2009-XX-XX: * version 2.2a1pre * IMPORTANT: Map.flags has been replaced with individual properties. Mappings defined in plugins with mappings.add will need to be updated. E.g. mappings.add(..., { flags: Mappings.flags.ARGUMENT | Mappings.flags.COUNT | Mappings.flags.MOTION | Mappings.flags.ALLOW_EVENT_ROUTING }); is now mappings.add(..., { arg: true, count: true, motion: true, route: true }); * IMPORTANT: shifted key notation now matches Vim's behaviour. E.g. and are equivalent, to map the uppercase character use . - Is this still true, or going to be true? --djk * add '-javascript' flag to :autocommand * add 'private' - enter private browsing mode, matching 'PrivateMode' autocommand * add -description option to :command * command-line options are now supported via the host application's -liberator option * add ;i and ;I for opening image location (in new tab) * add all.html to show all help sections in a single page - available via :help all * add ;c extended hint mode - open the context menu * add @: mapping - repeat the last Ex command * add \ mapping - toggle between rendered and source view 2009-05-21: * version 2.1 * IMPORTANT: Default value of 'complete' has been changed from 'sfl' to 'slf' * massively speed up :open completions * TabMixPlus (and other tab extensions) should work much better now together with Vimperator unless you :set guioptions+=[nN] * remove 'preload' option. You can fake it by some custom javascript in your init file * add :frameonly * add :stopall * add :tabdo * add 'encoding' * add 'hintinputs' * add :silent * add $MY_VIMPERATORRC * add ' and " local marks * add "w" and "W" Normal mode mappings for symmetry with o/O and t/T * add :messclear * add 'maxitems' * as usual many small bug fixes 2009-03-28: * version 2.0 * IMPORTANT: For compatibility with vim, guioptions=b has been renamed 'B'. 'b' now represents the bottom scrollbar. * IMPORTANT: :set now sets multiple options, as in Vim. Spaces in values must be quoted or escaped. * IMPORTANT: Due to much improved autocompletion, changed default 'complete' option value to 'sfl', listing intelligent Firefox location bar results. Using 'b' or 'h' might cause problems/massive slowdowns, use with care! * IMPORTANT: AlwaysHint mode with ;F mode changed the semantics slightly. * IMPORTANT: command actions now take an args object, returned from commands.parseArgs, as their first argument. This will break any commands not using the args parser explicitly. The old string value is now available via args.string. * IMPORTANT: 'verbose' is now used for message levels. Logging is controlled by the extensions.liberator.loglevel preference. * IMPORTANT: :viusage and :exusage now jump to the help index, use the special versions for the old behavior. * IMPORTANT: renamed Startup and Quit autocmd events to VimperatorEnter and VimperatorLeave respectively. * IMPORTANT: 'verbose' is now by default at 1, set to 0 to not show any status messages. * IMPORTANT: $VIMPERATOR_HOME is no longer used. * Selecting an with hints now causes the commandline to prompt for file input (instead of doing nothing). * [count] now goes to the [count]th next tab rather than the [count]th tab. * add ~/.vimperator/info/{profile}/, similar to viminfo * add $VIMPERATOR_RUNTIME, $VIMPERATOR_INIT * :hardcopy now supports output redirection to a file on Unix and MacUnix * add ";f" extended hint mode to focus a frame * add "r", "l", and "b" to 'guioptions' to toggle the scrollbars. * remove spaces and newlines when open urls starting with http:// or similar before :o http://linux .com would search for http://linux and for .com, now it just opens linux.com. Also handy when pasting broken urls with p or P. * add 'wildcase' option * 'linkbgcolor', 'linkfgcolor', ... have been replaced with highlight groups, HintElem and HintActive * new 'followhints' option * :buffers supports a filter now to only list buffers matching filter (vim incompatible, but consistent with other commands) * Favicon support in many places * add 'Fullscreen' autocommmand * add :colorscheme * multibyte support for hints (thanks Xie&Tian) * add 'exrc' * add 'errorbells' * add shell command completion for :! * add :map to prevent a mapping from being echoed (might be slow currently, however) * add guioptions=nN to number tabs * add :loadplugins command * add . mapping * add N% normal mode command * add interpolation for items such as to autocommands * add -nargs, -complete, -bang, and -count attribute support to :command * much improved completion support, including javascript, option, and search keyword * add / and / command-line mappings for selecting the previous and next history items * remove 'hintstyle', 'hlsearchstyle', 't_vb' and 'visualbellstyle' - use :highlight {Hint,Search,Bell} * add :highlight * add :optionusage * add :doautocmd and :doautoall * add :style and :delstyle commands, allow :so to source stylesheets * add DOMLoad autocmd event * add :messages and 'messages' * add :runtime * add 'runtimepath' * allow ; hints to work in the multiline output widget * add :scriptnames * add commandline completion to 'activate', 'cpt', 'defsearch', 'pageinfo', 'newtab' and 'popups' * add 'helpfile' option * add 'wildignore' option * add :finish command * new events BookmarkAdd, ShellCmdPost, VimperatorLeavePre, DownloadPost * add 'cdpath' option * allow :dialog to open the cookies manager * add 'loadplugins' option * add count support to C-^ (Kazuo) * add 'eventignore' option * add :tabdetach command * new ;b extended hint mode (thanks Daniel Schaffrath) * :qa! and :q! quit forcefully, as in vim * stop macro playback on * :bmark now updates a bookmark, if possible. :bmark! adds a new one * :dialog and :sidebar arguments are now case-insensitive * many bug fixes 2008-08-16: * version 1.2 * IMPORTANT: changed :command to behave like Vim's version. Eg. An alert command specified previously as :command AlertMe alert(args) should now be defined as :command AlertMe :js alert() * IMPORTANT: changed (again) the default keybinding to temporarily disable all Vimperator keybindings from ctrl-q to ctrl-z since many users complained about hitting ctrl-q twice and exiting vimperator * IMPORTANT: removed old :buffers! buffer window, as it was ugly and slightly broken use "B" or :buffers instead * IMPORTANT: input fields are not blured anymore by default after a page has loaded use :set [no]focuscontent to control the behavior (thanks Paul Sobey for the generous donation which made this behavior possible) * IMPORTANT: ctrl-x/a never take possible negative URLs into account, it was just too unpredictable * performance fix by using cached history, should save about 5ms on each pageload * add :emenu for accessing the Firefox main menu items from the command line * add 'shell' and 'shellcmdflag' options * :tabprevious, :bprevious, :tabnext, :bnext and friends now accept a prefix count * add :comclear and :delcommand * add a special version to :hardcopy to skip the Print dialog * add :bl[ast], :bf[irst], :br[ewind] to go to first/last tab * add :bn[ext], :bp[revious], :bN[ext] to switch to next/previous tab * add :pagestyle command to allow for switching between alternate style sheets * add :b# to select the alternate buffer * add :tabduplicate command * new 'urlseparator' option for specifying the regexp used to split the arg to :open, :tabopen and :winopen * :set editor now accepts quoting/escaping to use an editor with spaces in the path * support for :%foo as a count for commands (not yet widely used) * show informative message when a background tab was loaded, especially useful with a hidden tab bar. * new "l" flag for 'complete' to reuse the Firefox awesome bar for getting better completions for :open. Works only when 'wildoptions' contains "auto" and can be a little buggy if you are typing too fast. * new wildoptions=auto option (default off for now), to automatically list completions without the need to press the tab key * new argument parser for ex commands, should tell better error messages when you do things like :bmark -tag=a,b instead of :bmark -tags=a,b * some option values can be tab-completed now; e.g., :set wim= * :bdelete accepts an optional argument now * renamed some :autocmd, mainly BrowserStartup -> Startup and BrowserExit -> Quit * don't pass certain keys like ctrl-o or ctrl-n to firefox in insert mode * keywords in :open have higher priority than local files now * add :set online to control the "work offline" menu item * add :jumps command to list current tab's history * add :setlocal & :setglobal commands, so options can be local (per tab) & global * many small bug fixes 2008-06-03: * version 1.1 * IMPORTANT: security update for suggest engines * try to add .exe automatically to filenames on windows, so :set editor=gvim -f will automatically invoke gvim.exe (if it's in the path). Thanks to Guido Van Hoecke * readded visualbellstyle (thanks mauke) * new popups=4 option * many bug fixes as usual 2008-05-14: * version 1.0 * IMPORTANT: THIS VERSION ONLY WORKS WITH FIREFOX 3.0 beta3 or newer * IMPORTANT: Major hints rewrite read up the new help for the f, F and ; commands for details removed the following hint options: 'hintchars' 'maxhints' added the following hint options: 'hinttimeout', 'hintmatching', 'wordseperators' * IMPORTANT: changed 'I' key to Ctrl-Q to also work in textboxes * IMPORTANT: :bmarks! and :history! open the matching items now in a tab, instead of bringing up the bookmarks/history window * IMPORTANT: "B" mapping now works just like :buffers, old bufferwindow will be removed at some time. Use B5gt to jump to the 5th tab. * also go to INSERT mode for HTMLSelectElements, so you can type text to go to element in drop down boxes * new "S" flag for "complete" to list google suggestions in :open vimp and pressing tab (disabled by default). Also added new 'suggestengines' option. * gi accepts now a count to jump to the nth input field * ctrl-t on input fields starts a very basic vi-mode * :play for playing a recorded macro * :[del]macros [regex] for listing/deleting recorded macros * :set! now lets you change about:config prefs similar to :set * new :command to add user defined commands * new setCustomMode for plugin writers * :au[tocmd] executes commands on events (only 'PageLoad' actually) on websites * @@ to repeat last macro * new macro commands q[a-z0-9] and @[a-z0-9] to replay them (thanks Marco!) * scroll commands like j/k/gg/etc. have a much better heuristic to find a scrollable frame * imap, inoremap, iunmap and imapclear added * new g0 and g$ mappings to go to the first/last tab * new gf and gF mappings and ;v and ;V hints mode to view the source code * new 'history' option for specifying the number of Ex commands and search patterns to store in the commandline history * new ctrl-x and ctrl-a mappings to increment the last number in the URL * new ~ mapping to open the home directory * :open tries to open a relative filename now, if you do a :open foo.html or :open ../hello.txt; * new :cd and :pwd commands * new :dialog command to open various firefox dialogs * new a and A mappings to deal with bookmarks * added ]] and [[ to navigate to the next/previous document based on the regexp specified in 'nextpattern' and 'previouspattern' (thanks kidd) * abbreviations for text fields (:abbr etc.) (thanks calmar) * you can edit textfields with Ctrl-i now using an external editor (thanks to Joseph Xu) * :open, :bmarks, etc. filter on space separated tokens now, so you can search with :open linux windows <tab> all your bookmarks/history which contain linux AND windows in the url or title * tags and keyword support for :bmark * added full zoom, and changed keybindings slightly for text zoom * improvements for scrollable -- more -- prompt * sites like msn.com or yahoo.com don't focus search field anymore on keydown * new gi browser command to focus last used (or the first as a fallback) input box * edit TEXTAREAs with many vim commands in a vim and even visual mode if you :set noinsertmode * support for emacs/bash-like ctrl-e/a/u/k/h keys in single line text fields * support for * and # mappings to search for the text selection or the text under the cursor * Escape finally clears any selection made in the document * initial start of caret mode. Start with 'i', stop with Escape; * new "newtab" option for opening the command output in a new tab and better :tab support * many small bug fixes and enhancements 2007-12-21: * version 0.5.3 * IMPORTANT: options are no longer automatically stored - use the ~/.vimperatorrc file instead for persistent options * :tabnext and :tabprevious now accept an argument * the count to gT now specifies a relative tab motion like Vim * new :pa[geinfo] command, and ctrl-g and g,ctrl-g mappings (thanks Marco Candrian) * added new :mkvimperatorrc command * remove :redraw and Ctrl-L commands as they rely on FF3 features * :ls, :history and :bmarks output is now hyperlinked * new gb and gB mappings to repeat the last :buffer[!] command, * :q doesn't close the whole browser, if there are more than one windows * new :winclose command * b calls :buffer! now instead of :buffer * [+], [-] and [+-] in the statusline, whether we can go back, forward, or both * :set showtabline now finally works as expected for all values * many other small bug fixes 2007-10-11: * version 0.5.2 * changed semantics of :set[!] and :prefs[!] a little, :set shows now all non-default options, use :prefs! to get the about:config window * added "s" and "a" mappings to extended hints mode for saving hint targets * "d", "D" and :bdelete support count now * :back/:forward can use tabcompletion * :undoall support, and tabcompletion for :undo * new :redraw and Ctrl-L commands for forced redrawing of the screen * added new 'laststatus' option and removed "s" value from 'guioptions' * Tab-completion improvements for :javascript and :open * IMPORTANT: changed semantics of :echo and :echoerr: Strings must be quoted with " or ' now, but you can do things like :echo 3+2 or :echo window.document now * statusline is now white on black with bold font by default (like in (g)vim) (change with userChrome.css if you don't like it until we have :colorscheme) * :let mapleader="," and in :map support * added new :let and :unlet commands * :b2 now allowed, no space required before the 2 anymore * :! to run commands through system() * separated search and Ex command history * added 'visualbellstyle' for styling/hiding the visual bell * merge the existing status bar with the standard FF status bar so that security information and extension buttons are included * :buffer partial_string works now as in vim, and with ! even better * new :time command for profiling * added new :sidebar and :sbclose commands * added 'more' and standard more-prompt key mappings to control behaviour of the message list pager * added 'hlsearchstyle' option to allow for user CSS styling of the highlighted text strings when 'hlsearch' is set * added 'linksearch' option to restrict page searches to link text - \L and \l can be used in the search pattern to override 'linksearch' * vimperator trys to stay in command mode after loading pages instead of having a text field focused * added a visual bell and replaced 'beep' with 'visualbell' * added vimperator logo (can be seen in the addons manager) * added 'hlsearch','incsearch', 'ignorecase' and 'smartcase' options * many small bug fixes and enhancments 2007-09-03: * version 0.5.1 * native / and ? search and n and N working again * the URL in the status line can be selected with the mouse again * the Windows default RC file is now ~/_vimperatorrc and the plugin directory is ~/vimperator/plugin * commandline history now works properly on Windows * filename completion now works on Windows * the Bookmarks Toolbar Folder is now read when bookmarks are first loaded - it was skipped entirely in the past * fixed search for :open (previously needed to do :o ONCE to initialize them) * added :set {option}! support to toggle a boolean option's value * added :set all and :set all& support to show the current value of all options and to reset all options to their default value * :tabmove! wrapping works again 2007-08-16: * version 0.5 * :map support (also :noremap, :unmap) * :bmarks and :history now use the multiline message window for output * rename :bm, :bmadd, and :bmdel to :bmarks, :bmark, and :delbmarks respectively * new :normal command * the command line keeps focus now, even when clicking outside of it * vimperator.events.feedkeys("2zi") support for scripts * Ctrl-U/Ctrl-D for scrolling the window up/down and the associated 'scroll' option * files in ~/.vimperator/plugin/ are auto-sourced * :winopen support (multiple windows still very very experimental) * 'activate' option implemented * search engines which use POST instead of GET work now * :javascript < green, broken sites -> red in the statusbar * Vimperator now sets the window title, so it's "vimperator.mozdev.org - Vimperator" instead of "vimperator.mozdev.org - Mozilla Firefox" Use :set titlestring=... to change it back (help from Hannes Rist) * :tabmove command (by Doug Kearns) * 'showstatuslinks' option to control where/if we show the destination of a hovered link * :version! shows firefox version page * hovered links appear in the command line again, not statusbar * :help now opens in the current tab even for xhtml pages like "about:" * hints work on xhtml pages now (you need to reset the 'hinttags' and 'extendedhinttags' settings with :set hinttags& and :set extendedhinttags&) * :set option& resets the option to the default value * added :tabonly and :tabrewind and :tablast commands and some futher aliases :tabNext, etc. (by Doug Kearns) * added vimparator.vim for .vimperatorrc syntax highlighting in the XPI (by Doug Kearns) * Added keyword support for bookmarks to the :[tab]open commands * many small bug fixes and enhancements 2007-05-02: * version 0.4.1 * Fixed bug that :open google.com/mail opened ".com/mail" in google search * made etc. perform the default action, so menus kinda work, and it doesn't beep anymore on tab. * added 'defsearch' setting for setting default search engine 2007-05-01: * version 0.4 * extension GUID was changed to 'vimperator@mozdev.net' -> YOU WILL HAVE TO UNINSTALL ANY OLD VIMPERATOR INSTALLATION BEFORE INSTALLING THIS VERSION * support for internal search engines was dropped. Now we use Firefox search engines * support for 'wildmode' completion setting with support for matching the longest common substring. Also new 'wildoptions' setting * added 'f' to the 'complete' option to allow listing of filenames in :open prompt * changed regexp search to normal text search for completion -> massive speedup, but limited functionality * support for :open ./ , :open .. and :open ... (patch from Lee Hinman) 'gu' and goes up a directory component, gU and to the root directory * Esc now doesn't stop loading the webpage, use Ctrl-c instead, :stop command added * changed hinttags to work with dict.leo.org and hintstyle to work with digg.com * :back! goes to beginning of history now * diabled firefox 3.0 support for now, as there are just too many small bugs * new Makefile instead of build.sh (only important for developers) * newly designed help page * :help section supported, :help :set will show help for the :set command (patch from Viktor Kojouharov) * :source support, and auto-sourcing ~/.vimperatorrc on startup * :javascript <