path: root/common/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'common/tests')
1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/common/tests/functional/testCommands.js b/common/tests/functional/testCommands.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0565c4c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/tests/functional/testCommands.js
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+// Runs a slew of generic command tests
+var dactyllib = require("dactyl");
+var setupModule = function (module) {
+ controller = mozmill.getBrowserController();
+ dactyl = new dactyllib.Controller(controller);
+ dactyl.dactyl.options["autocomplete"] = [];
+ dactyl.dactyl.options["wildmode"] = ["list"];
+var teardownModule = function (module) {
+ dactyl.teardown();
+var tests = {
+ "!": {
+ multiOutput: ["echo foo"]
+ },
+ abbreviate: {
+ someOutput: ["", "abc"],
+ noOutput: ["abc def", "-js abc def"],
+ completions: ["", "abc ", "-js abc "]
+ },
+ abclear: {
+ noOutput: [""]
+ },
+ addons: {
+ multiOutput: ["", "dactyl", "-type=extension", "-type=extension dactyl"]
+ },
+ autocmd: {
+ multiOutput: ["", "DOMLoad", "DOMLoad foo"],
+ noOutput: ["DOMLoad foo bar", "-js DOMLoad foo bar"],
+ completions: ["", "DOMLoad foo ", "-js DOMLoad foo "]
+ },
+ back: { noOutput: [""] },
+ bdelete: {
+ init: ["tabopen about:pentadactyl", "tabopen about:pentadactyl"],
+ noOutput: [""],
+ anyOutput: ["about:pentadactyl"]
+ },
+ bmark: {
+ anyOutput: ["bmark", "bmark -tags=foo -titlt=bar -keyword=baz -charset=UTF-8 -post=quux about:pentadactyl"],
+ error: ["bmark -tags=foo -titlt=bar -keyword=baz -charset=nonExistentCharset -post=quux about:pentadactyl"],
+ completions: [
+ "-max=1 -keyword=",
+ "-max=1 -keyword=foo -tags=",
+ "-max=1 -keyword=foo -tags=bar -title=",
+ "-max=1 -keyword=foo -tags=bar -title=baz -charset=",
+ "-max=1 -keyword=foo -tags=bar -title=baz -charset= about:"
+ ]
+ },
+ bmarks: {
+ multiOutput: ["-max=1", "-max=1 -keyword=foo -tags=bar -title=baz about:pentadactyl"],
+ completions: [
+ "-max=1 -keyword=",
+ "-max=1 -keyword=foo -tags=",
+ "-max=1 -keyword=foo -tags=bar -title=",
+ "-max=1 -keyword=foo -tags=bar -title=baz about:"
+ ]
+ },
+ buffer: {
+ anyOutput: ["", "1"],
+ noOutput: ["!", "! 1"],
+ completions: ["", "1"]
+ },
+ buffers: {
+ multiOutput: ["", "1"],
+ completions: ["", "1"]
+ },
+ cd: {
+ anyOutput: ["", "~/"],
+ completions: ["", "~/"]
+ },
+ colorscheme: {
+ error: ["", "some-non-existent-scheme"]
+ },
+ command: {
+ anyOutput: ["", "foo", "foo bar", "-js bar baz"],
+ error: ["foo bar", "-js bar baz"]
+ },
+ comclear: {
+ noOutput: [""]
+ },
+ contexts: {}, // Not testable in this manner
+ cookies: {
+ anyOutput: ["", " list"],
+ error: [""],
+ completions: ["", " "]
+ },
+ delbmarks: { anyOutput: ["", "about:pentadactyl"] },
+ delcommand: {
+ noOutput: ["foo"]
+ },
+ delmacros: {
+ error: [""],
+ noOutput: ["x"],
+ completions: ["", "x"]
+ },
+ delmapgroup: {}, // Skip for now
+ get delmarks() this.delmacros,
+ get delqmarks() this.delmacros,
+ delstyle: {
+ completions: [
+ "", "-name=", "-name=foo ", "-index=", "-index="
+ ]
+ },
+ dialog: {
+ // Skip implementation for now
+ completions: ["", "pre"]
+ },
+ doautoall: {}, // Skip for now
+ doautocmd: {}, // Skip for now
+ downloads: {
+ multiOutput: ["", "dactyl", "-type=extension", "-type=extension dactyl"]
+ },
+ echo: {
+ singleOutput: ["' - '"],
+ multiOutput: ["'\\n'", "window"],
+ completions: [
+ "",
+ "window",
+ "window.",
+ "window['",
+ "commands.get('"
+ ]
+ },
+ get echoerr() this.echo,
+ get echomsg() this.echo,
+ else: {}, // Skip for now
+ elseif: {}, // Skip for now
+ emenu: {
+ noOutput: ["View.Zoom.Zoom In", "View.Zoom.Zoom Out"],
+ error: [""],
+ completions: ["", "View."]
+ },
+ endif: {}, // Skip for now
+ execute: {
+ noOutput: ["", "'js " + "".quote() + "'"],
+ someOutput: ["'ls'"]
+ },
+ extadd: { error: [""] },
+ extdelete: { error: [""] },
+ extdisable: { error: [""] },
+ extenable: { error: [""] },
+ extoptions: { error: [""] },
+ extrehash: { error: [""] },
+ exttoggle: { error: [""] },
+ extupdate: { error: [""] },
+ feedkeys: {
+ noOutput: ["<Exc>"],
+ error: [""]
+ },
+ finish: { noOutput: [""] },
+ forward: { noOutput: [""] },
+ frameonly: { noOutput: [""] },
+ hardcopy: {}, // Skip for now
+ help: {
+ noOutput: ["", "intro"],
+ cleanup: ["tabdelete", "tabdelete"],
+ completions: ["", "'wild"]
+ },
+ get helpall(),
+ highlight: {
+ multiOutput: ["", "Help"],
+ noOutput: [
+ "Help foo: bar;",
+ "Help -group=FontCode",
+ "Help -group=FontCode foo: bar;"
+ ],
+ completions: [
+ "",
+ "Help",
+ "Help ",
+ "Help -group=",
+ "Help -group=FontCode ",
+ "Help foo: bar; -moz"
+ ]
+ },
+ history: {
+ anyOutput: ["-max=1", "-max=1 -sort=+date", "-max=1 dactyl"],
+ completions: [
+ "",
+ "dactyl",
+ "-sort=+",
+ "-sort=-",
+ "-sort=+date ",
+ "-sort=+date dactyl"
+ ]
+ },
+ if: {}, // Skip for now
+ javascript: {
+ noOutput: ["''", "'\\n'", "<pre>foo bar</pre>", "window"],
+ completions: [
+ "",
+ "window",
+ "window.",
+ "window['",
+ "commands.get('"
+ ]
+ },
+ jumps: {
+ multiOutput: [""]
+ },
+ keepalt: {
+ error: [""],
+ noOutput: ["js ''"],
+ anyOutput: ["echo 'foo'"]
+ },
+ let: {}, // Deprecated. Fuck it.
+ listcommands: {
+ anyOutput: ["", "in"],
+ completions: ["", "in "]
+ },
+ get listkeys() this.listcommands,
+ get listoptions() this.listcommands,
+ loadplugins: {},
+ macros: {
+ multiOutput: [""]
+ },
+ map: {
+ multiOutput: ["", "i"],
+ noOutput: ["i j", "-b i j", "-js i j()", "-ex i :j"]
+ },
+ mapclear: {
+ noOutput: [""]
+ },
+ mapgroup: {},
+ mark: {},
+ marks: {},
+ messages: {},
+ messclear: {},
+ mkpentadactylrc: {},
+ mksyntax: {},
+ mlistkeys: {},
+ mmap: {},
+ mmapclear: {},
+ mnoremap: {},
+ munmap: {},
+ nlistkeys: {},
+ nmap: {},
+ nmapclear: {},
+ nnoremap: {},
+ nohlfind: {},
+ noremap: {},
+ normal: {},
+ nunmap: {},
+ open: {},
+ pageinfo: {},
+ pagestyle: {},
+ preferences: {},
+ pwd: {},
+ qmark: {},
+ qmarks: {},
+ quit: {},
+ quitall: {},
+ redraw: {},
+ rehash: {},
+ reload: {},
+ reloadall: {},
+ restart: {},
+ runtime: {},
+ sanitize: {},
+ saveas: {},
+ sbclose: {},
+ scriptnames: {},
+ set: {},
+ setglobal: {},
+ setlocal: {},
+ sidebar: {},
+ silent: {},
+ source: {},
+ stop: {},
+ stopall: {},
+ style: {},
+ styledisable: {},
+ styleenable: {},
+ styletoggle: {},
+ tab: {},
+ tabattach: {},
+ tabdetach: {},
+ tabdo: {},
+ tabduplicate: {},
+ tablast: {},
+ tabmove: {},
+ tabnext: {},
+ tabonly: {},
+ tabopen: {},
+ tabprevious: {},
+ tabrewind: {},
+ time: {},
+ tlistkeys: {},
+ tmap: {},
+ tmapclear: {},
+ tnoremap: {},
+ toolbarhide: {},
+ toolbarshow: {},
+ toolbartoggle: {},
+ tunmap: {},
+ unabbreviate: {},
+ undo: {},
+ undoall: {},
+ unlet: {},
+ unmap: {},
+ verbose: {},
+ version: {},
+ viewsource: {},
+ vlistkeys: {},
+ vmap: {},
+ vmapclear: {},
+ vnoremap: {},
+ vunmap: {},
+ winclose: {},
+ window: {},
+ winonly: {},
+ winopen: {},
+ wqall: {},
+ yank: {},
+ zoom: {}
+var global = this;
+function addTest(cmdName, testName, func) {
+ global["testCommand_" + cmdName + "_" + testName] = func;
+function runCommands(cmdName, testName, commands, test) {
+ addTest(cmdName, testName, function () {
+ commands.forEach(function (cmd) {
+ // dump("CMD: " + cmdName + " " + cmd + "\n");
+ dactyl.clearMessage();
+ dactyl.closeMessageWindow();
+ cmd = cmdName + cmd.replace(/^(!?) ?/, "$1 ");
+ dactyl.runExCommand(cmd);
+ test(cmd);
+ });
+ });
+for (var val in Iterator(tests)) (function ([command, params]) {
+ if (params.init)
+ runCommands(command, "init", params.init, function () {});
+ // Goddamn stupid fucking MozMill and its stupid fucking sandboxes with their ancient fucking JS versions.
+ for (var val in Iterator(params)) (function ([testName, commands]) {
+ switch (testName) {
+ case "noOutput":
+ runCommands(command, testName, commands, function (cmd) {
+ dactyl.assertMessage(function (msg) !msg, "Unexpected command output: " + cmd);
+ });
+ break;
+ case "anyOutput":
+ runCommands(command, testName, commands, function (cmd) {});
+ break;
+ case "someOutput":
+ runCommands(command, testName, commands, function (cmd) {
+ dactyl.assertMessage(/./, "Expected command output: " + cmd);
+ });
+ break;
+ case "singleOutput":
+ runCommands(command, testName, commands, function (cmd) {
+ dactyl.assertMessageLine(/./, "Expected command output: " + cmd);
+ });
+ break;
+ case "multiOutput":
+ runCommands(command, testName, commands, function (cmd) {
+ dactyl.assertMessageWindowOpen(true, "Expected command output: " + cmd);
+ });
+ break;
+ case "error":
+ addTest(command, testName, function () {
+ commands.forEach(function (cmd) {
+ cmd = command + cmd.replace(/^(!?) ?/, "$1 ");
+ dactyl.assertMessageError(function () {
+ dactyl.runExCommand(cmd);
+ }, null, [], cmd);
+ });
+ });
+ break;
+ case "completions":
+ addTest(command, testName, function () {
+ commands.forEach(function (cmd) {
+ dactyl.runExCompletion(command + cmd.replace(/^(!?) ?/, "$1 "));
+ });
+ });
+ break;
+ }
+ })(val);
+ if (params.cleanup)
+ runCommands(command, "cleanup", params.cleanup, function () {});
+// vim: sw=4 ts=8 et: