// Copyright (c) 2008-2011 by Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. "use strict"; Components.utils.import("resource://dactyl/bootstrap.jsm"); defineModule("highlight", { exports: ["Highlight", "Highlights", "highlight"], require: ["services", "styles", "util"], use: ["template"] }, this); var Highlight = Struct("class", "selector", "sites", "defaultExtends", "defaultValue", "value", "extends", "agent", "base", "baseClass", "style"); Highlight.liveProperty = function (name, prop) { this.prototype.__defineGetter__(name, function () this.get(name)); this.prototype.__defineSetter__(name, function (val) { if (isObject(val) && name !== "style") { if (isArray(val)) val = Array.slice(val); else val = update({}, val); Object.freeze(val); } this.set(name, val); if (name === "value" || name === "extends") for (let h in highlight) if (h.extends.indexOf(this.class) >= 0) h.style.css = h.css; this.style[prop || name] = this[prop || name]; }); } Highlight.liveProperty("agent"); Highlight.liveProperty("extends", "css"); Highlight.liveProperty("value", "css"); Highlight.liveProperty("selector", "css"); Highlight.liveProperty("sites"); Highlight.liveProperty("style", "css"); Highlight.defaultValue("baseClass", function () /^(\w*)/.exec(this.class)[0]); Highlight.defaultValue("selector", function () highlight.selector(this.class)); Highlight.defaultValue("sites", function () this.base ? this.base.sites : ["resource://dactyl*", "dactyl:*", "file://*"].concat( highlight.styleableChrome)); Highlight.defaultValue("style", function () styles.system.add("highlight:" + this.class, this.sites, this.css, this.agent, true)); Highlight.defaultValue("defaultExtends", function () []); Highlight.defaultValue("defaultValue", function () ""); Highlight.defaultValue("extends", function () this.defaultExtends); Highlight.defaultValue("value", function () this.defaultValue); update(Highlight.prototype, { get base() this.baseClass != this.class && highlight.highlight[this.baseClass] || null, get bases() array.compact(this.extends.map(function (name) highlight.get(name))), get inheritedCSS() { if (this.gettingCSS) return ""; try { this.gettingCSS = true; return this.bases.map(function (b) b.cssText.replace(/;?\s*$/, "; ")).join(""); } finally { this.gettingCSS = false; } }, get css() this.selector + "{" + this.cssText + "}", get cssText() this.inheritedCSS + this.value, toString: function () "Highlight(" + this.class + ")\n\t" + [k + ": " + String(v).quote() for ([k, v] in this)] .join("\n\t") }); /** * A class to manage highlighting rules. * * @author Kris Maglione */ var Highlights = Module("Highlight", { init: function () { this.highlight = {}; this.loaded = {}; }, keys: function keys() Object.keys(this.highlight).sort(), __iterator__: function () values(this.highlight).sort(function (a, b) String.localeCompare(a.class, b.class)) .iterValues(), _create: function (agent, args) { let obj = Highlight.apply(Highlight, args); if (!isArray(obj.sites)) obj.set("sites", obj.sites.split(",")); if (!isArray(obj.defaultExtends)) obj.set("defaultExtends", obj.defaultExtends.split(",")); obj.set("agent", agent); obj.set("defaultValue", Styles.append("", obj.get("defaultValue"))); let old = this.highlight[obj.class]; this.highlight[obj.class] = obj; // This *must* come before any other property changes. if (old) { obj.selector = old.selector; obj.style = old.style; } if (/^[[>+: ]/.test(args[1])) obj.selector = this.selector(obj.class) + args[1]; else if (args[1]) obj.selector = this.selector(args[1]); if (old && old.value != old.defaultValue) obj.value = old.value; if (!old && obj.base && obj.base.style.enabled) obj.style.enabled = true; else this.loaded.__defineSetter__(obj.class, function () { delete this[obj.class]; this[obj.class] = true; if (obj.class === obj.baseClass) for (let h in highlight) if (h.baseClass === obj.class) this[h.class] = true; obj.style.enabled = true; }); return obj; }, get: function (k) this.highlight[k], set: function (key, newStyle, force, append, extend) { let [, class_, selectors] = key.match(/^([a-zA-Z_-]+)(.*)/); let highlight = this.highlight[key] || this._create(false, [key]); let bases = extend || highlight.extend; if (append) { newStyle = Styles.append(highlight.value || "", newStyle); bases = highlight.extends.concat(bases); } if (/^\s*$/.test(newStyle)) newStyle = null; if (newStyle == null && extend == null) { if (highlight.defaultValue == null && highight.defaultExtends.length == 0) { highlight.style.enabled = false; delete this.loaded[highlight.class]; delete this.highlight[highlight.class]; return null; } newStyle = highlight.defaultValue; bases = highlight.defaultExtends; } highlight.set("value", newStyle || ""); highlight.extends = array.uniq(bases, true); if (force) highlight.style.enabled = true; this.highlight[highlight.class] = highlight; return highlight; }, /** * Clears all highlighting rules. Rules with default values are * reset. */ clear: function () { for (let [k, v] in Iterator(this.highlight)) this.set(k, null, true); }, /** * Highlights a node with the given group, and ensures that said * group is loaded. * * @param {Node} node * @param {string} group */ highlightNode: function (node, group, applyBindings) { node.setAttributeNS(NS.uri, "highlight", group); let groups = group.split(" "); for each (let group in groups) this.loaded[group] = true; if (applyBindings) for each (let group in groups) if (group in template.bindings) template.bindings[group](node, applyBindings); }, /** * Gets a CSS selector given a highlight group. * * @param {string} class */ selector: function (class_) let (self = this) class_.replace(/(^|[>\s])([A-Z]\w+)\b/g, function (m, n1, hl) n1 + (self.highlight[hl] && self.highlight[hl].class != class_ ? self.highlight[hl].selector : "[dactyl|highlight~=" + hl + "]")), groupRegexp: util.regexp(, "gmx"), sheetRegexp: util.regexp( (?:[^;\s]|\s[^;\s])+ ) (?:; (?P (?:[^;\s]|\s[^;\s])+ )? )? (?:; (?P (?:[^;\s]|\s[^;\s])+ )? )? (?:; (?P (?:[^;\s]|\s[^;\s])+ )? )? \s* (?P .*) $ ]]>, "x"), /** * Bulk loads new CSS rules, in the format of, * * Rules ::= Rule | Rule "\n" Rule * Rule ::= Bang? Star? MatchSpec Space Space+ Css * | Comment * Comment ::= Space* "//" * * Bang ::= "!" * Star ::= "*" * MatchSpec ::= Class * | Class ";" Selector * | Class ";" Selector ";" Sites * | Class ";" Selector ";" Sites ";" Extends * CSS ::= CSSLine | "{" CSSLines "}" * CSSLines ::= CSSLine | CSSLine "\n" CSSLines * * Where Class is the name of the sheet, Selector is the CSS * selector for the style, Sites is the comma-separated list of site * filters to apply the style to. * * If Selector is not provided, it defaults to [dactyl|highlight~={Class}]. * If it is provided and begins with any of "+", ">" or " ", it is * appended to the default. * * If Sites is not provided, it defaults to the chrome documents of * the main application window, dactyl help files, and any other * dactyl-specific documents. * * If Star is provided, the style is applied as an agent sheet. * * The new styles are lazily activated unless Bang or *eager* is * provided. See {@link Util#xmlToDom}. * * @param {string} css The rules to load. See {@link Highlights#css}. * @param {boolean} eager When true, load all provided rules immediately. */ loadCSS: function (css, eager) { String.replace(css, this.groupRegexp, function (m, m1, m2) m1 + " " + m2.replace(/\n\s*/g, " ")) .split("\n").filter(function (s) /\S/.test(s) && !/^\s*\/\//.test(s)) .forEach(function (highlight) { let bang = eager || /^\s*!/.test(highlight); let star = /^\s*!?\*/.test(highlight); highlight = this._create(star, this.sheetRegexp.exec(highlight).slice(1)); if (bang) highlight.style.enabled = true; }, this); for (let h in this) h.style.css = h.css; } }, { }, { commands: function (dactyl, modules) { const { autocommands, commands, completion, CommandOption, config, io } = modules; let lastScheme; commands.add(["colo[rscheme]"], "Load a color scheme", function (args) { let scheme = args[0]; if (lastScheme) lastScheme.unload(); if (scheme == "default") highlight.clear(); else { lastScheme = modules.io.sourceFromRuntimePath(["colors/" + scheme + "." + config.fileExtension]); dactyl.assert(lastScheme, "E185: Cannot find color scheme " + scheme); } autocommands.trigger("ColorScheme", { name: scheme }); }, { argCount: "1", completer: function (context) completion.colorScheme(context) }); commands.add(["hi[ghlight]"], "Set the style of certain display elements", function (args) { let style = ; let clear = args[0] == "clear"; if (clear) args.shift(); let [key, css] = args; let modify = css || clear || args["-append"] || args["-link"]; if (!modify && /&$/.test(key)) [clear, modify, key] = [true, true, key.replace(/&$/, "")]; dactyl.assert(!(clear && css), "E488: Trailing characters"); if (!modify) modules.commandline.commandOutput( template.tabular(["Key", "Sample", "Link", "CSS"], ["padding: 0 1em 0 0; vertical-align: top; max-width: 16em; overflow: hidden;", "text-align: center"], ([h.class, XXX, template.map(h.extends, template.highlight), template.highlightRegexp(h.value, /\b[-\w]+(?=:)/g)] for (h in highlight) if (!key || h.class.indexOf(key) > -1)))); else if (!key && clear) highlight.clear(); else if (key) highlight.set(key, css, clear, "-append" in args, args["-link"]); else util.assert(false, "Invalid arguments"); }, { // TODO: add this as a standard highlight completion function? completer: function (context, args) { // Complete a highlight group on :hi clear ... if (args.completeArg > 0 && args[0] == "clear") args.completeArg = args.completeArg > 1 ? -1 : 0; if (args.completeArg == 0) completion.highlightGroup(context); else if (args.completeArg == 1) { let hl = highlight.get(args[0]); if (hl) context.completions = [[hl.value, "Current Value"], [hl.defaultValue || "", "Default Value"]]; context.fork("css", 0, completion, "css"); } }, hereDoc: true, literal: 1, options: [ { names: ["-append", "-a"], description: "Append new CSS to the existing value" }, { names: ["-link", "-l"], description: "Link this group to another", type: CommandOption.LIST, completer: function (context, args) { let group = args[0] && highlight.get(args[0]); if (group) context.fork("extra", 0, this, function (context) [ [String(group.extends), "Current Value"], [String(group.defaultExtends) || "", "Default Value"] ]); context.fork("groups", 0, completion, "highlightGroup"); } } ], serialize: function () [ { command: this.name, arguments: [v.class], literalArg: v.value } for (v in Iterator(highlight)) if (v.value != v.defaultValue) ] }); }, completion: function (dactyl, modules) { const { completion, config, io } = modules; completion.colorScheme = function colorScheme(context) { context.title = ["Color Scheme", "Runtime Path"]; context.keys = { text: function (f) f.leafName.replace(RegExp("\\." + config.fileExtension + "$"), ""), description: ".parent.path" }; context.completions = array.flatten( io.getRuntimeDirectories("colors").map( function (dir) dir.readDirectory().filter( function (file) RegExp("\\." + config.fileExtension + "$").test(file.leafName)))); }; completion.highlightGroup = function highlightGroup(context) { context.title = ["Highlight Group", "Value"]; context.completions = [[v.class, v.value] for (v in highlight)]; }; }, javascript: function (dactyl, modules, window) { modules.JavaScript.setCompleter(["get", "set"].map(function (m) highlight[m]), [ function (context, obj, args) Iterator(highlight.highlight) ]); modules.JavaScript.setCompleter(["highlightNode"].map(function (m) highlight[m]), [ null, function (context, obj, args) Iterator(highlight.highlight) ]); } }); // catch(e){dump(e.fileName+":"+e.lineNumber+": "+e+"\n" + e.stack);} endModule(); // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 ts=4 et ft=javascript: