion.file(context)]); } }); endModule(); // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 ts=4 et ft=javascript: