heading:Hints[quick-hints,hints] Hints are the way in which Vimperator allows you to follow links on a page. By providing each link with a suitable hint, you can access all links with a similar amount of minimal effort. This contrasts strongly with the traditional approaches offered by the mouse, in which you must first find and then aim for the link you would like, and by using repeated tabbing which quickly becomes tedious unless you always visit the first link on a page. |f| + ||#f#{hint}|| ________________________________________________________________________________ Start QuickHint mode. In QuickHint mode, every hintable item (according to the 'hinttags' XPath query) is assigned a unique number. You can either type this number or type part of the link text as specified by the 'hintmatching' option, and it is followed as soon as it can be uniquely identified. Often it can be useful to combine these techniques to narrow down results with some letters, and then typing a single digit to make the match unique. Pressing [m][m] (defaults to [c]:let mapleader = "\"[c]) toggles "escape-mode", where numbers are treated as normal text. + [m][m] stops this mode at any time. ________________________________________________________________________________ |F| + ||#F#{hint}|| ________________________________________________________________________________ Start QuickHint mode, but open link in a new tab. Like normal QuickHint mode (activated with [m]f[m]) but opens the link in a new tab. The new tab will be loaded in background according to the \'browser.tabs.loadInBackground' Firefox preference. ________________________________________________________________________________ |extended-hints| + |;| + ||#;#{mode}{empty}{hint}|| ________________________________________________________________________________ Start an extended hint mode. ExtendedHint mode is useful for performing operations on hinted elements other than the default left mouse click. For example, you can yank link locations, open them in a new window or save images. If you want to yank the location of hint [a]24[a], press [m];y[m] to start this hint mode. Then press [a]24[a] to copy the hint location. {mode} can be one of: + * |;;| [m];[m] to focus a link and hover it with the mouse * |;?| [m]?[m] to show information about the element (incomplete) * |;s| [m]s[m] to save its destination * |;a| [m]a[m] to save its destination (prompting for save location) * |;f| [m]f[m] to focus a frame * |;o| [m]o[m] to open its location in the current tab * |;t| [m]t[m] to open its location in a new tab * |;b| [m]b[m] to open its location in a new background tab * |;w| [m]w[m] to open its destination in a new window * |;F| [m]F[m] to follow a sequence of [m][m]-delimited hints in background tabs * |;O| [m]O[m] to generate an [c]:open[c] with hint's URL (like [m]O[m]) * |;T| [m]T[m] to generate a [c]:tabopen[c] with hint's URL (like [m]T[m]) * |;W| [m]W[m] to generate a [c]:winopen[c] with hint's URL * |;v| [m]v[m] to view its destination source * |;V| [m]V[m] to view its destination source in the external editor * |;y| [m]y[m] to yank its destination location * |;Y| [m]Y[m] to yank its text description * |;c| [m]c[m] to open its context menu * |;i| [m]i[m] to open an image * |;I| [m]I[m] to open an image in a new tab. Hintable elements for all extended hint modes can be set in the 'extendedhinttags' XPath string. ________________________________________________________________________________ // vim: set filetype=asciidoc: